CNET Top 5 - Features missing from iPhone 5

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The iPhone 5 is a nice step forward for Apple, but there are still a few features we won't see until iPhone 6.
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Yes! He was so entertaining! His remarks, sarcasm were the best!


This is easily the best video I have watched on youtube all week :D


what's with this wireless shmireless craze? It still has to be in physical contact with the plate which has to be plugged-in. Many years ago, Nokia (I think) sold a fliptop/clamshell phone (my first) which had 2 metal tips at the bottom as the charging connectors. When needed, I would stand it in a cradle (with corresponding connectors) and the phone would beep and start charging - the led at the top would eventually go green - 100% effortless! Simple yet elegant design.


I had wireless charging on my Pre Plus it was okay, but certainly not needed. The nice part of using a cable is that you can still move it around and pick it up and keep charging. You can use the phone and have it plugged in. So there are negatives that come with wireless charging, and also, most people won't get multiple charging stations for different rooms. So it's really only useful in one room if at all. For 95% of users, wireless charging is useless.


the iphone 5 does read your finger print. its built right in the home menu button


Absolutely right. An that lighting adaptor thing is £30 in the UK THATA $48-50


wireless charging is slower than normal charging and it too is connected to the wall. In case of the cable it can double up to connect to you computer. So other than the few milliseconds it takes to connect the charger your not saving yourself any time or hassle.


This video convinced me to " not" buy into the hype of the iphone5. Next question. What phone has the features he just listed?


It is turn by turn. Just like a Garmin except smoother and more precise. it was rated the best.


he is definitely right about the battery life. lte is a power hog which is why i'm going for the razr maxx hd. that 32 hour battery life sounds over the top until you've tried it.


you are so right about the battery life, but commercially, thinner is more attractive for buyer than more battery life


I agree with everything you said apart from the lightning cable.


If you're asking why they removed it its because Google owns youtube now and Google and Apple's contract together is over (or coming to an end), thats why Google maps is gone and was replaced by Apple's map app as well as the YouTube app.


I can't believe people are complaining about the Lightning port, it's anything BUT 'useless', it's actually been long overdue. It solves all the bs that came with the 32-pin connector... size, no fragile little pins, no dust clogging. And who cares if it's not compatible with some accessories, we have to move forward eventually.


My 32gb Galaxy S3 only cost $250. I then bought a 64gb Micro SD card for an extra $50. Total cost only $300 for 96gb of storage. I can now fit every movie, book, and song I own on my phone.


Yes I realize it is a standard, but I hate using micro USB on my EVO 4G and have to guess which side is the correct side to plug in. One of my cables I think it going out because of trying to plug it in the wrong way too many times. Apple solves it using reversible cables, and that deserves some praise. Now if only Android manufacturers would understand this.


30%, Yes, but they don't require an yearly subscription to Eclipse. The software is free, unlike Apple's. The costs to create an app on iOS extenders so much further then Android.


NFC is actually a pretty important feature, maybe not for you, but i find tapping two phones to share music and pictures is a lot more convenient than setting up a bluetooth connection and then doing it. The feature he should have mentioned is Google Maps. That is a feature a lot are going to miss :P. About processing. Having quad core makes no difference if a single core gives the same amount of power. The A6 is more powerful than the Tegra 3 and almost as powerful as the Exynos 4.


Yes Galaxy S3 and lumia 920 both have wireless charging and NFC... NFC is really usefull.... there are lots of innovative use cases samsung and nokia have put into their phones using NFC....


DONALD BELL your a great addition to the top five family! keep doing what your doing!
