3 Signs God Is Preparing a Quiet Man to Pursue You

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How will a quiet man pursue a woman? How will a quieter guy who does not express himself verbally that much pursue you as a Christian woman? Here are 3 common ways quiet Christian men pursue the woman they are interested in.




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In Christ and with love,

“Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” -Ephesians 3:20-21
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A quiet guy sounds like my ideal man! It’s amazing when someone remembers small things about you that you don’t remember saying


The tricky part is figuring out if the dude is a quiet guy or a not interested guy. They both act the same!!! And a woman has to be so careful about expressing interest because she can so easily be perceived as desperate.


1. A quiet man uses his presence as a way of pursuing a woman.
2. A quiet man uses serving as a way of pursuing a woman.
3. A quiet man uses strong language once he decides to express himself.


This was my husband of thirty-four years and three months!!! He died suddenly in November 2022. What a tremendous void he left in his wake. I cannot describe how much I miss him. I am extremely blessed to have had him.


If a guy is usually pretty outgoing and friendly and appears to like you but somehow appears nervous and a little quieter around you, it might be a good sign ☺


This is true. My partner and I are both quiet and considerate so neither of us wanted to do anything to make either feel uncomfortable. We worked together but I left, hoping he would pursue me. He was going to ask me out and, as it turns out, we’re a couple now. A Christmas miracle happened for us. Our coming together is simply miraculous and unexpected in our mutual attraction to who each other is. He’s gentle, loving and committed. A true, traditional gentleman.


I’m a quiet guy and Mark hit the nail on the head with this one 💯


THIS RIGHT HERE! I'm an introvert with the "gift" of quality time. It's SO hard to find guys who want to slow down, spend time, and enjoy a deep (or light) conversation with me. I've only had two guy friends in my lifetime who had this gift, and they were awesome! I'm an older, never married single (no kids--my preference), who is still praying for my Boaz. Also, I'd like to thank my parents (married 58 years) for explaining and demonstrating God's way of biblical marriage to their kids. Mark, keep up the good work!


I was chuckling the whole way through this video because I have definitely found a quiet guy and this is exactly how he is expressing himself to me... through his hands in serving me. I love it! So many good points in this video!! I have been around the block a few times and let me tell ya, being with a quiet guy having quality time is such a blessing compared to dating drama ego filled guys. Give the quiet guys a chance, be patient on them opening up. You will be blessed.


A quiet man generally gets overlooked and his acts of kindness get taken advantage of.


To all the shy guys I think yall are awesome!🎉❤


I LOVE the way this video presents the quiet type of guy as such a normal thing. I just feel like there are a lot of quiet guys out there just being themselves and it's a valuable personality trait that gets overlooked sometimes. We love you, quiet guys!


WHAT IS SO AMAZING IS I KNOW my husband is on his way and suddenly all of these helpful videos about marriage just started popping up and they are so HELPFUL and enlightening. Thank you LORD for being so mindful and helpful.


Thank you for this! This is my fiance almost to a T. It really caught my attention because he didn't say all of these flowery things and was so reserved. I struggled with this at first, but have come to appreciate this about him. It distinguishes him from any other man I've been in a relationship with. My love languages are quality time and words of encouragement. He may not talk all the time, but when he does, he knows me well enough to say just what I need to hear even if it's not what I want to hear at that moment. And shocker...he has a clever sense of humor. You wouldn't expect it with him being so quiet, but he can say something and leave me speechless or have me busting out laughing.

Ladies, don't discount these guys! They can and will treat you like a queen if you're patient with them and acknowledge their efforts to pursue you their way.


Idk why I feel so strongly in my spirit that this is God telling me how my future husband will be.


All the points Mark said makes sense. If a quiet guy pursues a woman, the woman might empower and strengthen his verbal shortcomings. However, I will add that if he pursues a woman quietly and slowly builds trust with the woman, eventually he can be a little bit more expressive and will be able to talk way later because again, he trusts her. That's what I believe.


I am an introvert female and I just love introverts in general. When they say something they have thought it through and considered it deeply; and it has weight to it. Maybe not all introverts; but I have often found this to be the case. Still waters run deep and these are often people who have a very keen perception and insight into people and how they tick. Like an iceberg, there is so much more going on under the surface. Thanks for this video Mark. It's so easy for women to mess things up with this kind of guy as it's easy to misunderstand their intentions.


God really is working through you. I needed this message 🙏🏽


This is fascinating. A quiet guy sounds very attractive and charming in their own way. I’ve only dated expressive men that were players. Now that I’m Christian, a quiet guy (that’s also a Christian) sounds nicer lol waiting on God 🙏🏼


This is exactly what I need. For the first time in 16 years I finally am in a relationship with someone. But he didn't seem to be pursuing me the way I thought he should be pursuing me. Now I know he's just a quiet guy. I am so glad that I have seen this video.
