Stop Wasting Time On YouTube! - Study Motivation

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ok here’s the truth: after I come home from work I eat and lay in my bed watching youtube till midnight. then I have to wake up at 7 o’clock in the morning and the first thing I do? I reach for my phone and check notifications. I don’t have facebook twitter or other apps just youtube. I can’t function. I can’t clean, work, go out. I think I’m depressed and this addiction is a way of coping with this shit. had to put it out there.


I only use youtube for studying purposes and everyone here should use it for their dream purposes.. and not let it use you.


Immediately i open a video i go straight to the comment section and sometimes i read comments longer than the video itself....damn utube


This is the one single video that describes my whole life. I waste hours upon hours on YouTube and for what.. it feels like I can’t stop.


I‘ve tried so many times to do a social media detox, but every time I came back it was as before. The sad thing is that I know that I‘ll regret this one day. But I still continue binge-watching?
Well, until today. We all have so many dreams and goals, and we should be constanly working towards them. We should try new things and be active, because we only have one life. Only one, remember that. Let‘s live life🌻


Taken me about 1 million youtube videos to finally see this video


I watched YouTube 10:44 hrs Today
Yesterday 10:10 hrs
Past week 57:35 hrs
Average 8:13 hrs
To honest i feel like i have learned a lot, but i have Zero action on anything in my life Nothing is working out for me at all. because I choose not to deal with reality but that stops today.


I needed this much, so much of my time is wasted on watching dumb videos yet feeling that emptiness inside knowing that I am intelligent and my talent is being wasted on not doing my school work. I know what I am meant to be and yet I continue to stand in my own way, well no longer will I let procrastination stand in my way. I AM CAPABLE, I AM WORTHY, I AM GOING TO DO THIS! To think that I came across this video by sheer coincidence because of a mistake in voice texting, NO! God led me here for a reason and I will prove to myself that I can do it. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! 😊❤


Its called investing time on youtube for motivational videos rather than wasting... always get additional boost in energy to carry on and in fact i will have my exam next week.. so this works extremely well for me. Thx a lot!!


5 likes 1 minute after uploading. I appreciate the love 😍


One of the best ten minutes of my life. These 10 minutes are going to push me to the extremes and devote myself to studying.I feel like I just got charged up.Thanks alot .You guys are life changing.


Wow a video against YouTube addiction made in the most addictive possible style. Yay.


I was wasting my time on YouTube and suddenly found this video
And I have exams next week and need to study.. Thanks!


I spend 12-16 hours now...

I need help.


I started out watching YouTube because all the conspiracies. aliens, and channels like Project Camelot, OOWK Media, Alex Jones, the list goes on and on and on, now I have over 500 subscribed channels, after 7 years digging in through the rabbit hole I pretty much have a masters degree on conspiracies lol. It has been one hell of a ride but time to move onto something new.


This is so convicting, I definitely binge on YouTube when low than taking action to get out of that low mood. I will keep fighting. Thank you for this video.


I was finally able to get my little brother (8 years old) to stop watching YouTube so I just wanna say...
Thank you so so much 💖


How many of us avoid sneaking in to the YouTube comments section and waste time reading or making some stupendously hilarious jokes?
Now that's one of the biggest time killers.


Last New Years Eve I deleted my Facebook, tonight will be one entire year, and I don't even desire to have it back. This year, I want to delete instagram, and YouTube. I want to figure out what gives me true enjoyment. Rewire my brain, for things that will actually benefit me with that reward of dopamine.


i have a life turning exam in a few days and here i am wasting hours and hours on youtube it initially started on the day when i woke p really late cause my alarm didnt ring and i stated to freak out because i had a lotta studies to do and then i was like i will probably just watch one video so that it calms my mind and i was off all i have done since the past one WEEK was watch videos on youtube i would get off it for a few minutes when my parents would scold me but immediately the next moment i am on it i swear i dont wanna do this i just really wanna study but the moment i turn off youtube and sit down to study my mind just feels depressed cause i realize i have done nothing but waste time and then to ward off that depression i start watching youtube again and this cycle just goes on until my entire day is wasted literally my entire day i wanna study and achieve my dreams but i am not able to do it i feel i am depressed i dont know what to do i dont want to tell my parents cause they will probably rip me and i dont know who i should talk to or share this with i feel i am just wasting my time which i dont want to its like my mind is not in my control i need help... please i dont wanna do this i dont wanna ruin my life please help me i feel like dying
