BELL PEPPER | How Does it Grow?

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Ever wondered why red peppers are more expensive than green peppers? We went straight to the farm to find out this and more — like whether yellow, orange and red peppers are all just shades of one ripening pepper.



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"leave the land in better condition than when you took it on" Beautiful.


When you go to your local grocery store to buy groceries you don’t realize the work, love and care it took to get that food to your shelf.
Our farmers should receive a lot more appreciation and thought than what we give.
To all the farmers who worry about the land, getting the seeds in the ground, to caring for the blooms then product.. managing crews to come harvest ( there is another unsung hero, these folks work from sun up to sun down making sure we get food .. the majority are migrant workers who bust their butts. They leave their families behind so they can come work all grow season to provide for their families.. without them those crops would never make it to our tables!). Then shipping! There is so much work and so many hands that each vegetable and piece of fruit you enjoy to get to your hands.
So much love and respect to our farmers, our harvesters, our truckers who get us our food and to your families who part with you long enough for you to feed us!♥️♥️♥️


One of our supermarkets here in Australia has a line called "The Odd Bunch", which basically is imperfect fruit and veg that is sold at a discounted price so that the grower can still get a reasonable return on his/her perfect as well as imperfect produce! I have found the quality to be equal even though the shape may not be the prettiest! Our banana farmers now make green banana flour with their imperfect bananas that would otherwise end up in the compost because they aren't curved enough or are too long or straight, and our avocado farmers remove the flesh from the fruit's skin that is not perfect but the inside is, and they put the mashed flesh into refrigerated squeezable tubes that are great for when you just want a little squeeze for your toast! Thank goodness for our farmers or the world would not be able to eat.


Love this guy!
A hero to farmers everywhere.
May he stand resolute against the corrupt corporate farmers & monsanto.


There should be a global movement to end what is called cosmetic standards of food.
It is time to end this irrational practice.

From Cooking shows on TV and on Youtube to restaurants, everybody should stop buying food solely by how ''it looks''.

If farmers were able to sell their produce as nature intended it to be; the farmers would make more money, food prices will drop from the increasing supply, Carbon emissions per food product will drop because of the increasing productivity, and so many other advantages. And above all, food would stay taste the same!


Shout out to *Bob!* He's literally doing something in life we all take for granted. Bob, keep living out your purpose my G!


Cosmetically perfect! That's just crazy. I'll take all the peppers they don't want. I'll even come pick them up😏


I wish more farmers prioritized soil conservation like Bob, and the unison and efficiency of the harvesters are very impressive!


Cosmetically perfect. Ugh. I grow my own bell peppers and usually leave them to turn red. I picked three this past weekend and none of them were the same shape or size. In my opinion that’s what makes gardening more fun and more beautiful.


Nicole, you are a natural. Your videos are interesting, entertaining, educational and fun. Also, your delivery is outstanding. You make a great narrator. Well done!


and Muth Family farms is they have amazing produce, and no i wish they had stated this. we all need to support our local farmers, especially the organic i shop there, and encourage everyone to look into your area for farmers an suppeort


Just wanted to share a small story on cosmetically standard food. First of all you guys are doing a great job. So here it is, I visited France few years back and went to a store to shop some fruits, while picking some apples and Oranges for myself I noticed that all the apples and oranges were of same size and colour and they looked beautiful and seemed like they posing for a photograph!! Now I took em to the counter and asked the guy to pack em half kg each. Now when he weighed em they were going over a 100 gms or so. I'm from India and here what we do is we take out a bigger apple and put in a smaller apple to bring it close to 500 gms but thr it was not an option coz all of em were of same size and weight. So Being helpless I bought em whatever weight it was and while walking back to my room I was thinking like why do they all look same, may be farmers her have genetically modified the plants to get such fruits untill I saw this video! Oohhh so they cosmetically sorted em!!!! In India every fruit or vegetable comes to the market irrespective of its looks cos here we have to feed 1.5 billion people! So we dont have the luxury to cosmetically sort em! I agree in the past decade or two the taste and quality of fruits havegone downward they are not like what they used to be in my childhood days, but thats the bargain we have to take to fulfill the current demand. Quantity over quality!


Shout out to my Hispanic squad bending those backs not caring what it takes to maintain their fams


When I was a kid we grew peppers in our family garden in Oregon. That is when I learned that all green peppers will turn red if left on the plant for 3 to 4 more weeks. Back then yellow and orange varieties didn't exist or at least weren't available to gardeners.


Wow " leaving the land better than when you took it on" I'd love to buy from this farmer.


WOW. That was fun. This is my first year growing peppers. I thought there was something wrong w/the plant as I’ve got one piece of fruit from a GREEN bell pepper plant, that came out looking yellow, red and a touch of green.
Learned sooo much!


Shout out to those Hispanic immigrants who do the jobs no one else wants to do for a better life.


These videos took me closer to the food that I take for granted everyday and made me appreciate the humans behind it. Thank you.


I get to appreciate the hard work I completely forget about when the food is in stores through this series. I really hope this channel grows and its message reaches more people, and that we will one day be able to find even the cosmetically imperfect bell peppers on our store shelves!


Wow ! Here in Punjab ( North India ) we never knew about Cosmetically perfect shape, We always choose healthy vegetables rather than perfect shape 😀 👍
