Sharp, Burning, Tingling Top of Foot Pain? [FIX Your Nerve Pain!]

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🦶Do you have numbness, burning, or tingling on the top of the foot? We review pain on top of the foot when walking or running and the BEST top of foot pain treatment!🦶

Is the top of the foot numb? do you have an intermittent sharp pain on top of the foot? Do you have burning pain on top of the foot? This might be nerve pain on top of the foot or arthritis in the top of the foot.

0:00 Intermittent sharp pain on top of the foot & numb top of foot pain?
1:20 Causes of top of the foot pain
2:35 Nerve pain on top of the foot
2:55 Extensor tendonitis top of the foot pain
3:12 Sharp intermittent pain to the top of the foot
4:17 Top of the foot pain relief
4:50 Top of the foot pain massage
5:36 Top of the foot pain creams
5:50 Top of the foot pain medication
6:10 Top of the foot pain best shoes
7:50 Top of the foot pain best orthotics
9:03 Top of the foot pain best ankle braces
9:15 Cross training
10:50 Top of the foot pain best exercises
11:56 Top of the foot pain best stretches
12:32 Top of the foot pain best products

👉-- Shoes --👈
Our Recommended Shoes:

📢See a Podiatrist!📢
If you have a specific foot, ankle, or health problem, see a podiatrist. This information is NOT specific to your medical problem.

👉-- LINKS --👈
(With some links, we use affiliate links and may earn a commission. Check with your doctor before using any product!)

Best Top of the Foot Orthotics:

Top of the Foot Pain Products:

Top of the Foot Pain Stretching:

Best Ankle Braces:

📢Disclaimer:📢 This video and description contain affiliate links, which means we may receive a commission if you click on one of the product links. Thank you for your support of this channel!

This is opinion only:
For the viewer or reader: Do not consider this video as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. We strongly urge you to contact your own physician with any questions regarding your medical condition. If you are having an emergency, call 911 immediately or see your physician. Do not allow this information to let you disregard your professional's medical advice or delay seeking information from this content. Do not rely on information provided by this general education video.

Healthcare practitioners: The content here is for education purposes only. The authors have done their best to provide the most up-to-date evidence-based information, but this content should definitely not be considered any type of medical standard. It does not reflect individual practices in other geographic areas.

This is strictly for medical education purposes only, and it is not intended for diagnosis or treatment. The information in these videos is the author's opinion and is not an official opinion of any organizations that the authors may be a part of. The authors or speakers are not associated with any of the above products.
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Important NOTE: Peripheral neuropathy has many different causes & is likely not curable. Always see your personal doctor.


Thanks Dr Tom, this is a very informative video describing about my top of the foot pain.


No pain, just a tingling sensation each time I flex my left foot. Described exactly what I was feeling. Thanks for the info. It all made sense to why I was feeling this.


Fantastic, I'll try this for my feet pain.Thanks.


Hello doc thank you for your information some of your exercise on foot i did some of them bless you 👍


I've this issue in my lift ankle!
I am doing better with gentle gym workout(weight lifting) and basically everything showed in this video. I spent a year seeing doctors to tell me exactly what u r saying now. you showed everything in less than 15 mints. 💙💙


I'm so grateful to have come across your page. I've had flat feet since I was born. The doc didn't want to help until I stopped growing but I have back pain now. My right foot does not bend toes. It's stiff. N right knee cap hurts


I just got home and the top of my foot was in pain. Now I know why. Thank you


Wow that was a ton of information! Can’t wait to watch the favorite shoe video 🤘


Your video has helped me TREMENDOUSLY 😀 You touched on evert topic, from what's happening to what to do to get better! You are the BEST!


So much free information, you're a God send


I was in pain thank you 🙏 wow feel better 👍


I would love to see a video on CRPS of the foot. With your insights and tips thanks.


Thank you very much. This is one of the best informative videos I’ve seen. Much appreciated. ❤


Thank you, great information appreciated


Thanks for this video.... so helpful.

I ruptured my achilles tendon, and had surgical repair of the tendon. There's now numbness and hypersensitivity in my toes, my heel and the top of the foot.

Nobody really prepares you well for potential nerve damage and healing when you have foot surgery like this. Really appreciate it!


This was a great video, and great advice! Thank you for your knowledge


I was run over by a truck in March of 22 and my right foot was broken in several places. Then May 2nd, I had surgery on the foot with 4 metal plates installed. The surgery involved long incisions on the top of my foot. After the surgery, I started to have very bad burning pain on top of the arch, and also burning pain between my big toe and second toe, and pain on my smaller toes.


Thank you for the great information. I did the exercises and my foot has been relieved.


great man I have bad pain love this video
