How to See a Punch Coming in Boxing, MMA, or Street Fight

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Here I teach you how to see a punch coming in a fight, whether its boxing or a street fight, there are certain signals and strategies to anticipate punches coming.

Shane breaks down 3 fight tips on anticipating and dodging a punch. You must have rhythm and be quick enough to slip an evade a punch, look for patterns, and manipulate your opponent into throwing the punches that YOU want to throw!

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In a real fight, all your memory about fighting and techniques are gone, you will panic. Try to remember to stay calm and fight smart, watch how he telegraphs his punches and counter. Be aggressive to throw him off.


I started MMA 3 years ago and 1 day I saw 3 bullies beating an old lady and without hesitation I run toward them to help. The grandma stood no chance with 4 of us beating her


I didn't even watch the video but I'll tell you a tip pro boxers use to see punches coming extra early. They keep their eyes on the opponents chest instead of the gloves, and when the left pectoral muscle flexes you immediately slip out of the way of any possible left hand. When the right pectoral muscle flexes, you slip and get your head out of the area where any right hand could reach. This gives you a head start on knowing what's coming at you and gives you extra time to avoid it landing on you.


Thanks, my mom couldn't stand a chance


If you look at any street fight, or even MMA fight, maybe 98% of punches don't fully hit target - they miss, slip, hit guard, etc. They may be painful but generally don't incapacitate you. Most street knockouts happen when a guy stands still, or with hands down, or by a rather random haymaker. Just by keeping hands up and moving you minimize (though not eliminate) the risk of landing a knock-out hit.


The fight won't be long enough to notice a pattern. If it's a street fight


I was sitting here poking the screen trying to see if you could dodge my finger


Before I got into striking I wrestled in High School and my coach said that when you look at your opponent don't look directly at there face, instead look below the features of the face like the chin or lower so that their shoulders are in your field of vision. With a little practice I was able to see when my opponent extended their arm trying to grab me, I later applied that to striking where I SOMETIMES can tell when the punch is coming by noticing the twist in their shoulder for certain punches.


The average human reaction time is *0.25 seconds*. A jab takes *0.15 seconds* to throw without telegraphing. That's why it's near-impossible to "see a punch coming".

Instead, (as this video touches on) one should try to PREDICT a punch coming. That is what professional boxers do; you can see when they move their head it's always preemptive, often before even the opponent has started throwing their punch, so by the time the punch is thrown their head isn't there anymore.


Here's a tip that no one else will ever tell you.

Watch your opponents chest and you will legitly see every punch.


This dude looks like the mma version of bam margera


What I learned some twenty years ago is, when facing an opponent first thing to know is that you are going to get punched. You cannot see punches when they're actually trying to punch you with any real level of aggression. Second, what I noticed this video didn't speak on is head movement. Head movement was very fundamental to my schooling. Bobbing and weaving is how you dont get punched. As your boxing wisdom increases it starts to fit together better and you'll make it look fairly easy, like you see punches coming.


Thank you so much Shane ! Im from NZ . Just learning kickboxing bro im 42 and all the students are younger and faster lol! Admire you so much you are clear and easy to understand bro. Respect to you always!


Shane your awesome & you fight smarter not harder. Your skillful & not a bully or cocky. I like your style & it makes me smile. Good luck & keep at it. I'm a retired construction worker but have always loved boxing & boxed for awhile & quit. Just three years ago I tried M.M.A just for fun & they tried to punish me with low kicks & no mercy, I quit for nearly 4 months & developed my own style & came back & laid all them out on their back. I fought back with muscle memory & leverage & they fought with the muscle hustle. I fight smarter not harder & I practice slow & easy developing the right habits & let the power & speed come natural. I school others now to bully proof tap n tag fight & defend. Please read both my comments. Dave Overbey


Shane, as an amateur fighter this online fight class is HUGE! You guys do an amazing job and give real insight to techniques and strategies. I'm training in Wushu/Sanda and as I advance in training I'd like to come visit you guys and pick your brain on tips from a muy tai perspective. Again thanks Shane and crew


I've been an fights before and I've noticed that if you watch your oppenent shoulders it helps to catch/ dogde the punches


Pro boxers should be able to name all the most common angles punches come in at, and the movements to slip out of each one on command. If a trainer yells "left hook!" he should instantly dip under moving to the right outside the path a left hook has to travel to land. Any punch your trainer calls out you need to be quick to slip to avoid the only path the punch would travel. Every punch has only one angle that it comes from. Know the exact movement that gets you out of the way. This is very important. I hope it makes sense.


In the few streetfights I had when younger, I was always waiting for the right. Kind of ignored jabs and kicks, waited for that right to come, slipped under and executed a combo from the side that involved punches and kicks, knees and elbows and an occasional head butt and eye gouge. 3 and 0, but only 0 because I was able to walk away. Older now, not out on the streets anymore, shouldn’t be a worry anymore


I loved how your trained in other styles of fighting besides boxing. And the fact you teach makes me trust and practice everything you say


Shane I love the fact that u take the time to share all the stuff you learn with your passion. Your very informative and a pleasure to watch and listen to. I think your a natural teacher. Keep up the good work man and I'll be sure to keep tuning in
