Neuropathic Pain that cause burning, numbness, tingling, and in patients.

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Dr. Arash Bidgoli is a physical medicine and rehab specialist with a subspecialty training in pain management. Dr. Bidgoli discusses Neuropathic Pain that cause burning, numbness, tingling, and pain in patients.

This is what we call neuropathic pain. What we have here that we can perform at Comprehensive Spine Center of Dallas are what are called electrodiagnostic studies. These include EMG and NCB studies.

EMG stands for electromyography, and nerve conduction velocity testing. The test is designed to see if there is any nerve entrapment or nerve damage that is a source of your pain. The test can be slightly uncomfortable. The test involves using a gadget that delivers a small electrical impulse, at which time we're able to measure the speed and size of the nerve function.

The test does also involve a small needle that records the electrical activity of your muscles. This test allows us to identify if there's any nerve entrapment or nerve damage as a source of your pain.

So what we do is we put different electrodes on different places on the arms or the leg, depending on which body part we're testing. We send an electrical impulse, which travels through the path of the nerve, through the spine, into the brain. The brain states that the signal was received and will send an impulse back. And we're able to generate a tracing that indicates whether that was done as fast as it should be and if the response is as big as it should be.

And if there's any slowing anywhere along the path of the nerve, we'll be able to localize it. So patients that have had a pinched nerve in their neck that's causing neuropathic, or what we call radicular type, pain, this can be helpful in diagnosing the exact level at which the nerve root is damaged. Patients who also have symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome or cubital tunnel syndrome, or patients that have generalized complaints of weakness, burning, numbness, tingling could benefit from an electrodiagnostic evaluation.

We are a three physician practice, specializing in taking care of your spinal pain, diseases, and disorders that affect cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine, including spinal disc problems, degenerative conditions, spine fractures and personal injury incidents. For your convenience, we accept almost all major medical plans, worker’s compensation, as well as personal injury cases.


PHONE: 214-782-9222



Mesquite Office

18601 LBJ Freeway, Ste. 618
Mesquite, Texas 75150

North Dallas Office

10 Medical Parkway Plaza III Ste 206
Dallas, Texas 75234

Arlington Office

1000 North Davis Street Ste. G
Arlington, Texas 76012

Crescent Medical Center

2700 W Pleasant Run Rd, Ste 210
Lancaster TX

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//Filmed and Edited by: LEM
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Notice at the beginning he said…management. Avoid all health professionals who use that term. Their goal is not to cure you, it’s to see you frequently.


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Hello dr
I have tingling sensation in my upper back
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What can i do
Plz give some advice


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