STOP Rowing on Resistance 10!

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Rowing machines SHOULD NOT be set to level 10!

For most people, and most workouts, the resistance setting should be set somewhere in the middle!


Because rowing machines create the majority of their resistance based on the EFFORT you put into each stroke!

Yes, that goes for WATER ROWERS TOO!

That means the HARDER you take a stroke, the MORE resistance you feel. The softer you take a stroke, the less resistance you will feel!

You can make resistance 10 feel like RESISTANCE 0 when you take the stroke softly enough!

Focus on rowing HARDER rather than worrying so much about your resistance setting!


Love always,

Coach Austin 🤘
#rowing #rowingmachine #rower
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How the f*** does Google know I Used a rowing machine today.


I’ve been told that around 4.5 is as close to flat water as you can get


Different strokes for different folks or whatever Ghandi said


My dad did the hardest stroke, but he's still recovering


Resistance on a C2 machine does not define how hard is to pull the wheel, but how quickly it slows between active phases of subsequent strokes. At higher resistance the wheel just slows more and you start your stroke with slower wheel, so you can put more energy into each stroke (at the expense of force exerted), while still maintaining your cadence and stroke ratio (active to rest phase ratio).
Higher drag factor setting is roughly equivalent to feeling rowing in a heavier and more immersed boat. Feeling, but not distance displayed. The distance displayed is dependent solely on the mechanical work done over the wheel and it's damping force. In a heavy boat at the same work you will just go more slowly. On C2 you will go the same distance at different damper settings if you compensate it with the stroke rate and force.
So people doing 2k in 7 minutes are equivalent rowers, independently on what drag factor they do it. Like it does not mean, on which speed on derailleur in bike you go in the race. It's your choice.


Depends on what type of piece you’re doing. If you’re doing a 2k test, obviously you’re not leaving it at 10. You’d gas out half way through or rip out your back keeping that SR above 32BPM. Setting between 4-6 is ideal for the erg so long as it coincides with a drag factor between 115-130.


To everyone misunderstanding and saying “what’s the point of the lever then” or “I get a better workout by putting it at 10” here’s another analogy: gears on a bike. Putting the resistance down at 1 is like cycling in first gear, you’ll find that you’ll just spin the pedals fast but not really go anywhere. Putting the resistance at 10 is like cycling in your highest gear: it’s just really hard to turn the pedals. The optimum gear is a balance of the two that lets you work most effectively. There’s a reason Olympic rowers always train with a resistance setting of 5-6 (DF 120-140), stop thinking you know better than them.


Although true as far as it goes (that resistance is determined by effort), the purpose of raising the damper lever is to increase the deceleration of the flywheel hence determining the the initial effort at the start of the next stroke. So, if you do all out high intensity intervals and you want the most difficult workout and are not necessarily interested in emulating smoothly gliding over still water swiftly, then keep the lever up.


I don’t think this is completely accurate. The first stroke will always be hard because you’re starting the wheel to spin. But once the wheel is spinning each stroke at a level ten will be much harder then a level one when applying the same force. The drag doesn’t become a factor until after the wheel is spinning.


Lol i forgot how to crank up the resistance thanks


I get more fan at 10 that's the only reason i have it at 10🤣🤣🤣


it's a ridiculous argument, putting the resistance up and keeping the same pressure makes the stroke longer, and putting it down makes the stroke quicker. It's not about harder or weaker. So you're arguing that it's better to do shorter strokes and more of them (as they will be quicker, so more strokes will be done in the same amount of time). It's not more strain on anything.


So why would it matter if it was on 10 or 1?


Blud really made a rowing resistance video with the rowing technique of a novice 💀💀


But then 🤔 what is the resistance even good for? 😂 Why doesn't it have just one fixed setting?


Does this apply to resistance band rowers too?


When I pull hard my rowing machine lifts of the ground how come ?


He’s right. I have the Water Rower, and the same concept applies. You can’t change the resistance on it.


Or you could get a water rower and forget about the resistance level


it's all about the drag factor. I think the recommended df for men equates to around level 5 on the damper.
