My doctor doesn't know what's wrong with me (Medically Unexplained Symptoms)

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It may surprise you to know that about 25% of issues that people go to see their doctor about are known as "medically unexplained symptoms"

They just don't make obvious sense and can include things like back pain, fatigue, feeling faint, chest pain, palpitations and stomach problems and many more. They often have psychological roots and associations.

There are some experiences associated with having a lot of medically unexplained symptoms, many stretching back to childhood, such as:

- Being ill as a kid (chronic)
- Ill parents during childhood
- Tough childhood - adversity or abuse
- Having certain personality traits

We can't always do much about these issues but we can modify the maintaining factors of medically unexplained symptoms such as:

- Physiological factors: this is when some of our key bodily functions and pathways go awry - things like autonomic dysregulation, hormonal and immune dysfunction and metabolic abnormalities
- Social: loss of role and medical uncertainty.
- Cognitive: symptom focusing and intolerance of uncertainty
- Behavioural: avoidance behaviour, ‘all or nothing’ behaviours and poor sleep hygiene.

The rest of the video dials into how we can make sense and manage these types of physical symptoms with a psychological cause.

Thanks for watching. Till next time, stay healthy
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Whenever a doctor can't figure out what's wrong they always say that it's anxiety. They can only tell you what's not wrong.


My friends symptoms was some real neurological issues. Blurred vision, droopy eyelids, lack of hand eye coordination, trouble staying awake during the day, trouble walking, to even now trouble using the bathroom. He needed a catheter. Even showed some signs of dementia, lack of memory or even recognizing people. Doctor ran everything and didn't find anything. Even had specialists. A group of doctors. They don't know what's wrong with him. I'm trying to see what I can do now to help him. He's bed bound and not eating 😔 he's fed through a tube and iv


Yeah, your opinion is part of what's wrong with a lot of Dr's today.


I have these with different symptoms
1. Like hernia when being checked all is fine, it's recover on its own like 3 months
2. Chest tightness, hard to breathe, when test with oxymeter, it's fine. Checked medically it's okay, only Gerd. It healed with one month
3. Heels pain, when being x-ray, nothing wrong with the heel, but we feel the pain. It happens to me within one year. I figure this is not medical when I went to holiday, it switch from right heel to left heel instantly. Like crazy, wth is this, for the left heel, it healed on its own 3 months. As for right heel, it's healed instantly when it change left to right

4. Now I'm felt mouth sores. My tongue felt sore but nothing wrong, it switches to heartburn, bloating, mouth sores. If Im having heartburn, others are not pain, if I'm having mouth sores, the heartburn gone. It switch on and off. I have checked my thorax, throat, nothing.

This is stress that we thought we could maintain. The only thing that heal this kind of conditions are TIME. It's makes u ls to go diet, exercise and consume healthy vitamins.
If anyone can speed up this kind of things. Please advise me please. I'm never go to pyschiatrist because I can sleep well, eat well, can go normal routine except this pain. It's really discomfot. So please anyone. Please share your remedy that can speed up this healing


So basically🙉 everyone has stress and past trauma so therefore you just need meditation cause your crazy. Or IDK what you have let me research it, oh you think it's this disease I'll research that's too, let's run more tests.


I have some muscle nerve condition that the doctor can’t put a definite name on. It started when I felt something detached inside my chest, and it split up and started moving around like grains of sand, I felt it move into my neck and up my head, my head was jumping up and down, and all of a sudden my nose became stuff. I have taken a fair share of tests, and blood test, without any findings. The last 5 months it’s been stuck inside my chest (where it is the least uncomfortable), as it one day moved out of my head, down my back and into my chest. Do I even try to go to the doctor anymore, and ask if she can refer me to a specialist or something? I was there last week, and she said she thought it would go away on its own. I suggested saturated fat as a possible cause, but not the actual fault. Because I had started feeling some tension in the chest after eating minced lamb meat, a day or two before the “detach”.


Medically-unexplained does not mean mental. Your patients are Googling because you and other doctors have failed to find the issue and they are suffering. Have some humility and understand that your perspective is not the deciding factor in what is reality.
