5 Reasons Rowing is Worth Your Time - And Why a Rowing Machine is Worth The Investment

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Wondering whether you should give rowing a chance and try out the rowing machine for workouts? Are you trying to lose weight? Do you need weight loss workouts? Is so, try rowing and see if it's the right fit for you.


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It has been a life changer for me. Morbidly obese. 63 years old. Uncontrolled Type 2 diabetes. Arthritic feet. Less than a year ago I was rushed to the ER and admitted with sepsis. Today, with Shane’s guidance and encouragement, my diabetes controlled and my blood sugars are now within normal limits. I’m still on meds and insulin but I feel like I have years to go rather than months. Thank you Concept 2 and Dark Horse Rowing. I am a Dark Horse.


9 months of daily chemo. 67 and thriving and just for kicks I bought a nice Row Machine to help bring my body back to better health. Thanks for the encouragement Man!


I have a devastating ankle injury ( 46 years old ) which ended my running career. Now I row, I follow your channel and my body has changed. Before I was 174lbs at 6'1 and now I'm 178 and filled out. I love the muscular cut look vs lean. My cardio is still as good on par with my running half marathons and 10ks daily. I row for 60 minutes a day 6 days a week with weight training.


Everything you’ve said here has been proven in my first six months on the rowing machine, a Concept 2 Model D in my case. At 61, I didn’t want another fad program that takes an hour or more every day, an expensive ongoing supply cost, or had unreal expectations on what I could accomplish in a given period. What I did want was a lifestyle change… a fitness habit I could incorporate into my life as a permanent fixture through my 60s, 70s, 80s…. I have found this in the rower.

Your channel has been the “connecting tissue” between the rower and my personal goals for health and improved overall fitness. Since beginning with your 20 minute workouts, I’m up to 40 minutes a session and have logged over 500, 000 meters in my first six months. My wife has also chosen to use your workouts, and has done very well on them. One of our daughters lives several hours away, but used our rower during a visit and decided to buy her own after returning home. I, of course, provided her with a playlist of videos from you and Concept 2, to get her started right. We have a career military daughter who will begin using the rower after rehabbing from surgery. It’s a healthy habit we don’t mind passing down to our loved ones.

Your content has made a positive change not only in my life, but in the lives of my much loved family. I’m grateful for that, and will continue to spread the word about the Dark Horse mentality, and the solid work you are doing for the Dark Horse community.


In-laws gifted me water-rower for first holiday - best gift ever!!!! Blood pressure massively improved and love it!


Love rowing. The workout is as hard as you make it.


Hi Shane I blew my lower back discs in an indoor rowing competition when I was younger. It was a life changing event for me. I was hospitalised for over a month and had to learn how to walk again. What I learnt was I had no core strength. After 20 years of competing at national and international regattas I was a mess. Fast forward 20 years and lots of rehabilitation I am back on the Ergo and following your channel. You have made me fall in love with rowing again. Love it Shane. I tip my hat at you ❤ ❤❤


I bought a concept2 couple of weeks ago and thanks for DHR I am making good progress. I checked other channels as well but I gotta tell you Shane, nothing comes close to your videos. 🙏


I did your 20 minute chill recovery row this morning — very meditative — and yet I covered more meters than my last 20 minute row a couple of months ago. Thanks, Shane!


Ive had some injuries/ surgeries and had stopped doing any workouts. Then pandemic hit...thankfully i got a rowing machine and even with my physical limitations I've been able to work around some of the barriers. Feels really good! I started doing 2000 meters and now im doing sprints and steady state up to 6000- 7000 meters 5 days a week! And I'm 57!


I found a used rower and bought it because I was told that I needed my hip replaced. Of course I had to lose some weight and wanted to get more cardio. Well that was 3 years ago and I still have the original hip!! While it can be sore sometimes after lots of rowing I never have the severe paid that I had. I know that it will have to be done sometime in the future but I will be in the best shape ever when I chose to do it. Also - it was you and your videos that taught me form and educated me about rowing. Thank you -Thank you.


A great workout. I can no longer run. My knees are a wreck. Rowing gives me the closet endorphin rush as running. I totally agree with the meditative state. Your videos are very helpful and inspirational. Thank you.


Your videos have changed my life. I have Charcot Nueropathy in both feet and have regained overall flexibility, good cardio figures and body shape improving through rowing an hour every other day. Thank you


Got a rowing machine cause of knee injury that caused me pain while running, funnily enough, due to rowing my knee got healthier for me to be able to run again


I started rowing like 2 weeks ago after spending 3 years sitting on my ass doing nothing. Already burning 350-700 calories per day of rowing(I respect the rest days, of course) while fasting and doing keto simultaneously. I don't know how healthy it is, but I sure as fuck feel like my whole body is becoming stiff with new muscle. I can only imagine what the inside of my body is looking like with such a good cardio workout, especially with exercise+fasting+keto. It has only been like 2-3 weeks of me starting to get my shit together, and I feel like a new man both inside and out. Even my beard feels nice and soft, and my skin looks like 10 years younger.

If I keep this going, I might actually end up healthier than I was in high school, and I benched 300 pounds with a 4-5 minute mile back then. Rowing+fasting+keto is that good. Also eliminated all other processed poisons, such as vegetable oils, of course. After I am done rebuilding my body and mind from the bottom up, I might end up being in my 30s and looking better than someone in their early 20s. 😎😎


JUST ROW. On days its hard to find motivation ... just row. Shane you are The Boss. I always enjoy your rowing coaching and maybe even more-so i enjoy the “better human” coaching. Thank you for building an army of better humans, by being that better human.


Yep, #2, that would be me. Multiple knee surgeries, plantar fasciitis, back issues...then I started rowing earlier this year. Best fitness investment I’ve ever made and DH keeps me motivated. I have increased range of motion and flexibility and my overall daily body soreness has almost completely dissipated. And my improved mental state is a bonus I didn’t expect to get from this endeavor. Can’t thank you enough for your videos and sharing your time and energy with us. God bless!


The best I’ve found in my life. I’m 64 and finished the NYC Marathon👍🇺🇸


Man, I have serious, multiple injuries to make right ankle. I have been waiting for the most recent injury to finish healing totally and can’t run or play basketball. I finally got healthy to do the rower without pain and it has been a remarkably helpful and is now becoming fun for me which I never expected!!!


Love your Channel. Im rowing since 2 years and now cant stop Rowing. The benefits i got from rowing is way far i got from trademil or Indoor biking.
