3 Signs God Is Putting You Through a Test Right Now!

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What does the Bible say about being tested by God? How can you know when God is testing you according to the Bible? What Scriptures talk about God testing you? Here are 3 signs that often mean God is testing you.




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In Christ and with love,

“Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” -Ephesians 3:20-21
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You have to trust in God even if we don’t get what we want! God knows what is best for his children!


I feel like I’m being tested to trust in God with letting go of a person that I’m sinfully chained to. Thank you Mark for making these uplifting videos during a difficult season.


Im in a painful waiting period of my life in Christ right now, and I fully trust that God will come through!


Im single from 9 years have no life partner no marriage, I lost my job recently still I have full faith in Jesus as he is testing my faith in him, Glorious be to God


God is good. Even if He doesn’t give us the answer we want, he is still good.


God is definitely working on me, it's not easy, but I know I will receive his blessings soon. And I'm so thankful for his unconditional love and faithfulness.


Just to encourage anyone who needs it: in the past months I have lost my dad, my older brother in his 30s and my brother in law. This has drawn me closer to God. And I have experienced what is described in
2 Corinthians 12:7-10. My pain drew me closer to God in prayer and in Scripture and I experienced God's Grace and growing in the fruits of the Spirit. Beloveds, I'm convinced that when you know God's character as revealed in Scripture, any trial will get you closer to God, you will grow in your faith in Jesus and praise God. Remember that our sufferings are only temporary, an eternal weight of joy, love, to the Glory of God is just around the corner. God bless you! God is faithful!!


if you ever feel like God isn’t there, remember the teacher always stays silent during a test


Just to be blunt, I’ve undergone a divorce after finding that she cheated. I wanted to work things out, she then moved nearly 1k miles away and abandoned me. She’s been out of my life for years, and during this time its been difficult to find who I am and more importantly where God wants me to be. I know we are called to bring Him glory first and foremost, but I’ve struggled with insecurities that I didn’t even necessarily realize until years later. I’ve allowed those insecurities to hold me back and keep me on the sidelines in relationships and I’ve struggled to find fulfilling work. However, I still believe God is in control of all of this, as I’ve looked back I can see how His hand has worked and has moved in my life, especially through people praying for me and just bringing people into my life when I’ve needed it most. Have had some difficult but helpful discussions this week with family and friends and to cap it off this video came up when I needed it. I believe with certainty that I’m being tested, if you’ve made it this far, please pray for me in my testing and that Gods will would be done and I would get better at trusting Him and His timing. If you’re going through difficult times, lean on Christ, He is the only answer and only thing that satisfies. Prayers to you all, Mark included.


I dont know if id say im being tested. I think im being molded. Painful breakup that rocked my world, then a couple months later, almost dying to the hands of a drunk driver and suffering serious brain trauma. I feel like God is stripping me down to my core, emotionally, physically, spiritually. Giving me a new foundation to build upon. Slowly receiving his blessings, and I never once strayed from Him during these events. In fact, i feel like my faith has strengthened. Not being tested. Just being molded by Him. Thanks for all you do Mark


Guys I'm a game addict and ever since this year began God has been telling to stop playing game. I see videos about fleeing from addiction. Till today I've never stopped but I'm gonna try my best to stop. Please pray for me
I really needed this video so much. I'll make sure I pass this test


Over five years ago I was involved in a life threatening accident. Due to it I lost my career. And what I thought it was the biggest tragic event of my life, God has turned around and made it the biggest blessing of my life. Showing me to walk with Christ and not alone, God has saved my life! I’m not perfect at all and I know I will never be. But I am a sinner and I most likely be one all my life. I need a Savior and glory to God for giving me Jesus Christ when I didn’t deserve it. Instead of living for the world I know live for Christ. Thank you God, thank you Father, in Jesus Name!!


I’m learning HOW to completely surrender bc of testing. Thru testing I SEE where my motives truly lie…


My whole life feels like a test! :/ But these 3 things are def happening to me, yea. I've been doubting God in so much & often blaming Him for things & He is always so patient with me. I've been fearful of future provision & just this evening, He encouraged me with verses & a message in another Christian video that He is a faithful Provider. I'm always astounded at His patience & mercy to me.


I haven't thought about testing myself, this is something that is really good for Christians to do regularly. God is so gracious to help us with this 😊 thank you!


Because of my life’s tests and trails, I’ve allowed it to make me numb. My outlook on life is what ever happens, happens. Oh well. I don’t really have anything to look forward to other than hopefully going to heaven when my time comes. Especially with all that is going on in this day and age. I do pray that God bless me with a heart of flesh again.


Hi Mark. I got baptized today. Praise The Lord. ❤️


This is so true. Prov 3:5 trust in the Lord. May I pass every test as God builds my character. Thank you Mark and God bless 🙏


Deleted all dating profiles. Still desire a marriage in the end but I fear being disobedient more now.


Jobs story is a great inspiration to learn how to endure trials and test. We should strive to have faith like Jobs.
