How To Clean Your House After Smoke Damage

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Today I show you where and how to start cleaning up from smoke damage.
I left the house with a pot of chicken on the stove and returned home 2 house later to ashes. Hopefully we can get the smell out of our house but it's a lot of work!
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I can tell by your expression that this just has defeated you. Praise God that you are all okay and your house is still standing. No one blames you Jennifer. It was simply a slip of the mind. Nothing more. Please don't let it get you down. I wish nothing more, than to be your neighbor right now. I'd be there on my hands and knees scrubbing right along with the two of you. I bet all of your watchers feel the same way. Take each day as it comes, try not to over do it and soon it will be behind you. xoxo


JENNIFER!!! Everything is going to be great, your house will be so clean and smell so great— it will be like a new home. ❤️❤️❤️


I did the very same thing about 30 yrs ago, Jennifer. Let me start by saying, "It isn't the end of the world even though you probably feel that way about now." Our insurance covered replacing the cabinet above the stove and the counter top, but the cleaning we did ourselves. We rented carpet cleaners and did a lot of scrubbing. Now that many years have passed it doesn't seem bad at all, but at the time I shed quite a few tears and felt very guilty! Life goes on, hugs to both of you.


I would recommend to have your vent system cleaned as well.


Theirs no doubt about the old saying it's clean enough to eat off the floor. You inspire me to keep my house cleaner.🌹🌹🌸🌺


Laying down with a bad toothache on a cold Boston night with you guys cheering me up ! 🙏❤️😘


You two make cleaning a smoky, stinky house look fun! Thank you for being so positive and sharing you warm spirit with us!


I hope you do this safely and rest when you need to. Thx for sharing.


I always put clean newspaper on the top of my cabinets, when it’s time I carefully roll it up, clean any exposed raised edges and replace the paper. Saves so much time.


Oh, your arms, working over your head....I feel for you! God loves you..and is right beside you with this.


Sadly this just happened to me with a pot of chicken. And this is really helpful. Thank you.


Jennifer and Chad ..My heart goes out to you ❤️ I left a pot of eggs on the stove to hard boil and got an unexpected invitation out to dinner with my brother. Came home to a very smoke filled apartment and the pot was on the verge of catching fire. (Have since started using my instant pot for eggs! ) I NEVER leave anything simmering on the stove now.. lesson learned. Cried for days with all the cleaning I had to do 😢 Had to clean everything down to the weatherstripping in the front door. You’ll be surprised where you will catch a whiff of it ! You are a strong woman with god looking down on you.. you will get through this!


You are an amazingly strong woman I think I would have just fallen apart Jennifer. The task seemed so overwhelming.
I can’t tell you how much I admire you in all areas of your life.


You’re doing a great job, Jennifer! Your kitchen looks brand spanking new. Everything shining and in its place. I know the elbow grease it takes when dealing with smoke damage. Years back I had to deal with that and once I had me a good cry, I rolled up my sleeves and got down to the dirty work. I’ve been thinking of you and wishing you the best. 🧡


When I was 19, my husband and I were newly married and living in our first apartment on base in Illinois (he was in the Navy, we're from CA, so far away from home). We loved, and still do, going to the movies! Well, I had a large pot of chicken rapidly boiling when we "left" to catch a movie. As we were watching the movie, about 1/3 of the way along, I suddenly remembered that I didn't turn off that pot! We drove back immediately, and thank goodness it was still boiling. It must have had a lot of water in it with the lid on. I was so scared on that ride home that the whole apartment complex could have burned down, remember I was only 19, so I thought the worst! Anyways, my husband was not mad at all, he was disappointed about missing the movie. 😂

Now, I'm 45, and over the years have left something alone in the kitchen, while at home. One time, I fell asleep waking up to the smoke alarm. I have gotten better, but it still happens to all of us. I do however, never leave the house without checking the stove, never leaving it on. We are all human, not perfect.
We have a 16 yr old and 12 year old daughters, and we teach them about safety in the kitchen. Basically, they are not allowed to use the stove top if we leave on an errand. 😂

I just want you to know how much I enjoy your videos on everything! I admire your dedication in making the videos, they are fun to watch, I learn so much! You're so sweet!💗 Happy cleaning!
Merry Christmas!

Ps. What a wonderful husband you have to help you clean, had to mention his efforts too.😊👌


I'm so sorry this happened to you! Thank goodness your house didn't burn down. And you are both safe. 😇


Great video, Grandma Griffiths! You're doing a great job and you are an inspiration to me.


Well out of something bad comes something good. A super clean kitchen, new carpet, furniture. You will be set for a long time, good thing since you will be RVing. Your husband is a nice man. The two of you area good team👍👍


I agree with using your crockpot instead of a pot on your stove. You never meant for this to happen Jennifer. The 👍 good thing is how clean every part of your house will be when this is over. I know you are ! Wonderful housekeeper but as you said you are cleaning hard to reach places. Take little brakes to help you. God Be With You!


Looks great!!! Chad was standing on stool with socks on!! DANGEROUS!!!
