The Most Useful Trig Identity - Harmonic Addition Theorem

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Today we prove, that the sum of sine and cosine waves always results in a shifted sine or cosine, namely a*cos(phi)+b*sin(phi)=r*cos(phi+alpha) or a*cos(phi)+b*sin(phi)=r*sin(phi+alpha) :) Enjoy! =D
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Postfach 11 15
06731 Bitterfeld-Wolfen
Today we prove, that the sum of sine and cosine waves always results in a shifted sine or cosine, namely a*cos(phi)+b*sin(phi)=r*cos(phi+alpha) or a*cos(phi)+b*sin(phi)=r*sin(phi+alpha) :) Enjoy! =D
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Postfach 11 15
06731 Bitterfeld-Wolfen
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The Most Useful Trig Identity - Harmonic Addition Theorem
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