9 Sales Basics that Every Beginner MUST Know
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1. Don’t reinvent the wheel.
I don't know what it is about sales that makes so many people want to figure it out the hard way—on their own. It’s like they actually want to take the most difficult, circuitous path possible. This makes absolutely no sense. There is a proven path to success in sales: systematic selling. Leveraging what already works will help you skip that painful learning curve. Don't just try to figure it out on your own. Follow a consistent and systematic approach.
2. They can’t hurt you.
This is perhaps the most psychologically important of all the sales basics on this list. Prospects cannot physically hurt you. They have no physical control over you. And they can cause you no physical harm. In order to build a strong sales foundation, you must first convince yourself of this truth: they can’t hurt you.
3. Have a system.
Following a systematic approach is a sales basic that’s essential for success. There's no such thing as a born salesperson. I've been working with salespeople now for over 20 years, and I’ve never met a born salesperson. I've met people who learn really well and become great salespeople quickly...but I’ve never met someone who was just born a great salesperson without any practice or work. The key is to pick a proven selling approach and follow it completely. Don't try to makeshift your own approach by pulling ideas from 25 different places. Follow a system and use it every single time.
4. Know your first 30 seconds.
Imagine you're in an elevator with an ideal prospect, someone who you’d love to have a conversation with. They ask you, “So, what do you do?” What are you going to say? What will come out of your mouth over the next 25 to 30 seconds? Most salespeople and business owners have no idea what they're going to say. And what ends up happening is that they drone on and on, meandering all over the place..
This is a complete mess. You need to know exactly what your first 30 seconds will be. Script it out, memorize it, and own it. Because if you don't own that first 30 seconds, you’re never going to compel your prospect to break through to that next level of conversation with you. Your first 30 seconds is everything.
5. Drop that pitch.
Your prospects don't need to be pitched. This is one of those sales basics you absolutely must implement right away. Nothing screams “beginner” more loudly than starting off a sales conversation with a pitch, talking about your company, and about how your product is the best in the market. All of that stuff will go in one ear and out the other with your prospect. You’ve got to drop that pitch—and instead engage prospects in a real conversation.
6. They don’t care about you.
Newer salespeople tend to focus a lot on themselves, as opposed to the prospect. But all the prospect cares about is what's going on in their world. They don't care about you. They don't care about your company. They don't care about your product, your service, or your offering. All they care about is themselves. And you know what? That's the way it should be.
7. Get them talking.
The more your prospect talks, the more likely you are to get to the next step, and then ultimately to close the sale. Some really powerful recent data shows that the longer your prospect talks and the more words they say at the beginning of a sales interaction, the more likely they are to buy in the end.
8. Demonstrate you can solve.
Old-school selling (which, by the way, is what most beginner salespeople are doing) focuses so much on the pitch and on features and benefits, and does almost nothing to answer the only question prospects have: “Can you solve the problems that I’m facing?”
All you should ever focus on are the issues they’ve mentioned. All they want to know is that “this person can solve my challenges.” This is a key sales basic that will drive your presentations to a new level of being concise, effective, and relevant to your prospects.
9. Next steps are EVERYTHING.
We must have next steps in place after every sales conversation. There's no such thing as just following up or checking back in when it comes to the basics of sales.
Always be scheduling next steps. And if your prospect is unwilling to schedule the next step, it should be a huge red flag for you to say, "All right. Maybe I'm in trouble here. Maybe I didn't demonstrate enough value. And now I'm in a situation where I have to follow up." Make sure that in every conversation, you are always scheduling next steps. This is the one place to be really strong and dominant with your prospects. Always put next steps in place.