DPReview TV: Canon EOS R Review (In Hawaii!)

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Chris and Jordan have been shooting the EOS R for some time now, starting with the launch in Hawaii. Find out what they think of its still photo capabilities and its unique controls, and tune in for probably the first-ever video performance analysis from a swimming pool.

Special thanks to Stephen Eckert


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Thanks for having me on gentlemen, it was a great time!


720p 120fps, 1.7x crop, great achievement Canon! This is truly camera of the future (future versions will do 480p)


This is what I call HONEST review. Peter McKinnon should be ashamed.


I wish these manufacturers would stop worrying about the top LCD and put a better feature in its place, ie more custom buttons, or another analog knob. I understand on this camera they want you to use the new RF more and I think it’s a forward thinking item (as a Sony shooter) but the top LCD just seems like a waste on a mirrorless camera when you see all that info in the EVF. Thanks guys as always!


Interesting and beneficial use of multiple input from Jordan and neither of them being a "Yes Man" to each other, they shoot differently and this brings more info to the viewer about how things can be managed when "problems"


I loved the last 3 minutes of brutal honesty


That 4k footage didnt hold up next to the gh5 footage at all.


I've had the EOS R for a day and I think the video quality is great when you leave the digital stabilizer off. It does seem to soften with the digital stabilizer added. The RF 24-105 IS does a great job on its own, I'd be happy shooting with that lens in a lot of situations.


'There is no clear winner' - Tony Northrup comparing this camera to the A7III. Thanks for your honest take Chris & Jordan!


3 FPS in stills, soft looking video with 1.6 crop in 4K, mediocre focusing speed and accuracy, last generation sensor, no IBS but it feels nice in hand. Well done Canon. :)


If this is shot on EOS R than video quality in many situations was not good at all. Muddy and blurry. Is there excessive amount of upscaled 720p footage maybe?


That photo at 13:31 is so awesome. That alone could sell cameras, it made me want one.


Damn, great review (especially the use of the EFS 17-55mm), but the only thing missing from this review was a real world test of Low Light photography and video.

No one else has put the EOS R through it’s paces in low light. There’s a Canon produced video on their channel showcasing a photographer taking photos of miners in very low light conditions but I’d love to see you guys test low light for yourselves.


I watched about 1000 hours of Jareds Channel and there never ever was so much of Stephen... The Slowmo in the Pool made my Day.


This is really a superior video, truly. I've learned things here that I've not seen mentioned in other reviews to date, or at least not in the same detail. And the visit with Stephen Eckert was very worthwhile. Bravo, DP Review.


HA HA HA, "Take a picture, take the card out, put another card in, take the same picture, super convenient..." :-) Too funny!


I'm Canon user for about 25 years and for more than a year start to be a Fuji user too - For a quite long time, CANON slowly digging its own grave...


My EOS R arrived today, and after some nervousness based on Jordan's video autofocus experience, I can happily report that for me its every bit as good as the 5D Mark IV even with adapted EF glass. My only gripes so far (other than the obvious spec disappointments) are:
1) Auto ISO is not possible in CLOG
2) Non-Canon EF-S glass doesn't auto-crop
3) The multi function touch bar is stupidly horrible idea. CANON, get rid of it! We need tactile buttons and direct access to ISO & WB
4) The rear dial is to far away from my thumb.

Other than that, its actually quite a nice unit. Its biggest problem is, oddly enough for a Canon, its operation. Its comfortable enough to hold, but the lack of buttons and silly placement make it less comfortable to actually use.


The video was so soft that I kept checking my YouTube quality settings to ensure that I was in 1080p. Not good.


I came here to comment that I agree with Chris in reference to the top LCD. I mean, I see how some people could find it useful I suppose, but I personally don't see a need for it.
