Why Do The British Look Down on Americans?

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I loved the woman that called Americans colonialists. Coming from the original colonialist power in the world, that's rich.


Too direct, too happy, too honest. I'll take that as a compliment.


Brits will land in JFK, spend 4 days in Manhattan, and think they can write a thesis on the American psyche 😂


Americans do not rub me the wrong way. Most times I find them polite and good mannered.😅


Nothing makes me chuckle more when I hear a Brit talk about American imperialism.


Anyone who judges a person by the country they come from has not traveled enough. The US is HUGE. Are some of us annoying, and loud, and ignorant? Of course. And some of us are respectful, and nuanced, and educated. Just like people from everywhere else.


That's crazy "in England we don't enjoy others' success." I celebrate my friends accomplishment even if I'm struggling, it's good to have powerful pals!


Funny how everyone is able to label Americans, but ask them to label other groups or countries and they run away as fast as they can because they're afraid to. So, a bit loud and tacky we might be, but we're not going to try to kill you over it.


As a Brit having worked with many Americans over many years I would say the Brits that are critical of Americans will generally be those who don't know any on a personal level. Americans are great people and I personally have a lot of time for them.


As an Arab middle eastern . I visited USA twice now and all the people I have met were nicest people I have ever met, welcoming, always smiling . perhapse the US are not the best in politics and foreign relations, but most people are nice and friendly, hope I will visit soon.


As an American who just moved back from the UK after living there for five years, I disagree about the NHS. The lack of focus on preventative care is a huge negative of that system. I had a baby while in the UK and the maternity care I received was chaotic. Healthcare was one of the reasons I moved back.


These people carry the stench of centuries of insecurities and envy.


I love it when people in other countries tell us what its like to live in America. When all the information they have is from social media. Solid. Absolutely solid.


I was born in Brazil, learned English in England, then moved to the US. I have been all over the USA, 46 states so far, and anyone who makes any generalization about Americans had no clue what they are talking about. The USA is a huge country, with a very diverse cultural make up. You can't generalize any country, that is the definition of prejudice, a set of pre-conceived notions about a group of persons that isn't based on reality. Want to know Americans? Go spend a good amount of time traveling in the US, especially away from major urban areas.


As an American... I don't give a shit what they think.


The English have always looked down on anyone who isn’t English. So thankful my father’s family left there and came to America.


I’m English, and have 5 American grandchildren, one American daughter in law, one American sister in law and I love them all to bits….of course! We have lots of fun mocking one another because we’re different, even our language! Most Americans are great, a very generous people but not all. Same with people everywhere. You can’t judge everyone the same, making sweeping statements. That’s my view. 🎉


I'm from Genève in Switzerland and worked in London and Paris as a hotel receptionist, next to Uni, for 3 years. I genuinely liked guests from the US, as they where usually very friendly and generous. The stereotype of the stupid and too loud American is very similar to the one about the arrogant and rude French or the boring and somber German and so on... you can find some truth in those stereotypes but they remain stereotypes at the end of the day and won't hold up for long when you find yourself face to face with real people. That being said, I will never not be amazed about the fact that only American guests used to ask me, completely flabbergasted, why I didn't speak any Swedish, you know, being from Switzerland and how French was my first language😂


The British should worry about the state of their own little country. Monty Python comes to mind 😂😂😂


As a portuguese living in the UK for 5 years I personally always had a sense of relief when I meet an American. Yes, generally they are louder but with that loudness comes also more straightforwardness, more happiness, more energy, and I would say less judgement.
Many times with brits I feel that I am being judged ALL the time however they don’t show it to your face and hide that behind a facade that they put on, the one they use to say that they are “more polite”.
With that said, obviously not all people are the same way. I’ve met great brits, truly lovely persons, but have also cross paths with some big xenophobic ones that aren’t even aware of their own ignorance.
