3 Signs God is Pruning You (to Prepare you for MORE) | Melody Alisa

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Hey, sis. Have you ever walked through a season where you felt like God was removing EVERYTHING from you? In today's video, I share with you 3 signs that God is pruning you and that you are in a pruning season. Whether you were losing relationships, friendships, habits, mindsets - God is going to cut away the dead branches of our lives because He wants MORE for us. He loves us so much He will prune us, so that we are actually bear the fruit we desire to see in our lives. I hope you enjoy and leave encouraged and EXPECTANT!!


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Hi! My name is Melody Alisa - welcome to my channel. I lived in South Korea for two years where I met God and I documented my life as an English teacher (check out my Life in Korea playlist for more on this!) Now, I call Atlanta home. On my YouTube channel, I share my Christian faith and life as a creative, a newlywed, and a new mom through weekly new videos!

pruning season god, is god pruning me, spiritual growth for 2023, melody alisa, keys to spiritual growth
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God is pruning me right now. I’ve lost relationships, money and my old self. Jesus is transforming me. He literally took everything I valued and said, “Depend on me!” I’m so blessed because not only does He provide but He shows up and shows out in ways that we could have never imagined. God’s way and His will is so perfect. ❤


“It’s easy to depend on ourselves or take matters into our own hands but It takes FAITH to say I trust that God is going to come through for me” 🙌🏾


Currently in a pruning season. God removed a relationship that I thought was headed towards marriage and children. Since then I have worshiped the Lord daily through prayer, reading the word, watching sermons and following great YouTube channels such as this. I am trying to hold on to his unchanging hand. Even though I am a bro lol your channel has been helping me get through this a great deal. Thank you for all that you do!


God DEFINITELY has me my pruning season right now. I am in a place where I am totally relying on his provision. I have never been in a season like this. It’s new, uncomfortable, and if I’m honest, very scary at times. But I’ve realized that this is needed for God to elevate me and prepare me for my next. Lord I trust you.


Job, friends, and super close connections because I relied on them more than him. Now God is forcing me to trust in him and he is continually showing me that he got me


God is pruning me of the desire to be wanted by men, especially b/c I've been rejected so many times. He's reminding me of how much He loves, adores, and accepts me flaws and all. ❤


God removed me from a ten year relationship and told me to move to a new state. And I did! My life has felt so light, free and my relationship with God and myself is blossoming


God is removing comparison, vanity and deep pain from past trauma. Painful but holding on to the cross through it ❤


My pruning process I believe is the Good Lord pruning my ability and quality of prayer. He’s been leading me to deeper, actual conversations with Him, feeling His presence; instead of treating Him like a vending machine. God bless you Melody !!


You are such a God sent❤
2 days ago, I lost my other phone where i had content for my business.Before then i had planned to get my business off the ground in 90 days, today is day 1 of 90🎉.I asked God why did i lose my phone with all the business content i had to use for these 90 days and He said "I want you to see your potential"

I bagged a business promotion and the brand offered to make the ad with their equipment (big cameras and lights) and they called me today on how they will do the advert, i was just going to use my phone and ringlight for the business ad😂😂God had bigger plans, I love him so much.


I am currently in my prunning season where God seperate me and my bf and He also took my job from me and close every single doors no matter how had i tried to apply for jobs. However, i hold on to His promise at the beginning of the season where things got really tough . He said and for the first time i heard His voice really clear, " Your bf is okay, you are the one that needs to be okay. Once you are okay then everything will be okay". So in my waiting season i see and feel God removing every single bad characters from me and refining my thoughts and how i carry myself towards evry single other persons in my life. I am closer to my restoration because last month 25th April, God gave my this word from Isaiah 40:1-2 that says :my sad days or hard service is completed". So iam always thankful to God for this season in my life and hoping to see His restoration over my life very soon. Amen.


I loved how you said "if Jesus was misunderstood and judged you can also expect it too" I never thought about it like that, thank you


During my pruning process, I’ve changed my mindset to have a more GODLY mindset. Things that I normally listen to and watch, I don’t anymore. I’ve become more dependent on the LORD with my worries, fears and anxieties. I’ve steered clear from certain ppl. And I don’t feel bad about it. GOD IS SO AWESOME!!!🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽❤️❤️❤️


God has removed the idea that our children need to be in public school. This fall we will begin homeschooling our children with a Faith based curriculum ❤️


My relationship of almost 2 years ended last weekend. Ive been praying about not being happy but too scared to leave. I was too scared to be out on my own not having a family to support me or talk to or connect with. But, I realize that God have so much in store for me. Hes always been there when I needed a mother or a father or a friend. He is my rock, so Im walking and im believing.


This was so timely! God told me to quit my job in January. I was going to put my two weeks in in case I "needed" to come back and the day after I put my two weeks in, he wouldn't even let me out of the car to go into the building. I felt this deep calling to do something else, I THOUGHT he was sending me back into Coaching but I was wrong. He literally shifted my whole life and now I'm working in the Non-Profit space and I have an opportunity to pursue my music and media career again. I've lost friends and mindsets along the way. I literally have to depend on God for my daily bread and provision but it's been an amazing, scary, anxious, but fulfilling season so far. I've opened up my eyes to so many things that he is doing in the now and really all of the things he told me in previous seasons are coming to fruition right before my eyes. I had to get into the PROPER POSITION though. I wasn't going to be able to see what he was doing until I let go of the past, and the trauma, healed, and also let go of my idea of HOW it was going to happen. I had to completely abandon my old life and my old ways and step into the unknown. If you are hesitating to do something God has told you to do and it's caused by FEAR, trust him! It's the best thing you will ever do in your life. Trust me when I say this. He has your back and he will NOT leave you. Joshua 1:8-9


Wow I needed this. A month ago I lost my job, lost my home, and my boyfriend. Since then, I got the job I most wanted, found a new place to live, I’ve grown closer to my friends, and am growing in faith. God is good!!


I 'll never get tired of saying, " Thank You God " because He never gets tired of blessing me.Amen🙏🏽💝


I am going through this now. Our Heavenly Father has removed people who were not benefiting me spiritually. I am at peace now and able to hear God speaking to me.


Going through my pruning season now. God got rid of my relationship with some of my family members and made me stop living in the past and holding onto hurtful things from my past.
