Final Fantasy 16 - Review After 100%

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Talking about my experiences with Final Fantasy 16, after doing all of the things!

00:00 Intro 
01:07 Overview
02:07 Technical State
03:28 Difficulty
05:30 Story Set Up & Thoughts
10:50 Progression Systems
13:50 Gameplay & World
19:20 Combat
23:15 DLC
25:09 Steam Deck
25:33 Positives/Negatives
28:18 Conclusion
30:24 Wrap Up

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Ive seen some people mention at 4:40 the time says 22 hours on the save I'm bringing to NG+ so I wanted to clarify, that time is the time of day the save was made in military time, not time played. 2203 means 10:03 PM. My first playthrough was like 40 something hours.


The game had it's highs and lows. My favorite parts were anytime Cid was involved. I thought Ralph Ineson did a tremendous job of voicing him, and his chemistry with Clive (Ben Starr, also great voice acting) always had my attention.


The best way I can describe the flaws of this game is you can tell it's an MMO team's first try at single player.


i feel like the progression system is a symptom of CBU3's MMO resume. FFXIV streamlined the progression where its easy to get into hardcore content, ultimate being the exception. this is really nice for people who dont make the MMo their second job but also feels unrewarding to people who dont usually raid. Also i think having final fantasy mode from the get go whould be nice. i like 15 but for some reason i usually dont resonate that much with the Nomura style games, 16 turned out to be one of my favs, but i think story wise shadowbringers till 6.0 endwalker is CBU3s peak narrativwise. compared to matsuno, maehiros aproach to writing is good but feels less focused. if they ever going todo another single player game with the fftactics world vibe, then i hope thed use matsuno for worldbuilding and ishikawa for fleshing out characters


I played this game for three days straight and I haven’t even finished the story.

Mortym is a machine.


Amazing characters, story and setpiece moments but you’re right the gameplay does not hold up for the length of the game. It has *such* a strong foundation and they just never build on it. Also the game being so easy it never forces you to try anything new. Anyway, still loved the game. Great review.


I really wanted to love ff16, especially coming from creative business unit 3 and ff14 being my most played game of all time. But man, the combat becomes so redundant, and progression is such a joke, I found myself forcing myself to play it by the 20h mark just to see the ending. The game has its highs for sure (performances, story, the bahamut fight oh my god) but the lows stand out just as much, like why even have an item shop when all you buy is a weapon upgrade for +1 atk? Why am I rewarded for exploration with…. 5 gil?? Also, the lack of difficulty at launch really shows. I’m not replaying the game just to finally play the game at a nice difficulty. Just so many odd decisions, then the lack of a party so the gameplay loop becomes repetitive.


Awesome review! Loved the gameplay and the first 1/3. Super gripping story setup, very compelling character arcs, engaging combat system, excitingly diverse world

Last 2/3 I felt everything collapsed; nearly every character became less compelling in service of creating spectacle, later abilities feel underwhelming or unfun to use, and the story's power scaling started to feel random and handwave-y.

Also got sick of collecting cow toenails for villagers


I stopped expecting FF to be FF a long time ago so I enjoyed this game alot. The story hooked me right away and kept me in.


Everyone should download the mod for this game which unlocks the FPS during cutscenes so theyre not stuck at 30fps. The mod also adds wide-screen support.


Bro im not even into FF like that, and i really enjoyed FF16. I loved everything even with side quests, they were actually interesting or red herrings thinking that they gonna be boring, but then they use the characters you helped to drive the story forward with anchor(emotion). (the village you visit before returning to phoenix gate is an example). I loved being able to pause and access the codex to understand context. So important, I want to see more games do this for newcomers into an IP. This games combat was fun too. Not perfect, but its 100% serviceable and satisfying once you have all your abilities unlocked and buffed up. I want to see more of this type of storytelling. The Grimdark with Hope is so fun.


Have you played FF7 Remake on PC? Will you play FF7 Rebirth on PC when that comes out?


I guess I'm going to get it on PC and give it a replay especially since I didn't even know it even had DLC. But man by the end of the game I was wanting to bash my head against the wall with some of the side quests. Hands down some of the most beautiful boss fights in gaming though, and a really good story.


I disagree on respec I like experiment so it's a godsend to me. lol


It's a great 15 hour game stretched over 50. There was zero challenge, I think I died once through pure laziness.


Game lacks outfits, would be so much better to do different quests and get various outfits...


I think this is a really great review, but I would have wished for you to talk a little more in-depth about how Arcade Mode works, since it's not only the endgame, but it functions entirely different than the rest of the game.

So, throughout the two walkthroughs of the game, the game teaches you that damage is king. Destroy small stuff quickly, stagger big stuff and then deal tons of damage. If you go at Arcade Mode with this approach, you will never get more than a B-Rank.

Arcade Mode in its essence, expects you to squeeze out each enemy like a lemon for points, having to artificially keep them alive to spam as many Green/Rainbow point moves as possible.

This approach kinda turned away most of the possible players of the mode, since it is like a relearning the game. But once you got into the thing, it's really motivating and feel like a legend with every S-Rank you gain. That being said, Cure casters and damage checks can go to hell.


My graphics card can't play the FF16 😢. Amd 580


FF7 Rebirth and FF16 are the sultans of fluff. They’re good games but it’s so much padding to boost the amount of hours spent on the games


Loving the game. Also loved Intergrade. And the older VII, VI and VIII.
