Receiving and Walking in the Power of the Holy Spirit - Bill Johnson Sermon | Bethel Church

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Have you received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and are you walking in power? As believers, our lives are to be empowered by the Holy Spirit. In this compilation video, Bill Johnson teaches about receiving and walking in the power of the Holy Spirit as we follow Jesus’ call to fulfill the Great Commission. We were never designed to live without the power of the Holy Spirit. Bill talks about the purpose of power, and also shares about his personal experience of baptism in the power of the Holy Spirit.

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0:00 Introduction
0:40 Character vs. power, and following Jesus to fulfill the Great Commission
11:00 Receiving the Holy Spirit, and the purpose of power
23:50 Bill’s baptism of power
44:25 Prayer for a baptism of fire

Bill Johnson is a fifth-generation pastor with a rich heritage in the Holy Spirit. He is senior leader of Bethel Church in Redding, California, and is passionate about seeing Revival and God’s Kingdom established and revealed in the lives of individuals, families, communities, and nations. Bill’s teaching on the Kingdom of Heaven, hosting the Presence, and the renewed mind has helped thousands around the world to step into their true identity in Christ, God given purpose, and walk in a supernatural lifestyle displaying both purity and power.

#BillJohnson #BethelChurch #HolySpirit #Power #Baptism
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I needed to be reminded that this unsettled churning inside of me that cannot go backwards is you Holy Spirit drawing me forwards inro a deeper encounter with you.. This ache for more, fresh, alive, deep comes from you lord. Its a weird place to be. It feels like i dont fit anywhere im in a spiritual limbo just hovering with expectancy ready to dive in when His presence truly manifests.. I feel empty and full all at the same time.. I long for the courage to become totally undone and ruined for Him and feel the frustration of my own reluctance to just let Lord settle this stuggle within me so that l can move... Get ME out of the way so YOU can do as YOU please


This morning my Pastor was off . Two men came into his office while I was sleeping on the couch in the office . I have been here for 70 plus days now . Night and day running side by side ….in service everyday. So I got up and we had prayer like we normally do..

We continued as usual with the absence of our Pastor. The Lord spoke to me yesterday, be faithful he said .. well here I am Lord…
Do what it is that you do! I am available .neat


I lost my 30 year old son 3 weeks ago. I just need to know that he's ok.


EXACTLY how my most intense encounter went! Felt like a thousands volts of electricity! It dropped me and I could not lift my arms or anything off of the ground for at least 30 minutes. My whole body vibrating so intensely the entire time.


Something similar happened to me. My Pastor at the time, Jerry Savelle laid hands on me well, standing in front of me, his hands hovered over mine. He did not touch me, but I fell out under the power. I never, ever wanted that. I was so embarrassed. I was not happy about being on the floor, but I could not get up, could not move a muscle (believe me I tried). When I was able to get up, I could not speak for 3 days, which was hard since I had a family, kids to get off to school and a husband off to work and also myself working. Thankfully, at that time, miraculously, I did not have to speak with anyone at work. Only my Christian friend understood what was happening. I was somewhere else for 3 days... in His glorious presence... I have no memory of what I was doing on earth during that time. It changed me, forever.


“I don’t have the luxury to change the assignment to what I do well.” Boom.


Never settle for less when your heart is crying out for more!


build yourself in the most Holy Faith. Keep going, exercise your Spiritual muscles, by doing so your attitude will inspire others & you will some into your alignment. Acts 2 is coming. But you have to move.. By that way, you may find your calling is encouragement. A servant we all are. Serve something. Breathe.


About an Hour ago, I was taking our gog, on a walk...( Present Time:11:25am.) Saturday 6/17...
(I Hurt my Back by Slipping into a ditch, while Trying to Prevent a Dog- Fight!).
I've heard the Testimony, before, but fell asleep, during the prayer, while Praying, In the Spirit/ in Tongues- I woke up, with No Pain, at all !
Thank you, Jesus; Thank You Father, God. . . Zmen !
Now, Thank You, Pastor Bill. . .May God Bless you, More & MORE Amen, Ah-gain !


The account of the person praying in various forms of Japanese strikes deep.
A local Pastor (northern Manitoba / Saskatchewan, Canada) has done a large amount of work amongst the local Aboriginals.
After hearing him praying in tongues over a person once I remarked to him that when speaking in tongues it sounded very much like Cree, which is the main Aboriginal language in our area.
He responded by saying that some years earlier he had been ministering on a remote reserve in Northern Ontario.
After praying in tongues over people he was approached by an elder, who asked him where he learned to speak Ojibway (the Aboriginal language of the area).
The Pastor replied that he didn't speak it and explained what speaking in tongues was.

The elder replied that not only had this Pastor been speaking Ojibway, but he had been speaking an OLD, pure form of the language that was only known to elders of the tribe!


I am sinking into a deep depression...
My mom just had a heart attack, and my dad has stage 4 cancer. I am doing my best to look after them, but I am overwhelmed. My wife and son are back home overseas while I am here in California, and I miss them so much. My heart aches. I am an emotional wreck at the moment. I know the Lord, but I feel so alone, and I need Him more than ever. I want to hunger for more of Him, and a fresh baptism of fire right now would be so welcome and timely.


Wow, wow, Bill you are a trend setter, way maker, miracle maker... followin the foot step of our Master and Saviour Jesus 🙌🏻👑✝️⚖🛡🛐🛐🛐🔑🦅🕊🕊🕊💕😇

Being prayin for America for a long time. Now, there is a great awakenin, revival, resettin... goin on in America. Amen.

God is Almighty, Sovereign, merciful, gracious... and promise to be a shield and is an exceedingly great reward. Amen, Period.


Thanks you Pastor Bill. Please Holy Spirit baptize me with your Fire, Power and Glory that I may Glorify Jesus on earth as you have written it in Heaven~!


Give me More, MORE- Of YOUR HOLY SPIRIT... Thank you Precious Jesus...
& I Suddenly feel 'Very, - "Tired"
Thank you God, A men...!


Seeking God is pursuing the Spirit of God. For in the Spirit we find the "dunamis" power 🎉 of the very Spirit of God. It is there we see the beauty, strength and essence of our heavenly Father that the redeemed should reflect back into this world - we are re-created in His image. --- Born again.


The anointing was so strong as you told about how The Lord came to you and brought the baptism of fire .
I could not stop weeping and pray in the Spirit for God to do this for me. I am here still just over whelmed by the anointing and I prayed with you for this baptism of fire .
Thank you for your obedience to the Holy Spirit .


Bill Johnson has impacted many with the hunger and passion for the supernatural life in Christ..❤


Excellent equal emphasis on character and power, neither quenching the Holy Spirit by stopping the flow nor grieving HS through sun


Bill, you are one of a Kind. You are só sent BY HIM… thank you. Hanli- Netherlands


I sleep, but my heart is awake. (Song & Songs 5:2)

You have ravished my heart, My sister, my spouse; You have ravished my heart With one look of your eyes, With one link of your necklace. (Songs of songs 4:9)

Listen! My beloved! Look! Here he comes, leaping across the mountains,
bounding over the hills. My beloved is like a gazelle or a young stag.
Look! There he stands behind our wall, gazing through the windows,
peering through the lattice.

My beloved spoke and said to me, “Arise, my darling, my beautiful one, come with me. See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone. Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land. The fig tree forms its early fruit;
the blossoming vines spread their fragrance. Arise, come, my darling; my beautiful one, come with me. ”He My dove in the clefts of the rock, in the hiding places on the mountainside,
show me your face, let me hear your voice; for your voice is sweet, and your face is lovely.
(Song of Songs 2:8-14)

Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of YaHuWaH is risen upon thee. [2] For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but Yahuwah shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee. (Isaiah 60)

Our Almighty One is in heaven; He does whatever pleases HIM. (Psalm 115)
