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In this video, you’ll learn 5 Underrated Habits To Get Lean Starting at 30% Body Fat

How To Get Lean Sustainably
Making transformations like these happen over and over again, in 90
days or even 7 months aren’t done by a few simple tricks. My client
Shannon at 56 didn’t achieve her dream physique by one particular
diet. She actually had 1 or two glasses of wine a week. Nicholas
losing over 30lb in 16 weeks and finally seeing his six pack was
because of the habits we implemented at sculpt by science and The
same goes for Dr. Amin and the hundreds of clients I’ve coached. I
recently read the book “Atomic Habits” in short... my short review of
the book is... wow. I get why there are over 5 million copies sold. It
inspired me to make this video, I’m going to share with you 5 Atomic
habits to get Lean. Every man and woman should see their abs at
least once in their life, and it won’t be by overdoing cardio or
startving yourself. It will be by creating small atomic habits that
become your religion and your new way of life. These habits I’ll
share with you is the culimiation of my 8 years experience and I
have a feeling that this may be able to even change one persons life
to better health. We are so close to reaching a million subscribers, I
hope this video helps one person. If this channel has even helped
you a little in the last 8 years, leave the video with a gentle thumbs
up for the youtube algorithm and comment down bellow, one habit
that helped you get lean.... Let’s kick it off.

** The information in this video is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images, and information, contained in this video is for general information purposes only and does not replace a consultation with your own doctor/health professional **
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Habit 1: pay attention to the environment in which you live, esp. what you eat and the motivation (or de-motivation) you get from others;
Habit 2: prep your meals. Do it smartly, or at least do it.
Habit 3: Temptation bundling. Do what you want with what you like to increase the chance of doing what you want.
Habit 4: Increase your "steps" of what you are aiming to do, such as walking, eating healthier, or sleeping more.
Habit 5: Pay attention to influence from people, including the close group, the tribe group, and the influencers and powerful people .


Having to Live with one of the worse sickness can be exhausting but I still have to believe I can be healed.


Dr Mike, I’d love a meal prep video on how to weigh (ie raw or cooked) and calculate macros plus what containers you recommend and how to not get too bored! I’ve never been successful at meal prepping and believe it will be a game changer for me.


I started with basic bodyweight exercises for 5 mins every morning. Just 5 mins which slowly increased over time and now I've added weights💪


Meal prep is key for me. I tried 1 week walking 10k+ a day (no meal prep) and gained weight. Next week reduced steps to 8k and meal planned. Lost 3 lbs.


Walking is very underrated! One of the easiest tools to stay consistent in using!
There is a lot of other benefits about it too, especially for people that aren't moving a lot throughout a day.
Thanks a lot for your videos Mike. Cheers from Greece.


Crazy you made this, I just finished Atomic Habits last month & the difference I’ve seen in habit building / progression has been insane. Great video as always Mike👍🏾


I do my cardio watching you! You are my motivator!


Great video! I used to work for a gym & was in the best shape of my life! All my workout partners have moved & not close any longer. I go by myself & do my workout & I know the meal prep is optimal for staying in shape. Thank you. ❤


Good to see your motivating so many people Dr Mike 🔥


Thank you SO much Dr. Mike! These are INCREDIBLE habits for health! I can't tell you how essential it is for me to have a clean environment, especially as a Binge Eater in Recovery. I am learning about the water intake as I am on week 3 of 75Hard right now - so a gallon a day! OMG - your dog is SO PRECIOUS!! 🐶🐶❤❤ "Stop making excuses!" Love it! And YES would LOVE a meal prep video! I'm stepping right NOW while watching this video --- are you spying on me??!! 🤣🤣 I don't do strenght training - so DEFINITELY need to learn about that! 💪💪 Hope you have a wonderful week!!! ❤❤


Great video.
Cardio is underestimated.
BUT there is something else which is underestimated : the calorie deficit.
Two problems exist : eating too much, but eating NOT enough also is a problem.

In my case, I was running 45min 5x per week, each time an average of 10 km, so roughly I was running 50km each week.
And add to that 45 to 60 minutes 5x per week of weightlifting and body reinforcement.

After 6 months of that I was pretty unhappy with the results, my dad bod still there, my muscle mass not that visible, even though I got stronger and my stamina got way better.
Then I started doing something pretty simple : I counted what I was eating.

Then it hit me hard : I had a daily calorie burn of 3000+ but my calorie intake was between 1500 and 1800 cals.
My deficit was too high and my body instead of burning the excess fat, was STORING the fat as if it was in "survival mode".

I started eating more, allowing a deficit between 500 and 700 cals.
I started changing my routine, going to 45 min of speed WALKING before each training, and I started to use 30 min sessions of body reinforcement and 10 mins of core building work.
So my routine was 45 min of walking (at 8km/h speed, not more) + 30 min of upper/lower/total body training (I lazily just take the apple fitness videos/training) + 10 min of core/abs/back training (again from apple fitness).

And results are happening, I feel better, stronger and my muscles are showing and abs although still under a dad bod, start to peak now more and more :)

The only real struggle now is just eating, having to eat 2500+ cals per day while trying to keep down fat is a real challenge for the wallet and also for the simple stomach size issue, I mean c'mon eating 1kg of Skyr or fat free greek yogurt each day is a challenge ! Protein diet is so low on cals that you have to eat TONS just to reach the needed calorie intake.
Of course i COULD stop the cardio or lower it, but then my head will lack the "anti-stress" those 45 min of walking provide :p

Doctor Mike, maybe you could do a video on the issue of proper calorie intake and why too much deficit does not help to loose weight and on the contrary has that stubborn weight stick.


Great video, I have been meal prepping for a few years now with my husband. It’s such a game changer for us.



1. Fix ur enviornment

2. Meal prep (pick 2 days in the week, and cook for the subsequent 3 days. Example sunday, cook for monday, tuesday, Wednesday, and on
Wednesday cook for thursday, friday, saturday

3. Cardio, temptation bundling pair an action you want to do with an action you have to do. For instance, walk while calling a loved one, listen to a podcast, watch a netflix series etc.

4. Establish habits before trying to perfect them. Don't make habits too difficult for you to implement, start by going to the gym 3 times a week, then go 4 times in the other weeks when u feel more disciplined

5. Immitate social groups, surround urself with people u want to be like!


For me, eating dinner earlier made a huge difference. I used to eat dinner at 9 30- 10 pm and I was not seeing a lot of changes


Hi Doctor Mike - a meal prep video would be great!


This video is amazing!!!😊 I watched this during cardio session btw.


I really believe this is one of the best videos you’ve ever put out, thank you so much Dr. Mike!!! 💪🏻🔥


I want to see the step by step nutrition you consumed to achieve your goals. I already meal prep every Sunday so this will be perfect for me!


I did OMAD with Keto plus gym. I lost from 96kg to 82kg in 3 months
