Ellen White in Color

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#EllenWhite #WhiteEstate #SeventhdayAdventist #Campmeeting
What colors did Ellen White like? What were her favorite desserts? What did she do for fun? Was she someone that you would have liked to have been friends with? Join the Ellen G. White Estate director Merlin Burt and Chantal Klingbeil in a walk through the Ellen G. White Visitors Center to get a behind the scenes introduction to Ellen as a child, teenager, wife, mother and God’s special messenger. Be prepared to be surprised and inspired!

Presenters: Merlin D. Burt, Director, White Estate
Chantal Klingbeil, Assoc. Director, White Estate

Ellen G. White Estate Websites:
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Praise God for this video! It’s so sad how many misconceptions people have about Ellen White. She loved Jesus with all of her heart! 😁 I am 17 and have just finished reading her Conflict of the Ages series and the book Steps to Christ. Through her books, I have drawn closer to my Savior Jesus 😁❤️ Thank you, Ellen White Estate, for the work that you do in uplifting Jesus!


Thanks so much for sharing about E.G.White, the last messenger of God for S.D.A church. The whole world needs to know about her in the last days.!


Very Nice title Ellen G white In COLOR !! I really enjoy it may the Lord bless you!!


Thank you for sharing the history of Ellen White. God bless.


Praise God for this video and for Sis White. Thank you JESUS.


I love this wonderful insight into Ellen White’s life.
God used her writings to free me from captivity to the reading of unwholesome books and to increase my love of the Bible 🙌🏽


I can relate to Ellen’s love of flowers, lemon pie and a purple and green dress! This is a lovely presentation because we get a glimpse of the woman she was. She also loved butter, to which I’m partial too! Yet she adopted a really healthy vegetarian diet, and has many health-giving tips on her Counsels on Diet and Foods. A beautiful woman of courage and conviction on Bible principles. Thank you for sharing about Ellen White😁. God Bless her Estate and this who preserve this treasure❤️🙏🏼


I love all the history you are sharing! What a beautiful person Ellen was, and her love for the Lord, encouraging other people heavenward!! Everything she wrote, has been such a blessing to draw me closer to the Lord!


I've been using the great controversy online as a group study tool. Many are learning through her writings. Praises be to GOD that she allow herself to be used by HIM. Her writings are still being shared, studied, and blessed to delve more into the Bible to grow in faith. May we all be there on that great day thanks to her obedience, her lesser light leading to HIS GREAT LIGHT.


This was so revealing of the human side of Ellen White and educational about so many misconceptions that float around today about her and her writings. It makes me feel so at ease about my own simple grammar mistakes and other little imperfections in my writings. This has been so balanced well presented and I am very grateful to have watched it and shared it. Thank you Ellen G. White Estate.


The biggest reason we can speak of EGW in this manner is because we've tasted The LOVE of GOD thro' her ministry. We've been drawn into a more intimate relationship with THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY bc of her faithfulness. And we've been given increased insight into the Prophetic scenario of end-time events. God is worshiped more deeply & our feet planted more firmly on the TRUE ROCK, JESUS the Christ. Amen


YOU TWO ARE AWESOME. Thank You so much for all you do. Praise The Lord that Ellen White is a Co founder of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. That is not much known in the SDA folks. Thumbs up 👍. Please comment and Share for We have so much a Gift from this Establishment ESPECIALLY the Audio and words of Almost all Ellen White writings. Please find it on playstore . To prove if Ellen was personally called by God, received About 2000 visions from God, please read the book The Desire of Ages. Do not let anyone tell you, Read her writings please.


SDA People are so Blessed to have The True Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Apostles 🙏🏽 This Church is the only one to have a True Prophet! All over the World 🌎 people are getting Baptized in the Seventh Day Adventist Church! ⛪️ Getting persons ready for Jesus Christ returning to Earth to save those who are Faithful to Him 🙏🏽❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


What a excellent presentation on the life of Mrs. White, and how God can use anyone if we are willing to be used for His Work and for His Glory


Reading all the doubters and sceptics I can't wait when they will say, she was right,


The movie "Go Tell the World" is an awesome movie. I have watched it about 8 times, and every time I watch it, I learn something new. I love the movie and recommend it. Be blessed! 🙏 🙏


I became a seventh day adventist through the reading of Ellen White books. her books lead me to JESUS & the BIBLE.
for all those former sda haters of Ellen White and adventist.
satan dont lead no one to the BIBLE and JESUS.satan leads them away.


I'm contended & happy with SDA Faith


Beautifully done, thank you for sharing this with the world. I pray that others find the Bible and read


Makes me cry what a blessed lady I just wanna be like her, pls LORD come quickly sick of this world, longing to be with you Have mercy on me n my family
