Reverse Culture Shock - United States and Dominican Republic 🇺🇸🇩🇴

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Hello everyone! Today I'm sharing some "reverse culture shock" observations I've made since moving to the United States four months ago after living in the Dominican Republic for about the past two years. The United States and the Dominican Republic are two very different places in a variety of ways, but here I'll just mention a few basic things I've noticed differ in the ins and outs of daily life. If you have lived in both the US and DR, maybe you can relate to some of these!

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Music credits: Dalvyn Diaz

Hello! My name is Kara. I am from Pennsylvania (USA) but I currently live in the Dominican Republic. Subscribe to my channel for weekly videos about US expat life, teaching abroad, travel vlogs, reviews, and more.

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It's a pleasure to hear you about dominican culture please come back soon 🙏


As a Dominican I feel happy I have seen all your videos you learned to love the Dominican we are kind people we have a beautiful country nothing to envy any first world country I hope you come back soon


¡Qué bien! ¡Muchísimas felicidades! Que Dios bendiga tu vida con abundantes bienes y sobre todo una familia feliz.


What do you think about the conservative values from DR compared to the liberalism from the USA?


Congrats on engagement

Also recently before seeing this video I will tell you that Democrats keep control of the Senate

The House of Representatives is still up in the air but Republicans have an easier but not guaranteed path

Not trying to be political just sharing current events
