Could SCP-001 Actually Slay SCP-682?

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SCP 682 is a Keter Class anomaly also known as Hard to Destroy Reptile.
SCP 001 is a Euclid/Keter Class anomaly also known as Gate Guardian.

SCP-682 is a large, vaguely reptile-like creature of unknown origin. It appears to be extremely intelligent, and was observed to engage in complex communication with SCP 079 during their limited time of exposure. SCP682 appears to have a hatred of all life, which has been expressed in several interviews during containment.

SCP-001 is a humanoid entity, approximately seven hundred (700) cubits in height, located in an undisclosed location near the intersection of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. SCP001 has a weapon, possibly a sword or knife (SCP-001-2). The weapon appears to emit flames at a temperature rivaling that of the sun.

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Watch these other SCP videos we love:

SCP-682 - Ways SCP Foundation Tried to Kill Hard To Destroy Reptile

SCP-001 - The Gate Guardian (SCP Animation)

How to Actually Kill SCP-682 (SCP Animation)

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"The Hanged King, the Sealed King, the Scarlet king, hell, if they want to, they could go toe to toe with the Burger King." Ah yes, the Burger King, the most powerful king of them all.


I actually have a personal theory on how 682 is able to survive. Often times the foundation cuts away a sample to test if something will work. If other cross tests hold true each part is still alive and in a way connected to it meaning it already knows instinctively what's about to happen and is able to prepare to spring its counter measures.


"And Clef was looking at a meme on his phone"
I officially find Clef to be the most enjoyable character in the foundation.


I love how the line where scp-682 says that he was cursed for giving the fruit. So this is obviously how the snake convinced Adam and Eve to eat the forbidden fruit. Also meaning that the lizard is litterly the devil. Which in turn ties into when God looked at scp-682 and said "he's not one of mine" referring to that god banished the devil


One thing the foundation hasn’t seemed to think about is how impacted they’d be if 682 was actually killed. After the party, they would have to deal with more issues with testing anomalies and probably running few on D’s.
I feel bad for 682 honestly.


When even Dr Clef has said 'yeah killing this won't happen' maybe it is time to divert the funds from murder attempts to 'figure out how to contain it for good' efforts.


How to contain 682 properly:
Keep it in it's box, don't disturb it, don't cross-test it, let it live without rent because it usually escapes during cross-tests


Honestly the Gate Guardian came a lot closer to killing 682 than anyone else did.


I really want to see an extended version of that infinite rooms video from last time. See the SCP fight its way through layer after layer, until it adapts to get out. That would be INSANE!


If the gate guardian protects what's believed to be the garden or Eden or heaven than i wonder what would happen if scp 343 were to ever be encountered with the gate guardian.


682 is like a cockroach, no matter how many times you step on it…. It always comes back.


Scp 682 is the perfect D class to test varied SCP on. Given that SCP 682 will just not die.


To be fair the gate guardian never claimed to be Uriel. Nor did it ever claim that it was guarding the garden of Eden. That's just speculation on the part of the Foundation.


682 has no less than three different origin stories at this point. The "Horse" of Death, the Serpent of Eden, and the last survivor of a race murdered by 173.


The DR Clef termination attempt would be fun to see, the closest reference to it I’ve come across was a “Dr Bright not allowed” involving replacing Clef’s buckshot with confetti and Clef being hospitalized after giving 682 a face full of confetti, not that I don’t love that too. But did Clef really just walk up to 682 with a 12gauge? What a legend


I've never thought that 682 could literally be Satan himself. Seeing how He seems to know that the Garden of Eden is not where it should be and 001 isn't the true Uriel. He also said that he suggested the forbidden fruit himself. It really makes you think about it, doesn't it?


“Hell if they wanted to they could go toe to toe both the Burger King” that caught me so off guard! Lmaoo 9:53


I'd like to see 001 actually slaying 682 like the title suggested instead of telling us the story of how it stopped right before doing so.


“Pretender!” I don’t know why I love that part, I was hoping he would say it. But if he isn’t Uriel and that’s not the garden, who is he and what garden is that?


What I love most about 682 stories isn’t the insane most times inexplicable ways he survives, but both his snarky remarks and the various bits of explanation to his existence. Where here he is implied to have existed with the gods, being Lucifer Morningstar himself, cursed to immortality. Meanwhile in another he is the last of his species refusing to die, and in another he is the physical concept of the idea of hatred. Stuff like this makes me want to write an scp and see what wonders other people would do with it
