Stop Drug Cravings with Exercise

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Quit Drugs. Stop Drug Cravings. Get healthy and stay healthy. Exercise is the prescription.

We all know that exercise is good for you, but what you probably don’t know is that there is a lot of emerging research that shows how exercise changes your neurochemistry. The really exciting thing is you can actually use exercise to literally change your brain chemistry to reduce drug cravings in real time.
Join Dr. John Ratey, Harvard professor, author and expert on the effects of exercise and the brain, as he explains the science of exercise for treating addiction with Tree House and Dr. Dan Hendrick. To learn more about how you can use exercise to quit drugs, stop cravings in their tracks and stay sober and healthy call us at (855) 202-2138.

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#anhedonia #addiction #PAWS #quitdrugs
Рекомендации по теме

I suffered severe trauma several years ago as a teenage. Was actually addicted to Crack. Spent my whole life fighting Crack addiction. Also suffered severe depression and mental disorder. Not until my mom recommended me to psilocybin mushrooms treatment. Psilocybin treatment saved my life honestly. 6 years totally clean. Never thought I would be saying this about mushrooms.


I Used to Be an Addict too i'm Just 22
Tripped for 3 years
Lost my weight
I got tremors too
You know More than Exercise
it's Always Lifestyle Changes
1. you gotta Get Rid of TOXiC Gang
2. Challenge Yourself To Be Good no matter the Situation put yourself into that Test
3. You gotta learn Patience n Discipline
4. Start loving yourself
5. Start your workout
6. you got deep cravings for that Drug shit Bang Your Head Against the Wall thrice 😂
7. Smoke A Ciggerate per Day eventually Start Reducing that Shit too
8. Start getting into laughing therapy
9. Take yourself out with confidence
10. Do all this For A Week Don't thank Me later Thank GOD he is the reason you Read this comment

NOW I'M 50 FROM 45
I Was Almost About to Die


I am a Relapse Heroine addict. This year Jan i just came out from Rehabilitation centre and got relapse after 1month and now i am slowly killing myself So, therefore Tonight i promise myself that from tomorrow i am gonna Quit Heroine and start a Healthy life. I really miss my time with my Love ones . Hope 🙏 God almighty bless us and gives us strength to overcome our addiction and forgive our sins


Not even having withdrawal at all. But I'm really struggling with not using just cause of boredom. So it's mainly behavioral for me


I'm addicted to hard drugs and its killing me slowly,
I hope this gym advice will really help me cus I'm quitting from today,
Let me focus on better things
And healthy lifestyle💡💪🙏


The weekend is triggering for me. Before watching, I meditated for 20 min. I am getting ready to hit the gym n these clips helped me get out of the house .. I think I will watch this in the future. When a craving shows up, I do 50 pushups n like magic it goes away


Addiction is the secondary problem that was and is generated from the primary problem of Pain & Hurt!


You also don't need to exercise to the point of exhaustion. Just get the blood flowing...


Restless legs is the worst physical withdrawal. Also, yawning, running nose as well as nausea. The pain is real.


This is so true, I was on opioids and Benzodiazepines from age 15 to like 21, and then slowly got off everything, I was on sublocade for years and finally stopped it all about a year back, I now workout daily, it keeps me sane and helps me with the cravings. Nothing works like exercise


From this day on, every time I get a coke craving, I’ll lift some weights

Edit: It's been tough. I'm still doing coke, had a bad June this year financially due to it. August was ok, let's see what September brings.


Reading many negative comments, but I’m going to try anything healthy I can, to kick this unhealthy 7 year habit!
I guess we get to pick our pain, staying high would be easier choice, but it causes more pain, shame, guilt, and depression that I’ve ever known! it’s not helping me or serving me in any damn way! So I’ll pick the more difficult pain ahead and try to exercise to release the chemicals in my brain that will be deficient when I give the poison up tomorrow! Nothing good in life ever comes easy, so I pray that I can trust the process, and enjoy the climb out of this horrible place I’ve stuck myself in for far to long! I’m scared as hell, but we were all made to do hard things! That includes me, and I’ll call on my maker to guide me and help me out of this toxic addiction.

To all of you have that have climbed out, your comments have inspired me, thank you! Keep up the great work, you’re worth it! God bless!

Last but not least, thank you so much for your positive and informative video! You’re saving lives, keep up the good work! I thank you!


Exercise changes brain chemisty! 🧠
Thanks 👏🏼


It’s my third time relapsing on drugs and I hope this can help me out and be a Turning point for me and all of us going through the same!


I left drugs and am back again taking everyday with high dose. Am gonna win over this craving praying excercise helps me


I’ve been surfing the web for more than an hour today, yet I was unable to find any stunning blog like this one. It’s alluringly worth it for me. Keep posting more such amazing videos.


Day 1 off Sub. I actually got a little bit excited when I heard the pain tolerance increase from exercise, that is the one thing that I think I allow myself to fear the most when attempting to get off Suboxone or opiates. The pain can seem unbearable, though I don’t know if that is the case, and in this particular situation, I am challenging myself to believe that it is possible. I know that I can, and will do it. As ““ painful as the first couple steps or reps are, I realize that they will provide relief in the moment. I’m not sure how many moments. I am going to be challenged to get through though I know that I can do it.


I’ve learned that my biggest trigger to relapse is the fear of uncertainty whenever there’s something in my life that is a problem that I don’t know how to solve or control I run to cocaine because it provides me a temporary safe space but I feel like shit immediately after so I’m trying to cut that behavioral pattern out of my brain and exercise has definitely helped me but even after getting in great shape I’ve relapsed a few times. It’s a constant struggle I just hope I can win this battle


How to get my dopamine and serotonin back and be able to see joy again. I'm not sure why I keep going back for one more last time every 8 months or so? I'm bored and no happy I guess


Light bodybuilding for past few months is helping. I'm doing 30 min sessions, normally I do 45-60 min. Down to 1 point a day of drug use, it's really just refusing to let the habit go. O points a day is right in my sight.
