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It’s no secret that obesity in America has been an ongoing issue and that doesn't seem to be changing anytime soon. In fact, according to Harvard University; about 2 in every 3 adults or 69 percent of the population in the US are overweight while1 in 3 adults are obese or 39 percent. It has to make you wonder how the most powerful and advanced nation in the world can be so obese especially when compared to countries in Europe and Asia, it’s not like we don’t have the means as a nation for healthier lifestyle and better-quality food. Or maybe Americans are meant to be obese, and they want us to stay that way? Sounds controversial right, well in this video we will expose 8 reasons why Americans are so obese compared to other countries, so my fellow Americans make sure to stick around to the end of this video to learn why. Do us a favor and give the video a thumbs up, subscribe, and share this video with someone you care about.

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A lot of people say it's too expensive to buy quality health foods, but don't realize that medical expenses cost more, health problems take away the quality of your life. Prayers for everyone stuck in this unhealthy cycle.


Five meals a week in restaurants...We eat five meals a YEAR in restaurants. How can people afford it? Restaurants are expensive, even fast food is way overpriced.


As a Spaniard, I have always been struck by how large the portions were in the USA, how sugary the food was, the lack of vegetables, fruits and legumes on the menus, but above all what catches my attention the most is how Americans fill of calories in their dishes, a simple salad is not eaten with salt, olive oil and vinegar, it is filled with cheeses, various sauces..., an Italian pizza is a healthy food, but the American pizza is a weapon of mass destruction


I recently ditched Red Bull and Starbucks. I used to think “Buying healthy food is expensive” but, eating out and going to the hospital is even more expensive. I’ve been cutting down eating out from 3 days a week to (at most) once a week. I’ve been packing lunches at work, drinking black coffee or Matcha with my breakfast, & reading the ingredients label while grocery shopping.


I lost 87 pounds and I don’t have sleep apnea anymore 😊


I think car centric design and urban planning are one problem of it. In America, cities are built for cars not people, it's like a dystopia. You NEED a car for everything, you need a car to go shopping, to the gym, church, to the mall, that sucks. If the US had safe walkable cities, people would be happier and healthier.


I started eating much smaller portions and i was so surprised when i felt satisfied, not uncomfortably full and not left starving. I used to eat to the point where it was painful and now I realized that it is okay to stop eating like food is scarce


Good video. So true. Many fat Americans. I was 1 of them. In my 50s my doctor told me I was pre diabetic. I completely changed my diet. Stopped drinking diet soda. No more rice. Cut out french fries. Stopped buying ice-cream. Now buy it 4 times a year. Rarely eat pasta. No red meat. Eat lots if veggies and fruit and chicken turkey. Beans. Sourdough bread. Salad
Lost 35 pounds. 10 pounds to go. Also walk 1 to 2 hours a day. It can be done. No excuses. Can't be lazy. Lots of discipline. 😊


One of the thing I remember from a month-long visit to Germany a few years ago was how I was able to find some really, really good deals on food at the grocery story. Usually it was stuff that simply had to be sold that day or thrown away, and it was marked down considerably. If you wanted to, you could simply walk to the grocery store every day, buy whatever was on sale, and just make a day's worth of meals out of that. There's just not an equivalent system where I live in the US. Grocers would rather throw food away than to heavily discount it.


I’m an American living in the EU and I can see the difference in how much I eat and what I eat. Also I bike about 5km/day rain or shine to get to work, grocery store, etc. I have also lost about 20 lbs without really trying in the past 6 months and still losing. I went back to the states for a week and tried to eat as clean as I could but got stomach reactions when I was there. The food even tasted differently some even repulsed me.

One improvement I saw were bike lanes in the northeast which is nice to see. I hope all states get bike lanes everywhere so the stats can shift. It really makes a difference.


I moved here (America, Chicago specifically) last winter and I've already gotten fat! The portions, the processed food. They make it so easy to balloon over here. Not taking the blame from myself though


Bottom line: The whole idea of self-responsibility has completely evaporated in the current American society.


I noticed my biggest contributing factor of my obesity was portion control. I bought some small one serving plates for my home cooked dinners and saved whatever was leftover for tomorrow's dinner or lunch at work. I noticed a huge difference in my size. I went from 235lbs to 205 in the past three month and counting I hope I can meet my goals soon


Ive been fat, 250 lbs to be exact. When i turned 18 and found i had to buy a size 18 dress (which was tight btw) i refused to get any bigger. By 21 i was 159 lbs . Im 41 now and im still a medium. I think every human has a limit switch when it comes to negative things. Some ppl just force themselves to ignore it, but they know what they're doing isnt right and the bad thing becomes a vice. U have to push beyond it or whatever bad habit u have will ultimately kill u.


when I visited my friend in the US, (i'm from the Netherlands EU) it took me some time to find a farmers market but after I found one and bought some fresh products I started cooking fresh food. My friend had never used his kitchen. (only the fridge) He always ordered in. After I finished cooking a big pan fresh tomato soup the whole appartement building was paying a visit to get a cup of soup. Now my friend is finally using his kitchen


Happy to see you did not play the "exercise more" card as he food industry does. Our processed food is so calorie dense you can't burn it off with some gym time or a couple hours running.


I think another big reason is that most of them do not know how to prepare a balanced meal.


Obscene amounts of sugar. Plus the food we eat is not even healthy such as beef, chickens, vegetable, etc. because of the way we raise/grow them they are nutrient defficient.


proud to say i'm no longer overweight, 5'10", dropped almost 20 lbs in the last 2 months - 183 to 166. still some work to go to get back to 150 lbs. IF, better nutrition and walking daily are what i've done.


In the late 70's we were kids & my mom ended up in the hospital for 5 days. The first 3 days, my dad took my brother & I to Burger King. We ended up getting a sick feeling & we didn't want to go the 4th day. Back then if you got fast food once a month it was a lot. It just showed me that food is poison & the body has to build up a tolerance to it. Even though mom made meatloaf, pasta etc. it's still not as bad as frozen microwavable or fast food. Kids today not only eat out too much, the stuff at home is all processed & addictive. (Chicken nuggets are the worst)
