CNET Top 5 - iPhone 5S alternatives

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The iPhone isn't for everyone. Here are five of the best alternatives.
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No iOS device would be able to run android smoothly even of it was allowed by Apple.


people don't already know iphones are shit?


He should have mentioned the NEXUS 5 OR ONE PLUS ONE


I think WP8 is definitely superior than these all. Here's an example: My gf and I were at a chipotle and they were closed due to a power outtage. So while she had her iPhone 4 out already, we decided to look up the nearest one. So, I took my phone out of my pocket, unlocked it, found the nearest Chipotle, WITH directions already started, distance and time to travel. All of that took roughly 15 seconds to do, while she was still fumbling around her home screens looking for safari and waiting for her search tool to load lol


Windows 8 phones are way to underrated. There's not even one on here, what about the lumia 1020 with a 41 mp camera? The lumia 1520 with a 6 inch display and 20 mp camera, and 1080p display?


thumbs up, who agrees that the iPhone 5S has more 100 alternatives, and that Donald Bell is a genius for being able to choose just 5 :)


ok shame on you. where's nexus 5? and wtf is that crap about iphone 5S being awesome because of the 64 bit processor?? no apps on AppStore been updated to take the complete potencial of it, no difference what so ever.



its funny they called a 300 buck phone expensive in the world of 4 figure phones today


The S4 is not slow! I have the Octa-Core one and it kicks ass!!!


I don't want my iPhone 5s anymore


Horrible list. Droid MAXX over the HTC one? The Droid Maxx isn't a great phone usability wise, but if you said Moto X at #2, i would have agreed. The HTC one is the closest to iPhone on android, and would be the best for iPhone users. The Note 3 is for spec junkies, i'm sure people who are looking for an iPhone alternative aren't looking for a note 3. I would have done HTC one, Moto X, Neus 4/5, Galaxy S4, then Xperia Z1.


HTC One should have been #1, obviously. It just screams iPhone alternative with it's GORGEOUS hardware/build quality, stunning screen, outstanding speakers, a UI skin that actually IMPROVES Android, and that finesse that usually only Apple products seem to have. The order of this list is just all sorts of wrong.


Lololololololol Motorola with huge price tag and 2 year old specs on VERIZON at #2.
#1. Note 3
#2. S4
#3. HTC One simply due to design.
#4. Nexus 4
#5. Galaxy Note 2. You want battery life, with a better 720p screen and specs than the Maxx? Note 2.


I hate android! How dare they give me options. Just tell me what to buy like Apple! I like super small screens, 3 year old technology, and no ability at all to customize my phone. I'm upset I can even change my wallpaper on ios. That's to much freedom! Thank u Apple for thinking for me. I'd proof read this but my iPhones screen is to small to see the text....


I don't like that this list is called "iPhone 5S alternatives." That makes them sound like they are worse than the 5S, yet still acceptable, you know? The list should be titled something like "Top 5 Phones that will make you want to leave your iPhone behind, " or something. That gives it a much more positive spin I think.

I really liked the video though, and I think Donald Bell is great. Thanks guys!


How? It's screen technology is starting to age, laptops have had fingerprint scanners for years (it's not new, I use one to clock in and out at work), the cpu isn't "better" it's 64bit as opposed to 32bit which means it's just a different architecture (64bit includes more threads and thus supposedly can be put under more load) Just hasn't been used in phones before because no one thought it to be required in a phone.


The software is pretty but it's not very useful, ios can't multitask (and i know your going to say it can, but it can't, it just gives you a quick way to switch between apps). Say for instance you have a dropbox account and you grab you android phone with dropbox installed and take a bunch of photos, quit the camera, open a game, lock the phone, doesn't matter you can sit there at your pc and just watch the photos appear. ios can't do that, literally have to sit with the dropbox app open.


iPhone 5s alternatives? You'd have to assume that the 5s is a good phone to begin with. It has a 640p display(not even partial HD), a dual core processor, a 4 inch screen(don't know how you type on that and not get frustrated especially when you can't change stock keyboard), less than impressive battery life, 1GB RAM and an OS that looks like an estrogen laden Lisa Frank commercial. Five iPhone 5s alternatives? Is that like asking if I'd rather go into battle with a stone or a lightsaber?


Well I have to say I was annoyed when I saw the S4 at 3 but then when I saw the Note 3 i was so happy, dont know why the Sony Z1 isn't there at N.2 they must of forgot about it for something. And for the Apple fanboys out there just face it Apple cant make phones anymore I mean the iPhone 5s came out in late SEPTEMBER and the S4 came out in APRIL and it beats it still because apple are failing and other companies like SAMSUNG are taking over so apple just plz stop making phones!!


The iPhone 5s costs 719$ for the 16 GB version unlocked, and you can get the same specs(does not include the OS) on Android phones that costs half the price of the iPhone 5s. And if you say some shit like "Oh but it has IOS 7, so it's better than an Android or any other smartphone" Well guess what, IOS 7 is full of bugs, and copies a lot of feature that other smartphones already have.
