How To Fix a Dishwasher that will not run start or fill with water

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If your dishwasher will not fill with water, or run because there's no water going to it, this video will show you what to check. Your dishwasher might not be dead.


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Thank you.... because of this video, I got my dishwasher running within 2 minutes of watching this video. Big thank you! thanks, I really needed to do my dishes!


I just watched this video. I saw that a fork was blocking the intake on his water valve. I paused my computer and checked my dishwasher. Sure enough, there was a piece of soap wedged under the water intake valve. Thank you very, very much. We were looking at new dishwashers and saw we could not afford one. We are both on fixed incomes and could not afford it. I pulled out the soap and my dishwasher is working like it is supposed to. Thank the Lord for directing me to this site.


Even 8 years later, this video is exactly what I needed to see to fix my own dishwasher. A tea spoon stuck under the float valve. Genius. Thank you from a brand new homeowner!! You saved me from a heart attack!


Thank you so much for this great video! I am a SAHM to 3 small children and you saved my family hundred of dollars if I had to hire someone to come do this quick fix. My husband is away for work so this was so easy to do and so helpful!! 😘


Thank you so much. My dishwasher is a little different layout. I understand what you where talking about and was able to fix the problem. Thank you for making this video "friendly" for those who don't work on dishwashers on a regular basis :)


Dude I just bought a dishwasher from someone for only 30 bucks and I thought it was too good to be true. Hooked it up, and tuned it on. Didn't work at all and I wasn't really surprised just because of the price.... and then i looked and saw a small piece of wood lifting it up. Took it out, works like a charm. Thank you!!!


Wow! I couldn't believe how simple and helpful your video was!! Thank you so so much. I've been having this persist issue with my dishwasher, and all that is something gets stuck under there. Wow.


Awesome video. You just save me hundreds for a repair call. My float was stuck in the up position.


I was going to watch your video and I looked inside my dishwasher because that’s something that absolutely needs to work in my house! I saw a Ford stuck underneath that one float thing and I pulled it out. Then I watched the rest of your video and it was perfect thank you. I subscribed and liked your video very much.


Dude, you totally saved my dishwasher!
I was moments away from heading to Lowe's.
I really appreciate this. Thank you!


Wow! Glad I saw this! My pump was making noise but not filling. I was about to start to tear things out. Def worth a sub to your channel!


Just checked where you said to look and YES!!! One of the wheels on the bottom rack had fallen off and got lodged under the floater!!!! There is an awesome thing now when I turn on the dishwasher and there is not longer just the machine grumbling and complaining but the sounds of a mini rain storm, thank you


Thank you so much. I figured something simple due to leaving my dishwasher idol for months while I washed dishes by hand, was the problem. Sure enough I just needed to ever so gently lift the float and let it settle back down. I have numerous urgent chores in progress needing to help a super senior soon, and didn't want to wash my dishes by hand nor deal with a broken cleaning machine of any sort !!! Best wishes to you!


OK, as a homeowner & DIY landlord I've have done a lot of work DIY on many appliances including dishwashers; just installed a new one in a rental suite three days ago. However, when our dishwasher mysteriously wouldn't go on. I started troubleshooting on youtube. - I took 3 utensils out of the bottom of the dishwasher including a fork under the float and... voila, it's running now. Easiest fix I've done around here in about 20 years. Thanks!


OMG!! There was something stuck under mine and now it works!!! Thank you so much!


OMG, I was watching video to replace the dishwasher inlet valve and contemplating where to buy the valve and then accidently this video popped up. Out of curiosity just swiped my hand under the floater and found a shell of pistachio and said to myself, can't be, this will not fix it, and lo the water started flowing. This 1:49 video saved me so much agony, pain and $$$, would love to donate some saved $$$ to a charity of your choice as my way of saying thank you, God Bless!!!


You are a genius, found a fork under the float valve, after of course I bought and changed out the fill valve. works like a charm now. Thanks


Oh my goodness! I was about to take the whole thing apart. Thank you!


I think this helped. A soap pod had glued itself to the water valve. It sounds like it’s working again. Thank you for sharing.
