Is Becoming A Medical Doctor Overrated?

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Is Becoming a Medical Doctor Overrated? It definitely is for a lot of people and in this video I will go over why that is.

Needed to get this one out there is hopes that I save a few people from falling for this one. So many smart, young, ambitious people try to become a medical doctor for all of the wrong reasons and it's so common that I'm surprised it isn't a meme by this point. Or maybe it is? Let me know in the comments


Anyways I want to make it REALLY CLEAR that in no way am I looking down on doctors, they're awesome and they deserve all of the respect that they get. The point I'm trying to make with this video is that most people don't know what they're getting into, they go into it with the wrong intentions, and many of them regret their decisions afterwards.


These videos are for entertainment purposes only and they are just Shane's opinion based off of his own life experience and the research that he's done. Shane is not an attorney, CPA, insurance, or financial advisor and the information presented shall not be construed as tax, legal, insurance, safety or financial advice. If stocks or companies are mentioned, Shane might have an ownership interest in them. Affiliate links may be present, the offers and numbers presented may change over time so please make sure to confirm that the offer is still valid. Some offers mentioned may no longer be available or they have been changed. Please don’t make buying or selling decisions based on Shane’s videos. If you need such advice, please contact the qualified legal or financial professionals, don't just trust the opinion of a stranger on the internet and always make sure to do your own research and enjoy this family friendly content.

Sources and further readings for jobs and college degrees:
payscale(provides information on jobs and degrees)
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I was trying to convince my parents that med school isn't for me and showed them the high suicide stats . My father said well you're mentally strong suicide isn't a thing in our culture lol wtf


Med school applicant: My grandpa died of a heart attack, which made me want to become a doctor
Med school admissions: 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂❌


With this video, you have made yourself public enemy #1 to billions of Asian parents.


Emphasis on parents brainwashing or deciding its doctor or bust. I finally decided I didn’t want to go to medical school, instead I prefer PA school. My father was so angry, hasn’t spoken to me in a bit. Also it’s my senior year I finally decided I wanted to be a PA. My advice? Parents won’t be here forever, do it for yourself.


I'm a psychiatry fellow, who graduated 8 years ago from med school, and all what I can say is that: This man is ABSOLUTELY TRUE in ALL what he said!.


The moment I stopped pursuing an MD I felt I could breath. Please volunteer and do your research in order to make a decision. While I know Docs that love their career I have met others who regret it


Im a medical 3 things to do to figure out if medicine is right for you:
1. Shadow a doctor in hospital
2. Shadow a doctor on call
3. Shadow a doctor in primary care
If you see yourself doing what they do 24/7 and you wont bitch about working 65+ hours a week, then pursue medicine.


I’m a software dev but my parents are still disappointed I’m not a lawyer or doctor. Asian parents 😔


The word you’re looking for is “commitment”


Video: *Why being a medical doctor is overrated*
Ads: *Want to become a doctor??!!!*


No one who is coming out of college knows whether they have "Stick With It" factor. School is day care, you don't know whether you can handle shit until it's actually happened to you.


I am from an Asian Family There is a huge pressure from relatives and friends to become a doctor, especially from my mother's side of the family. But since I was young, my father told me to become doctor ONLY ONLY if you could NOT see yourself doing anything else. Now I understand why.


My dad was a doctor. Worked til he was 84--constantly. Fortunately, he liked it. But not for me. He was a psychiatrist, but hated it so much, he did a new residency in cardiology starting at 40. Was brutal on the finances. Again, he loved medicine, studying, and working. So it worked for him. But really think about it..Shane speaks the truth


Look, I have been depressed and found my life meaningless at times. However, this profession gives my life a meaning which is why I want to become a doctor


I love the passion and effort you put in to make this video Shane. No one should ever skip ads!


I was a physics teaching assistant in college. That's how I met all the premeds (it's a pre-requisite for the MCAT.) Holy cow, I did not envy them: they had to apply to 15+ medical schools and some of them didn't get into any of them! I was a C-student and I still have a good-paying job because for engineering it's not that big of a deal.


With growing up when your only option is to become a doctor, engineer, or pastor 😒


You highlighted so many of the cons of being a doctor that have made me decide to be a nurse practitioner. Could you made a video on the differences between MDs, PAs, and NPs? I feel like there are so many misconceptions between the 3. They’re similar, but they do have key differences. Thank you for the video! It was very well made.


I want to be a doctor to smack ppl in the face and say "get a hold of yourself man!"
