How Long Should You Grow Your Beard? | Eric Bandholz

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Beardbrand is a men’s grooming company that focuses on beard care. We are changing the way to society views beardsmen by shifting beards to a more neutral to positive connotation. We post new videos every Thursday and would love your subscription. Beard on!

There is no right length when it comes to how long you should grow your beard. If you want to stay within a corporate environment, you'll probably want to shoot for around 3 months. You could probably go to 6 months if you want to be a little edgy.

The really long beards (2 year, 3 year and terminal beards) have some issues you'll need to deal with - like zippers, but they can really give you a cool look. You can do cool things with those long beards like a braid, knot, or various types of ties.

A lot of the notable bearded male models are wearing beards around the 3 to 6 month range. It'll show their neck and keep their mustache trimmed.

The best way to see what length you want is to grow it as long as possible then start to trim back when you get to lengths you don't like. Keep in mind the "penis stages" that will look back for a short period of time, but will look cooler as it gets longer. Try to power through those stages.

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I am at 12 months this month. It's my beard birthday! The best thing I ever did was just stop messing with it! It did not take long to get through the "crazy" looking period. My beard has been a great experience for me. Every man should give it a try once. You may be surprised at what you learn about yourself and your relationships. 


These videos always inspire me to keep going even further. I have friends who are supportive, but you're like a beard coach, and that helps a lot as well. Don't think I could've gone as far as I have without your help.


I'm about 4 months in and I wholeheartedly endorse being patient and continuing to grow. Just about every problem I've had (itchy feeling, mustache curling into my upper lip, patches, thin-looking areas) has been solved with additional growth (and Eric's sweet beard oil and mustache wax). So for you guys at any stage of growth, I highly recommend more growth before you reach for the scissors! Just a few weeks can make all the difference to a problem area. Cheers.


I finally completed my yeard challenge in October, but I decided to trim it down a few days early. So I'll probably grow it out again at a 6 month length & make it look cleaner. Your videos were a great help on my journey!


I let mine grow for a year. It got long but was getting in the way so I trimmed it back some the other day. I thought about it for several days first before cutting it and I am glad I did. I left it pretty long and will let it regrow for a while. It's easier to maintain and doesn't get in the way near as much.
It is easy to let the beard control you instead of controlling the beard. Don't be afraid to trim or cut it. Just be careful and take your time so as not be take too much off and butcher it up.
An 8 month beard is perfect for me. It is fairly long and easy to maintain. I cut mine down to about 6 months growth and will let it grow out to about 8 months and maintain it there.


Hey Eric,
I just wanted to let you know that in my opinion this length right here is the one that suits you the best (compared to the other ones you've been rocking these past years). As always: great content, keep on going!
Cheers from France ;)


I've been shaving my face every day due to hair loss...I'm still buying razors today but I realized I've been shaving the wrong side :) Now I'm shaving my head while growing my beard. 7 Weeks so far and can't wait to hit my long awaited milestone (12 weeks)


Am I the only one who can't even grow a beard whatsoever, but still watches these videos?


Eric's beard is super impressive! Personally, I have a decent beard but nowhere near Eric's in terms of thickness and I have a few patchy areas on the sides but videos like this give me hope. I tend to pluck sometimes but I realized how damaging that is and I've stopped. I've been growing mine since May 2017!


Longest I grew without trimming or altering was 10 months.  In the four years of having a beard, I've found my happy place to be a 3 on the lower neck, 3.5 going towards the jaw and a 4 on and above the jaw.  Been using Beard Brand's oil (four vices) for a few months and I really like it.  Adds a little shine and smells great!  I also rub the excess oil on my chest hair for added manliness.  The lady friend approves.


I am a 17 year old girl why am I watching this


I have about an 18 month beard right now. I'm going to see how long I can get the full beard and probably start braiding it.
I've had a braid under my chin that went down to my belt buckle. I eventually had to cut it off when I started saving a full beard because that pretty thin braid looked weird in the middle of a full beard. If you want to go for length I have 1 tip for you. ALWAYS keep it braided or in a tail with hairbands. This protects individual strands from getting snagged in things and getting damaged. This is especially true while sleeping. That is when you do the most damage to your beard. Lying on it or strands getting pinched in your armpit and so on.


I like the 5 year beard length. I agree it def is a length that has different challenges.


My beard is at almost a year if not a year on the nose. I haven't trimmed it or anything. I think I'm going to let it go for another six months and see where it is at that point. My beard does grow a bit slow which pisses me off but I've learned a lot of patience growing it out for this long. Thanks for the vid's man. keep up the good work. 


Love this show 🧔 hope Eric is doing well can't wait for him to return. family first my man👍❤️👍


My 4 month old grand daughter grabs onto my year and a halfer. brutal.


I think we should give props as well to Alain Thrall of "Train Untaimed". The man has a pretty serious beard going on. Although I feel for him because he can't seem to grow it on the chin right under the soul patch.

Your yeard's looking pretty descent my friend :)

Also, remember:

Not all growth can yield a great beard. But you can not have a great beard without growth


At least to adam's apple, no shavin. Haven't touch a razor for over 5 yrs, just an occasional trim.


I've been growing my beard for three years now and found a way to hide it for work due to corporate standards. Def agree about the after two year mark with it thinning out


So that's why my beard has that split! I chalked it up to a small bald spot under my chin. Maybe I should give it a trim. I have a sparse growth pattern on my bottom lip (soul patch) and a weak cheek line. I'm not a fan of the carved cheeks but it's looking like I have no other option for my weak cheek line. Thanks for the tips Eric.
