How to READ Your Opponent's Punches (and Movement) Better

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Simple boxing defense advice to help you see incoming punches better and reading your opponent's body movements.

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How weird. I just posted on the Muay Thai sub reddit the other day that I was struggling with seeing punches and how my defense is super awful


I appreciate your unique views on how to read the body in an effort to help respond to incoming punches.


1:39 This is brilliant. I love your videos. Thanks


I won't say I'm perfect but I think I have alot of potential gotta work on my movement I already have the speed and power my movement suck I gotta fix it ...this video helps alot and yes watching my boxing clip of me and some friends I see my flaws...this won't happen again imma use this knowledge and put it to good use .


Thank you Johnny for your kindness to share all these! I wonder how long it takes for you to transition into this from just seeing gloves


I've noticed this actually during sparring today, it helped me read my partner and block better, my question is regarding head movement, for example, how would I tell the difference between a cross and a right hook purely by looking at his body? Thanks for the video!


Just knocked out my school thank you expert boxing 👍


I am great martial artist and my dad was a boxer. I have been training for my next amateur boxing bout. I came into boxing to improve my accuracy and timing. This smarmy kid (21) who my gym is focused on being the next big thing sparred me today. (very talented) He was throwing combinations like a mad man and he is much tall than me. When I was in range, I couldn't see his punches at all (due to his height) and my coach isn't always into slow sparring. Kid just went at me throwing crazy stuff. Not only were the flurries hard to read, but his height meant that when I was in range, his hands were coming from angles I can't see at all. Kid had this huge mocking grin after my nose got a little bloody. Everybody in the gym knows I am the hardest hitter there and break opponents apart. But, today was a different story... This is all sparring of course. I am in one of those sink or swim gyms, where rough opponents don't always get called out. I always go a bit soft on all my sparring partners, but a lot of guys DGAF and will try to take your head off. Sparring should be about learning, not a war. Luckily, I do have a nice personal coach who knows when to give guys a dressing down. This video helped me greatly. I will start focusing on the techniques here. I highly recommend this video to anyone who is a shorter fighter. I am not very short (5'10/11), but my coach ALWAYS puts me up against tall guys and I eat too many flurries.... Now, I have a tip that can I use and improve myself. Fighting someone taller and breaking into range is nightmare if they are high volume fighter. DON'T LOOK AT THE GLOVE OR ARMS. FOCUS ON THE MOVEMENT OF THE BODY.... WELL SAID SIR!


I can see the punches. I know it's coming. But my guy is just so gah damn fast I find myself swarmed most of the time. Like foop foop foop just a blur in front of me before I get caught round the temple.


Thanx for the lesson; very much appreciated♡


wow... thats smart... following his upper body tilting... lol.thx


“These are punches to you, you see punches this way, this is punch” 1:48


This is awesome!, learning something new each time!...


My coach always told me that while it was wise to pay attention to where they're looking, it was also wise to pay attention to their shoulders. With inexperienced fighters, they're prone to putting too much power in a punch, kick or an action in general. Needless to say, it actually works, and needless to say, I always observe the shoulders and upper body movement when it comes to fist fights.


Keep it up man. Good energy and anyone seeing you for the first time knows this stuff is important to you and have passion for it. All the best.


Personally i watch their feet from long range because i have long arms, so I can see when they'll throw a punch because they can't hit me if they don't step in.

Secondly i watch their shoulders as it shows which hand they will throw.

I also watch their eyes as it shows where they're aiming.

I also watch their facial expressions and their slightest movements as it shows me they are about to either feint or throw a punch.

I also analyse patterns as it shows me what they're most likely to throw.

I also set traps to make them throw a punch the counter with what i call a checkmate punch. (For example, Iean in then when i see the jab i lean out and counter with a
right hand.This was commonly used by may weather.)


I LOVE this video J!! It would be useful if this concept is taught since very beginning, right? (I was taught only that 'it is better to look at neck or chest".)


I am doing a different sport which is not striking but more body to body combat (judo). Alot of the players look where they can strike next or where they can land their hands for a grip. You can almost always predict their next move simply by looking at the opponent's eyes... Where is he looking.. upper body.. lower body.. right side of body.. left side.. it works very well and can nearly predict what they will do next before they even start their attempt.


Honestly I don't really look at anything either I just kind of keep my eyes up and try not to overthink. Usually when I do start actively thinking my reaction time is slower.


Great tips! I find their eyes tend to reveal their movements a lot, but then some people have alligator eyes and don't give you anything haha
