Catholics are NOT Christians | Mike Gendron

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I was raised a prot and I was so comfortable living in sin and proclaiming I loved Jesus and I was a Christian. I became Catholic and started getting so uncomfortable with sin, so uncomfortable with the unclean. I started to feel the actually suffering of Jesus on the cross as I committed these sins constantly considering my father in my actions. Being Catholic changed me so much. If you believe all your sins are forgiven completely, you will continue to sin. You will grow comfortable in it. Non catholic Christians only want to receive the goodness of God. Not the discipline of truly being obedient to the father


Recently returned to Catholicism, and this is exactly why.


As a Protestant, I protest this terrible misinterpretation.


On my way to convert to Catholicism because that's the truth


Im an atheist and still got "offended" by your misrepresentation of Catholicism


Some Christians really hate catholicism. They're always on here teaching me new things about my faith that I don't believe lol


Yes you do have a different Faith than the Roman Pontiff.

But you also have a different Faith to the Apostles.


I'll say a prayer for you that thr Lord will open your eyes, in Jesus'name. Amen


I actually had a chance to speak to Mike once. One of the most intellectually shallow yet arrogant people I’ve ever met.


As a Catholic, we are Christian, “Catholic” stand for “Universal” The Universal Church of CHRIST for all peoples


I'm no longer protestant but Catholics because I studied the ancient Christians and I knew I could no longer be a protestant.


I know some people can be crazy, but to say that Catholics are not Christians is madness

Classic Protestant when in a church there aren't 4 piss colored walls and a rock concert in the hall🤣

I will forever be a Catholic ✝️


Proud to be part of the One Holy Catholic And Apostolic Faith! Protestants don’t know how to read their bibles. They are masters of distortion and misinterpretation. Have a convert friend who grew up 20 years in a Protestant faith, read the Bible front to back thrice, and when I explained all the doctrines of the Catholic faith in 30 mins, he said it all made sense and he learned more about how the Bible all fits together in those 30 mins than at all the Sunday preachings he attended which lasted hours each and every Sunday. There is nothing that makes more sense than the Catholic faith. And for obvious reasons this is true: Jesus founded it.


When a person claims to be a leader of the Christian faith and tries to create division to promote his own authority, his path is led by the devil.
He needs to repent.


I am a CATHOLIC CHRISTIAN and proud of it! ❤️


Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. No one goes to the father except through him.


Catholics are the original teachings of Jesus


Wait until Evangelicals find out what Eastern Orthodoxy is ☦️☦️


With all due respect, you wouldn't have a bible to read AT ALL if it wasn't for the Catholic church. That just history!


Some people also say that the catholic church is man-made. Bro the catholic church isn't man-made. The catholic church is the only church found by Jesus Christ himself. All of the protestant churches existed 1500 years later. I also had an urge to convert to one of these protestant churches but something was not permitting me to do so. The guy on the video was right. The catholic church is my home. The saints are my ancestors, and we still do what Jesus instructed us to do to this day. In John 6:53–57, Jesus says, “Very truly I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day. For my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me, and I in them. Just as the living Father sent me and I live because of the Father, so the one who feeds on me will live because of me. This is the bread that came down from heaven. Your ancestors ate manna and died, but whoever feeds on this bread will live forever.” Upon hearing these words, many of Jesus’ followers said, “This is a hard teaching” (verse 60), and many of them actually stopped following Him that day (verse 66). I truly believe in this because the catholic church is the ONLY church to have been founded by Jesus Christ himself. Blessed are the Sacraments. God bless you all ❤️
