STOP Wasting Time Playing Video Games NOW

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What are you wasting too much time on? Let me know in the comments below!


I'm super successful in my career and in the best shape of my life, and still feel like I'm wasting it on games.
My family deserves better and so do I.
Thanks for this man.


I think that endless, multiplayer games are the biggest problem. If you treat gaming as a way to experience different stories, artstyles and gameplay mechanics, then it's less likely to become an addiction and can even inspire some creativity. I think that playing high quality, interesting single player games in moderation is a healthy hobby, as opposed to grinding in MMOs.


One summer I bought guitar hero 2 and played it everyday for like 12 hours a day throughout the whole summer. I now reflect on the fact that had I simply practiced actual guitar I would be able to play a musical instrument.


I've wasted my life watching YouTube videos about how to stop wasting time! 😳


Lmao bro, I feel the whole “counting the hours of sleep” I literally did the same shit. I stopped gaming in August 2020 to focus on lifting/my YouTube channel. Leveling up your IRL character feels so much better 🤘thanks for the raw & real content homie


i’m getting bored of video games now. there’s more to life than them and i spend way too much time playing them since corona. i’m focusing on doing meaningful things with my life now. i don’t want to look back on my past and see that every memory i had was from video games and the temporary online friends i made. living a sedentary lifestyle is not good after a long time, it sucks. not gonna lie though, i played them for the entertainment and the challenge and it taught me that i could do whatever i set my mind to. i’ve mastered things i never thought i would, overcame steep learning curves and had lots of good times on them but when you do it everyday for a year it’s an addiction. i needed this video now more than ever. i hope anyone else who struggles with video game addiction will overcome it and realize this too.

thanks alot dorian.


When I got ill with schizophrenia I found that I didn't enjoy games anymore. I couldnt focus/concentrate on anything. This led me going down a path of going to the pub to ease my life. I used to eat and drink at the pub and waste my money. But I was bored out of my mind so it was the only thing I could do.

Be grateful with what you have. If you want to get a job then great, but understand that if you aren't ready when you leave gaming it can lead to far worse things.


I'm 40 now, been gaming my entire life and don't regret it at all. If Elon freaking Musk has time game, so does anyone else. I guess this is one of those things where you just need to treat gaming differently. For me, I just transitioned it to evening-time ONLY after the day has passed as an enjoyable way to wind down (and I find it better than, say, mindlessly scrolling Netflix). The only time I'll ever game when the sun hasn't fallen is on the weekend, and even then only occasionally. Works for me and doesn't interrupt my life at all or hold me back from progressing in other aspects of life. In fact, it gives me something to look forward to after a productive day.

Time enjoyed is not time wasted. But if you get ADDICTED and find yourself gaming when you wake up on a Monday morning, yeah, you likely have a problem.


I'm a 22 y/o aspiring web developer, who lives in Vegas as well, and I really needed this. I've been playing games since i was 5 and it's probably been one of the biggest constants in my life. I've known I have problem for a while now. Even while watching this video, i had the urge to open up steam and start playing something. I'm really addicted to video games and its been getting in the way of my self improvement. The thing you said about not really enjoying many other things really hit home with me because that's how I feel. Hearing your story really has put things into perspective for me. It's not going to be easy but I think I need to cut video games out of my life entirely. At least for a while. you're an amazing person and thank you for sharing your story. Its helped me a lot


You're going to continue to be blessed, brother. You never know who's gonna see your testimony!!


If I had spent half of the time playing video games on software development I would be a developer on sage mode by now 😁

Great video, Dorian!


Having an addiction to video games is actually a symptom of a bigger problem. Those that are not addicted to video games can use them responsibly. I work two jobs and live by myself. When I’m not doing chores or working, in the few hours of free time I have, I find settling into a story rich game to be like reading a novel; a respite from hard work. It would be amiss to think everyone is wasting their time by playing video games.


I remember going through a phase like this in my teenage years.. what a waste.. I didn't get addicted but I did spend full night's playing until the sun came up.. we'll never that time back... Great video Dorian, thanks for sharing


My approach to controlling my gaming has been a bit different. I noticed I'd sink thousands of hours into games that truly have no plot/ending. Counter-Strike, League, Dota, Apex, SF. These games I can play as much as I want and there is really no endpoint, especially if I obsessed myself to become the best. The High Skill Ceiling with no true end is what has doomed me to sinking probably more than 10, 000hrs if I were to add all these games together.

Now if I do have the urge to play, I play more story-driven games. It's easier to pause, and most importantly play in small increments. I find I can easily control myself to do a small story segment for about 30mins to an hour which I believe is a much healthier way to enjoy video games without feeling the guilt that I've wasted time.


Some people said "If you enjoy it then it's not a waste of time"


I'm gonna be honest, I've grinded for my career and have (and still do) play a ton of videogames. I would never put the same amount of time to improve my career/social life like I have when I was focussed on it. The times I had during gaming with my friends, the nights we still spend together playing and laughing together is worth more than any more 0's I could add to my account.


I don't know what it is with your videos, they unironically hit different. Games used to take over my life too, I don't play games anymore unless its with a group of friends and I restrict how much time I play. Your story really helps me keep going, there's also a really cool Ted Talk on Life Gameification by Mark Rober. I feel like a lot of people who watched this should watch that.


I wasted the last 5 years of my life playing video games and feeling sorry for myself because of a break up. I’m 22 btw

I didn’t literally nothing but play video games, pornography and maladaptive day dream. I had a couple jobs working as a warehouse worker while everyone was in university levelling up their lives. Instead I wasted all my money( I have no money) and I’m balding. It’s super depressing to acknowledge that it’s going to take me 10 years to “catch up” to where everyone is today. GG


I don't take this as hard as you, having fun in life is important, but in the other hand you have a family and kids, so you are literally in another dimension.
