Incredible Conversation with Oneness Pentecostal

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Reformed Baptist Confronts Oneness Pentecostal on the Trinity...

Today, Jeremy explains the gospel with a kind man who was a professing Christian. Jeremy explains in depth the doctrine of the Trinity and that to deny this doctrine of who God is would be to deny Biblical, historical Christianity. Jeremy also explains how no good work of ours could ever save us, but only the work of the second person of the Triune God, Jesus Christ. This implies that trusting in the work of water baptism or believing in a false Christ to save you would instead sever you from Christ (Galatians 5:4). Without faith alone in Christ alone as revealed in the Scriptures alone, no one can make it to heaven.

#Evangelism #Christianity #pentecostal #Jesus #Apologetics

The God of the heavens and the Earth is the same God that flooded the entire world but Noah and his family. God is full of righteousness and is angry at the wicked every day (Psalm 7: 11-13). However, God is merciful and gracious, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9). This is why God provided the perfect savior, Jesus of Nazareth, who died on the cross to pay for our sins and then rose again from the dead. The message is to repent (turn from sins) and believe the gospel.

Here are some fantastic resources for those wanting to learn more about the gospel message (and the only way to escape the wrath of God).

Living Waters: @LivingWaters
Wretched: @WretchedNetwork
You may also personally DM Dimetri on Discord @ImDime

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Thank you for defending the nature of our great and awesome God, there's none like him neither can there be any compared to him


At Jesus baptism, who cares if 3 were there ! God is omnipresent. He can be in a million different places at the same time and take on any form He chooses. He is an incredible God ! He is not limited to 3 places at once.


That’s right baptism and receiving the holyghost


They cast out devils and healed in the name of jesus.Paul in acts 16 said” in the name of JESUS CHRIST COME OUT OF HER’ can you imagine him saying “in the name of the father come out “


Wonderful job brother! Praise the Triune God


The issue with the trinity is that you have a Catholic created God invented in 381 AD by the 3 Cappodiceans who said how they made it thusly. "In thinking upon the trinity, we came upon the trinity." You invented then. As Tertullian mentions in 200 AD but it takes another 181 years to be made. He was an hetetic Arian, and said the majority of Christians were monothiests or oneness. Amazingly, he slanders them; much like trithiests slander monothiests today. Nothing new under the sun.


Vol 2, Pg 263
Here the Catholics acknowledged that baptism was changed by the Catholic Church.
Vol 2, Pg 377
Christian baptism was administered using the words "In the name of Jesus"
Vol 2, Pg 378
The use of a Trinitarian formula of any sort was not suggested in early Church history.
Vol 2, Pg 389
Baptism was always in the name of Lord
Jesus until the time of Justin Martyr when Triune formula was used.


That lady is definitely. Pentecostal ! That’s their look ! I feel. Sad for all those caught up in Works. Religion . Pentecostals are all about works and they never get beyond. Acts and Tongues . Traditions of man . The Old Testament reveals the Trinity all over it .


Wonderful presentation. Bless you! This cult of oneness is possibly more dangerous than any other "obvious" and egresiously different group.

Discernment is not knowing right from wrong but knowing right from almost right.

Pride and self righteousness is addictive. Oneness folks ignore large swaths of scripture in order to stick to their presuppositions.

Satan knows the word better than anyone. Snakes speak in "glossolia", tongues, as well!

Keep up the good work. Many are decieved.


Water Baptism STUDY - - ;
11TH edition, Vol 3, Pg 365-366
The baptismal formula was changed from the name of JESUS CHRIST to the words Father, Son, & Holy Ghost by the Catholic Church in the second century.
Vol 3, Pg 82
Everywhere in the oldest sources it states that baptism took place in the name of Jesus Christ.
Pg 53
The early church always baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus until development of Trinity doctrine in the 2nd century.


Trinitarians incorrectly interpret John chapter 1. The son was not in the beginning with God. The Word was in the beginning with God. The Word which included sonship was the plan of God from the beginning. The Word was in the beginning with God. Not the son. The son had a beginning. He was born of an earthly mother, Mary. It was part of the fulfillment of God’s plan from the beginning. The word teaches us that the Lamb was slain from the foundation of the world. But that did not happen until Golgotha when Jesus was crucified on a cross. God dwells in eternity. He calls those things that are not as though they were. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us…..” John‬ ‭1‬:‭1‬-‭3‬, ‭14‬ ‭KJVAE. When the Word was made flesh is when there was a son. He was not the eternal Son. He was the begotten son. The son, who was flesh, had a beginning. This day have I begotten thee. Psalm‬ ‭2‬:‭7‬ ‭KJVAE‬‬

‭‭‬‬ Theirs is no such thing as an eternal son. The Father is eternal because God is a spirit. He is the eternal spirit. At the incarnation God (the Father) united with flesh (the son of God) in the man Christ Jesus. Jesus was the Father, He was the son, and He was and is the Spirit. That’s why we baptize in the name of Jesus Christ.


If you can find one example of this trinity formula being used in scripture for baptism I’ll send you a million dollars


John 8:19-27 …… Jesus specifically told the Pharisees if they did not believe he was the Father they would die in their sins !!! ……
Jesus is the Father and the Son at the same time just like He’s the First and the Last at the same time ….. Just like He’s Alpha and Omega at the same time …. Just like He’s the Beginning and Ending at the same time!!! …. PRAIE THE LORD Jesus


8:55 As a Oneness Pentecostal, I am not a modalist, and I know what modalist means


Hey is there an email address so I can reach out to the brother ministering?


My understanding "The original form of words was into the name of JESUS CHRIST or LORD JESUS. Baptism into the Trinity was a later development."
-Scribner's Dictionary of the
Bible, pg 241

"Christian baptism was administered using the words, in the name of Jesus."
- Hastings Encyclopedia of Religion, Vol 2, pg 377

"The New Testament knows only the baptism in the name of Jesus."
- Schaff-Herzog Religious
Encyclopedia, Volume 1, pg 430

{10:48.1} The modern baptism service recites the phrase: "in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost" (KJV - Matthew 28:19), which does not appear in any of the ancient Hebrew texts of Matthew's Gospel, nor was it an instruction that was ever carried out by the apostles. Early in the fourth. contame of the Fails, anted Mathem and rine on ties, a in te i can i a
and the other apostles, who had heard the Messiah's original command, were faithful to carry out has instructions explicitly. They always baptized in Yeshua's name (Acts 2:38, 8:16, 10:48, 19:5, 22: 16) The who follow the modern texts of Matthew rarely, if ever, baptize in the actual names of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit - but rather repeat just the slogan and omit the names altogether.

When was baptism changed?

The baptismal formula was changed from the name of JESUS CHRIST to the words Father, Son, & Holy Ghost by the Catholic Church in the second century. Everywhere in the oldest sources it states that baptism took place in the name of Jesus Christ. Feb 20, 2015
BRITANNICA ENCYCLOPEDIA 11TH edition, Vol 3, Pg 365-366 - LinkedIn.



Jesus is not almighty God
Jesus said he is Gods son

We are to bieleve that
John 3:16 God sent his only begotten son


Man u two sure make the gospel complicated. Baptism should not be such an issue. It's not even necessary for salvation. But I agree with the street preacher....


You do not understand what Oneness believes. You are going off what someone else has told you about it. Just like everyone else does. The Trinity is a man made doctrine ! Formed in 325 AD at the Council of Nicaea. The disciples went and did exactly what Jesus said to do which is baptize in Jesus Name. You need understanding of the scripture. 1John 5:7-8 was an add on scripture that arrived around 1500. Not in the original Greek Text of the Bible. Go study how the translation of the bible has been biasly translated by trinitarians. The original texts never called the Holy Ghost a He. Absolute truth. Go study for yourself


Sabellianism was already condemned. This poor guy (the Oneness fella) is simply ignorant, but uncorrectable. He keeps trying to appeal to Acts 19 as if to say that Paul was talking about anything other than John's baptism.
