What's One Rule That Backfire Immediately At Your School ?

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What's One Rule That Backfire Immediately At Your School ?
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The fact there's a multitude of entire compilations of this is a monument to human failure, and i'm, personally, absolutely here for it.


We had a rule where no bags were allowed to be picked up in the event of a fire. Fine. stops people from endangering themselves to get their bag. One teacher thought it mean any student who had a bag during a fire alarm should be sent back to their classroom to leave it there. THIS led to that teacher attempting to send several entire classes of students who were on their break at the time into a literally burning building to put their bags in a room that was visibly on fire. I have never seen a head teacher come THAT close to punching someone.


Our school had a rule that if the class door was not unlock 15 min after the class begin, the class is cancelled (probably if the teacher was sick so we would not have to wait in the hallway) but our french teacher had the habit to slow walk and make us wait.... one time he was a little slower than usual and the 15 min mark came when he was like, 2 meter from the door, we all said: 15 MIN PASSED, CLASS IS CANCELED!!! and we all went to the cafeteria, when the security tried to make us go to our class, we took our agenda and said: If you don't follow THAT rule, why would we follow ANY OTHER RULE? Next year they change it.


had a ban on water bottles of any kind at school, we were relegated to water fountains only, one kid almost died of heat stroke and dehydration or some crap and the rule was reversed almost instantly.
it's rediculous how schools were kids o to learn are "allowed" to commit various HR violations to keep children in check.


I have two stories from my school:
1. They updated the uniform to include a white polo shirt for classes and a navy shirt for PE. 80ish% of us all turned up wearing the navy shirt to class because it was both comfier and just looked better. School tried to crack down on this and enforce that only white shirts could be worn in class. Cue dozens of parents (largely mums) pointing out that since changerooms weren't made available at lunch, kids would go and play football with their friends in their white shirts, which were a nightmare to clean mud out of. Dunno if they rescinded the rule, but they stopped enforcing it.
2. I guess some kids were caught playing Pokemon on their school laptops or something, but IT put something on them where any program or file including the word "Pokemon" would instantly crash. Cue everyone changing the program/file names to say "Pkmn". They got wise to this and disabled the ability to right click on files, and thus the rename function. Completely forgetting that if you left click on a program/file, wait a second, and then click it again, you can rename it that way. I have a different laptop now, but I still name any Pokemon-related file "Pkmn".


I study "Human Resources and Personnel Management" and there are two main rules:
1. Obey the Labour Code
2. Never expect your personnel to give you more money than you put in them

1st one - obvious
2nd one - oh, boy...
The sheer number of managers thinking that they can cut the corners on the way their workers are treated is insane
If you feed your workers $300 of good food and you get $1290 in sales but then you change food to $150 crap, you'll now get $1130 in sales. Same goes for professional education, salary, additional training etc, etc, etc. Workers DON'T produce money, they operate whatever the hell you are having as a company


The End of Story 12: Had this experience as a teacher.

New year I took over a class of 10/11yos. “Jimmy” had been in detention basically EVERY day the previous year.

1st time I had a behavioural problem with “Jimmy” I sat down & talked to him for like 1/2 an hour.

Star pupil for the rest of the year 🙌


Ever since I found this channel it's been my go-to for doing homework, it keeps me focused and engaged and I can focus on the story and homework at the same time.


I had a boss that called me into the office and yelled at me for 10 minutes because I had stayed 15 minutes late trying to finish a task. He told me I was never to work overtime again without being specifically instructed to do so. Result: After the meeting, I set a watch alarm (this was before cellphones) to go off 15 minutes before the end of the workday. When the alarm went off, I immediately stopped what I was doing, stopped any temporary day laborers I was supervising, gathered up all the tools, and took himself and any temp workers to the office trailer. Any temp workers would get their work tickets signed, and I punched my timecard in the office clock exactly at an 8-hour workday. This continued for the year and a half I stayed at that site working for that boss. He never did figure out that he was the reason I always quit for the day exactly on time and didn't stay one minute later.


A retail job I had made a rule that employees were not allowed to look at the posted shift schedule while on the clock. The schedule was posted in an employees-only area and management got the idea that people were wasting time back there and using "checking the schedule" as an excuse. As it turns out, when you prohibit people from checking the schedule during the day, people forget to check it all and forget which shifts they are supposed to show up for. I left shortly after, so IDK if the rule stayed.


I attended a magnet school from 4th through 8th grade. After 5th grade, our principal retired, and a new one stepped in the following year. One of her first actions was to get rid of the bell system. Her explanation was that bells were used to keep lower tier employees at factory jobs in line and as students in a magnet school program, we were much better than that (rather snobbish looking back on it). The problem that soon surfaced was that, she failed to account that it’s easy to lose track of time, none of the school clocks were synchronized, and we could still get written up for being tardy to class. Everyone, teachers and students, HATED it. The bells were brought back before the first semester was even over.


Our first NURSING school instructor stated we must wear standard white “nursing shoes.” One classmate wanted to wear white Birkenstock shoes. I told her NOT to ask permission. If any instructor tried to tell the her that the Birkenstocks were not acceptable, she was to say her foot doctor prescribed them. She could agree to get a note from the doctor & then forget to bring it.


The mainly facts guy has worked every job on earth


My middle school and high school had that backpack policy for a bit, it ended when enough wealthy parents threatened to pull funding…
Most of the teachers didn’t have an issue with a student a couple minutes late after she asked where their locker bay was… I didn’t matter what class, the answer was uniformly the farthest point.


My middle school had the no backpack rule and they expected students to carry everything or visit your locker before every class period within a 5 minute time frame. I had to carry everything so that I wouldn’t be late for class. The rule was never reversed and it’s probably part of the reason I have a collapsed disc in my spine as not long into high school I started having intense back pain that radiated to my legs, knees, and feet. Standing up for more than an hour is beyond painful for me now. Public schools really don’t give a shit about students.


In my old junior high school for some reason, they don't allow us to go back to our lockers during lunch break to keep our lunch bags after eating before heading outside. I always broke that rule secretly when no one was in the hallways because I didn't like carrying stuff with me while I was outside. Eventually over time, they just stopped enforcing that rule since the teachers didn't really care when the saw me keeping my stuff in the locker during lunch.


At my high school they tried to implement a “no phone in your high school class” policy where they confiscate your phone for the day and you’ll get it back tomorrow. The rule was rescinded when me and a handful other students complained because we took public transportation and w/out our phones, we won’t have access to our transit passes or have a means to call anyone for an emergency.


Every time I walked into a store looking for an application and then they said they're paid on commission...I always looked around the store...saw just how completely empty it was and walked myself out. Commission is great only if the store actually sees customers.


I used to work 3rd shift at walmart as a janitor. Manager tried to implement a rule that the front bathrooms were off limits to ease the work load for maintenance staff. The problem was he also told us to report anyone who broke the rule to him. After we had caught one guy from the incoming morning shift doing this several times, he actually asked who gave us the authority to shut it down. My supervisor said rather bluntly that "He did". Rule was changed the next day lol. Still made us feel like crap for having to report our co workers and come to find out the managers were still using the bathrooms in the first place, and hence why incoming shift thought they could in fact still use it. To be fair I believe in leading by example so if the managers indeed did want that rule put in place, they should have used the back bathrooms like everyone else.


Minor one for retail work: There was one point where we were expected to carry around our handsets while stacking shelves, with a timer app going that marked how long we were taking to unwrap the stacks of merchandise and get them onto the shop floor. It wasn't an immediate backfire, but when Covid-19 hit the nation with all the panic buying that entailed, going through the process of the app just slowed down the process of getting everything out on the shop floor. The mandatory process was quietly phased out in the weeks that followed.
