Canon EOS R First Impressions - NOT what you think!

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The Canon EOS R is probably one of the most awaited mirrorless cameras of all time. I’ve been shooting with it for a week and will give you my first impressions. There is a lot of great stuff about the #canon EOS R and there is some frustrating stuff too.

We’ll look at features like 4k 30p video, a fully articulating touch screen, autofocus, slow motion, the new RF mount, timelapse movie mode, image stabilization and some really important additional features.

I’ll give you some Canon EOS R sample images and videos to give you an idea of what you can expect from this camera, and I’ll also share my pros and cons for both photography and video.

Best Price for Canon EOS R Camera (updated):

Great Additional Canon EOS R Len Options:

Microphones for Canon EOS R:

My favorite 3-axis Gimbals for Canon EOS R:

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What's up everyone?! I hope my first impressions of the Canon EOS R and the sample images plus footage are helpful. Did you like the video? I was really impressed with the image quality of this camera. Let me know what you think!!

Was there too much detail? Not enough? What did you like, and also, what did you not like? What would you like to see more of? Would love to know what you think, good or bad. I am grateful in advance 🙏


Solid honest first impressions, can tell you are actually using the Camera system. Not just reading specs. well done.


I cant wait for the day when we get a reviewer that reviews cameras for photography and not video. That's what video cameras are for.


You're one of the best camera reviewer in the world!!! Because you're not just talking about video only or photo only you're talking about both which is very helpful for those people that do both photography and videography


Great review Sagi! I love that you mentioned the good and the not so great features, it’s really important information. Also looooved the b-rolls! So beautifully done and very useful 💪


Very nice review! I have a question, can you tell me where I can find the hot shoe cover of canon that you put on the camera? Thank you very much and keep going!


What I did with the multi-function bar was disable the two outer functions and only use the swipe bit. This helps you not to activate it by mistake. I use it to set 1 of the 3 AF modes I use. You can use the wifi to automatically make a backup raw or jpeg picture to a wifi device with the canon app on it, like a laptop or Telephone etc.


I cant find your detailed review for EOS R. Did you do one or is this the only review? Your reviews are great and i look forward to a review not that the firmware upgrades have ejlped in a couple of areas


Finally an EOS R Review without reading specs only or being bias even tho you’re a canon fan, but that doesn’t effect your honesty. I’m a Sony fan and user but love to read/watch about other systems to keep up with how other cameras are.


I had the same take on the touch-bar when I first got my EOS R. But I was determined to try it out with the other options available. For me, the best use was using the touch bar to check focus. Slide right to zoom in on your focus point, and swipe left to zoom out. It doesn't matter if you hit it mistakenly as it's quickly changed back. But it is also useful. I also have the left touch selected as the spirit level. I do feel I will change this in the future as I experiment more.


I bought my sl2 because of you now you gonna make me spend some more lol. Glad to see your channel blossom.


Great review! A tip for the touch bar. I like it for reviewing photos, and have set it to the “rate” functions, which is a button I use all the time on the 5DIV.


A very balanced review indeed. I chose to keep it after trying the R and 24-105 combo for starters as I do mainly real estate, portrait and landscape's with next to NO video so no issues there. I too found the feel exceptional. The EVF is superb as well allowing for consistent exposure shots. The lenses are indeed a huge factor in choosing this camera as the new RF lenses are top of the heap to be sure. I've done Sony and I feel the RF's are a pinch ahead.


Your videos are great as usual. I had a short time with the Canon Eors and hope to have it back soon. I have shot the Nikon Z6 and Z7 as well as the Fuji Xt3 and Sony varieties. The conclusion that I came up with is one I’m sure you will agree with, both the Canon and Nikon have excellent image quality. Canon, choose to protect their c line up and left out features, like eye autofocus, in body stabilization and the video features. Nikon video quality is improved two hundred percent and they have in body stabilization, but no eye autofocus and the same problem that Canon has with shooting fast moving objects. Canon and Nikon were brought to this fight kicking and screaming and they both choose to leave features out to protect other current models or models in the pipelines. Canon to its credit stated that they will be releasing a pro model, Nikon is spent. We must demand more from Canon and Nikon as they are asking real money and Fuji and Sony are listening to their customers.

My issue is that they both had five years and Sony gave them the blue print, the one memory slot isn’t my issue anymore, I had a Nikon d700, but if you have a Camera at 1999.00 for the Z6 and 2299.00 for the Canon, I believe you can at the very lease expect Fuji Xt3 features at 1499.00 and Sony Features at 1999.00. This move by Nikon and Canon was to stop the bleeding and migration to Sony and Fuji, nothing more. Sony is getting smarter and smarter and released only one camera because they didn’t have to, therefore not cannibalizing their market as they had done.

The Canon and Nikon models aren’t as bad as first stated, but aren’t as good as they should be considering the competition. Fuji and Sony are not sitting around waiting and Sony is first up at bat for 2019 and they could very well wipe the gains that Canon and Nikon had in 2018. Fuji is in a different market, especially with medium format, but make no mistake they are all competing for the same dollars. Let’s not forget about Panasonic and the Leica alliance.

Canon and Nikon must quickly figure this out. I think overall, Nikon produced the better camera and Canon produced the best lenses at launch. Nikon and Canons offerings are overpriced for what they offer. I’m letting neither off the hook this year because Fuji wiped the floor up with them and the Xt3 is an absolute marvel, eye autofocus, great burst rate, excellent colors and film simulation, but still poor battery life, but Fuji will address this just like Sony did. In my opinion The A73 was the best camera of 2018, followed by the Fuji.


Will you be doing a full review of the R with the new firmware update?


I learned so much from you when I watch your vids. 😻


Great review! Loved the b-roll! What are those lights in the background of your shots?


You deserve at least 20 times more subscribers!


Great 1st impression review!!!..really appreciate your knowledge and honesty
No 1080p at 120fps is a bit of a bummer.
Looking forward to watching your detailed review on the Canon EOS-R
Cheers, have a good one👍


Hi Sagi, great video, enjoyed it very much!
Do you happen to shoot that detailed review? I'd like to hear more photography oriented one
