The Rowing Machine is Too Easy 🤷‍♂️ What’s the Point?

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I just pretend that im a viking rowing their boat to seige the land


This is true, just 1 minute done with the right intensity can get your heart madly pumping. One of the toughest cardio workouts out there


Thank you for all the great tips! Love your energy.


I've been actively working out and involved in sports for basically my entire life, and as a soon to be 30 year old with a child I recently bought a rowing machine for the days I can't make it to the gym. After my first 3 sessions on it I was like, "this is dumb, I sweat more doing my 10 minute warmup of incline walking on a treadmill". So I looked up some rowing videos to see if I was doing something wrong, and ohhh my. After changing up like two things my entire body has been sore for like 3 days 😂


Whenever I need clarification for my rowing, I go to your channel. Thanks


Thank you! I just started working at row house after doing crew in college and missing the sport and I’ve been struggling to explain to new people how they can get a great workout in without focusing on necessarily just upping the damper resistance. I really like how you broke it down here and I’ll be using it in the future


True in 10 minutes, 20 strokes a min I’m literally drenched in sweat. 😂


Thanks been using the rowing machine at the gym I have the movements down just not the intensity. Thanks for the pointers.


I just hopped onto my C2 rower today. Took a little over a year off (of all working out) and got fat.
Used to do either 10km or 12km per workout session and did that 3 days a week ( would also run and or lift on non rowing days)
Would always finish each 2km checkpoint in under 8 minutes (this was the bare minimum) but on a really good split I could get a 2km down to
7 minutes total 10km was under 40 minutes but at times I could get it down to 32 minutes.

But now I'm thinking I want to do sprint intervals at shorter distance.
Today I only did 2 intervals of 500 meters with 60 seconds in between.
1st 500 I finished at 1:34 ( maintained a 1:22/500 for the first 300M but kinda lost it after that) 2nd interval I finished at 1:54 and was pretty spent.

New to the sprinting concept, going forward will increase rest period to 2 minutes, and will do additional intervals work up to maybe 4 or 5.

I'd also like to still do some longer 10km rows but not as frequently as I was.


Youre a legend man... so clear and easy to understand.


You can add resistance bands to make it a bit challenging and more resistance on the extension. Requires more control after the pull


Subbed. I dont even weight lift but this guy is so expressive he deserves credit.


Why did I laugh so hard 😂 thanks for the humor


This dude is like the Jim brewer of exercise


Great tips bro. And I feel attacked with the bicep curls demonstration, I do it that way in hopes of flying across the gym 👀🤣


I rowed for 8 years of my life, from the time I was 12 years old until I was 20. We used this machine a lot, to the point that to prepare for the national championships we did training sessions like 3 series of 5000 meters, or 20000 meters with good intensity (21/22 strokes per minute). In a series of 2000 meters done with all the speed and intensity we could to see how fast we could complete it, I reached 205 pulsations. We called it the infernal machine, it's very tiring but it's a fantastic cardio workout. After completing a set of 20000 meters you feel like superman hahahahahah.


Hey Austin, i’m so happy I found your channel because I want to add a rower to my gym. I’ve been watching your reviews of various rowers. If you leave out the “smart” aspects of rowers, like the Aviron as an example, which rower is best for rowing?

I have been leaning toward the Aviron tough series because of the seat height, remote resistance adjustability, and seat design that you spoke highly of (as a cyclist, I understand the idea of proper pelvic tilt), and I especially like the lateral adjustability of the foot plates. I just watched your video on foot placement and back pain. It seems the distance between your feet is as important if we want to keep our bodies anatomically aligned. I already have not so great knees, so alignment is important to me. However, the Concept2 seems to get consistently excellent reviews.

I do not care so much about how much the rower costs, I do care about performance. I have been comparing reviews of the Hydrow rowers (I like the new Wave because of size and weight), both Aviron rowers (I like the tough series for the reasons mentioned above), and the Concept2. I am a 68 year old woman, 5’9”, 140lbs, an avid cyclist and weight lifter.

Since I do not have the opportunity to try out various rowers, how would you rank the top rowers for rowability (the rowing experience itself)?

Thanks and great content.


Hello Austin, i have a question for. If a person is partial paralyzed on one side of the body is this a good exercise machine to help rehabilitation rehabilitate my body?


Not true. It's all about consistency. I've achieved great results for years just rowing daily without forcing anything at all.


Would flipping your hands so you’re pulling up on the bar work to target different muscles?
