10-second daily habits for a clean & tidy home

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🤍 my hair claw 'GLOW CLIP'

🥕 Over-the-cabinet waste bin

🥬 Lomi composter

🥓 Grease splatter screen

🔏 Guard your ID stamp roller

🚋 Sticky pulley wheels

🧖🏻‍♀️ Waffle bath towel

my name's krist and I make homemaking videos documenting my life in orange county, ca with my husband(josh) and cat(uni). say hi in the comments if you're new here!

*this video is sponsored by Grammarly
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I follow the rule “never leave a room empty handed”. Picking up small items as you leave a room (like a water cup or some socks on the floor) and putting them where they need to be is so simple. It also doesn’t give that anxious feeling of having to clean and then procrastinating. No overthinking, just one or two small items. It really does wonders. You just have to find systems that work for you! Loved this video


Growing up I was taught to just clean as I go (I.e. cleaning the sink after use, throwing away trash after it’s created etc.) and I’m forever thankful for it. I find I can quickly “deep clean” my home as often as I need without taking all day because there is never anything out of place. I can understand it being a difficult habit for one who wasn’t raised this way but that’s the biggest tip I can give anybody.


These types of videos make me feel safe and calm for some reason. I hate messy surroundings but I’m not a tidy person so I’m always stressed out haha thx for inspiring me


1. Check produce daily
2. Mini bin for chopping
3. Splatter screen for frying food
4. Put paper away instantly
5. Add tiny wheels to large items to help move them while cleaning
6. Fold plastic bags into triangles
7. Gather and toss hair right away
8. Put towels away properly
9. Wipe spills around the sink right away
10. Quickly tip-off any product you use from bottles


I work in an office and handle the mail every morning. I started, not just recycling unwanted junk mail, but also either emailing or returning the mail to that company asking them to remove the address from their mailing/advertisement list or unsubscribe. I've been doing it for months now and barely get any junk mail at my job anymore. I've done that with my personal address as well and it's worked wonders.


When my room is messy I just grab a box and put every item in there, so the room looks clean. Then I give every item out of this box their true home. This makes it so much more tangible.


1 .I always put things away after using them so I never have to tidy up.
2. I rotate my cleaning jobs each week. One week strip the bed, clean sinks and bathrooms, one week all dusting and hoovering, so things definitely get done at least once a fortnight.
3. I make it a rule to do everything imperfectly
4. I use a dust buster or a carpet sweeper to keep floors free from bits …this means the house always looks vaguely tidy and clean.


My biggest tip is that if you’ve been struggling with your mental health and keeping up with cleaning your space, it’s ok to take un-aesthetic and sometimes what feel like wasteful shortcuts while you work on healing. Can’t deal with piling dishes? Buy premade/frozen and/or use disposable plates. Can’t be bothered with lining up those baby bottles? Buy a bin and toss the clean ones in with reckless abandon. Anything you can do to simplify the process and create tiny victories…and let go of perfection.


This is a good video, Krist. I'm elderly so I tend to look at these tasks differently. I delight in doing most of them. When I was in college, I had a friend in a powerful job who, when stressed, like to clean his home. He said that he felt he had complete control over these little tasks, and somehow that made returning to the bigger world of work easier. As I aged, I began to understand. Life is like a joyous dance: enjoy the easy steps to get ready for the challenges. Blessings.


When it comes to storing a towel after showering, leave it stretched out to dry thoroughly before folding it and place it nicely on the towel rack.


A friend of mine recently told me about the “broken window” system. Based on the Broken Window Theory in crime policy (fixing small things like graffiti and littering leads to a decrease in crime), you can apply it to your home too. Identify which few messy situations really make you feel bad when you see them. For me it’s kitchen counters with crumbs/debris on, dirty dishes and lumpy/crooked sofa cushions. But I don’t really care about floors being super clean or windows and mirrors not being polished, for example. So I just focus on those things that make me feel worse, and in no time the place looks great. Also KC Davies in her book “How to keep house while drowning” she talks about rather than “cleaning” which can be endless, focus on “resetting the space” in whatever way makes sense for you. I find these tips really helpful to be more *emotionally* efficient with cleaning, which is just as if not more important than being functionally efficient.


I give myself 30minutes each day to get chores done. It doesn't seem as overwhelming when I know it's only 30minutes. And I also end up getting more done because I'm on the clock lol


I got really into decluttering and cleaning in 2020….once you start, there’s less to do each day because the cleaning is so minimal. Because it was cleaned the last time you used whatever you’re about to use. I’m doing this thing called “picking up after myself” and my mother should be so proud hahah! 😂 “Don’t put it down, put it away”.


not only is this video super helpful, but the tips in the comments are also so so useful :) thank you krist and thanks to everyone in the comments


Something I've done is to keep cleaning supplies in areas where they are often used instead of just one location in the house. I have spray cleaner and a roll of paper towels in the laundry room where the litter box lives. It's easy to wipe off the washer and dryer as needed and wipe around the litter box. There is also a waste basket nearby for dryer lint and used paper towels. Other cleaning supply stations are under the bathroom sink, under the kitchen sink, and in the basement near the utility sink. I'm more likely to spray and wipe if I don't have to leave the area to retrieve cleaning supplies.


As a full time university student who works, small but daily habits are NEEDED. thanks for sharing your videos!


Ok just another tip for those whose hair falls a lot and do not feel comfortable sticking it to the wall... My tactic is to actually roll the strands and clumps into balls in between my palms and put them somewhat aside (where I can see them but also out of my way) so that I can pick it up and throw it into a bin.

I used to do the wall tactic but found out that turning them into balls is neater and a bit easier when you take into account the slight hassle of removing it from the tiles to begin with. Hope this helps :)


PSA: a bag isn't needed to exit the store after purchase. Especially if you have 1 or 2 items. You can carry that out without using a bag. I see too many people put a single item THAT HAS A HANDLE in a bag. The 1st of the 3 Rs is REDUCE!


Excellent ideas. Here’s my kitchen tip - line the bottom of your microwave (and regular oven) with parchment paper. Leave it there to catch oven drips and when you microwave something that might splash just put it under the parchment paper which is already there. Replace only when it’s dirty. Voila clean microwave.


I have a list on my phone of 2 minute tasks like put a load of laundry on, empty the dishwasher, take out the trash etc. I work from home so throughout the day when I take a break from sitting at my desk (especially if using the Pomodoro technique of 20 minutes focus followed by 2 minutes break), the tasks are a good way to get up and move, and also do something useful that’s automatic and doesn’t require thinking. It breaks up the work day and also gets those little jobs done hardly without any effort.
