Reverse Culture Shock Mexico back to the US, 5 shockers Ep 100 Going Walkabout

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After a year in Mexico and Latin America, we’ve come back to the US and noticed, 5 shocking differences.
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It is refreshing to see an American citizen like you to tell the truth about the safety in Mexico. I always tell mom who lives in Guadalajara that my life is more in danger in the US than in Mexico. Thank you for making that important point.


The majority of the people in México are not violent or hatred filled. More peaceful.


I´m Mexican American, and I´ve been raised and educated in both countries, Mexico and the US. For the past 24 years, I´ve been living in Mexico and don´t get me wrong, I love the US voraciously. I¨m grateful to the United States for my education and all the wonderful things I learned from American teachers, but I do have to say this: It amazes me how the US is the only first world country in the plantet that does not offer universal medical coverage to Americans. How does that work? I´m in Mexico, and I can get a doctor anywwhere, and besides that, I also have universal medical coverage and on top of that, I also have private medical coverage. These are things I could never have in the US. I just can´t wrap my head around that. Another thing that scares me about the US is the fact that any one - literally - can carry a gun. Living in the US and just going to a mall is plain dangerous. Another thing I love about Mexico is homes. They are just built differently than in the US. Houses in Mexico are made out of steel and concrete. US homes are made out of wood, carton and other perishable materials. I just don´t see how you can spend 15, 20 years paying for a home, that can simply get blown away by a hurricane. Those two things alone are what ketp me in Mexico since the year 2000. Love the US - but, if you´re serious about having a long peaceful healthy life - US is not an option. Mexico is.


Good summary- we have lived in Mexico full time the past 4 years and experience the same culture shocks when we return. They feel like shocks because we US citizens have been indoctrinated to believe that everything in the US is the “best”. When you travel the world your eyes are opened. For us the high quality of food at a lower cost and excellent healthcare available in Mexico are two reasons we probably will never return to live full time again in the US.


I'm Mexican living in Los Angeles since I was a 7 years old, I'm planning on moving back to Mexico when I turn 65. I'm 60 now! Ahi los


Mi Querido México, is about to take off to the top.
Hold on tight!!
¡Viva México! 🇲🇽


Missing is how dependent the use of the car is as compared to Mexico, where you can walk to a ferretería and buy screws instead of driving to Home Depot, you can get eggs or milk from a tiendita one block away etc.


Thank you Lady! I live and work in Mexico, but travel quite a lot in US and Europe, and can confirm your observations and comments are accurate!


I’m Mexican woman 62 years old, and married for 13 years with American man 75 years old, and every year we go to Mexico one or twice, my husband doesn’t likes to eat fresh fruit in US, but in Mexico, he loves eat the fresh fruit, he said, he fell different texture and flavor, and he feel secure walking 🚶‍♀️ all the time, something that he really likes is the way my family go to our hotel and hug and kiss us, he loves to see the kids, give him a hugs and a lot of kisses. And he feel really sad went we have to said good bye 👋🏻 because he can see the sad faces include the kids, and he likes went my family and friends said to him “Te quiero Tio, cuidate porfavor”, “I love you uncle, take care yourself” 🥺,
My husband said, he is very lucky to have a great family in Mexico,
Thanks for this video, and said many nice things of my country, God bless you!


It’s in our DNA to be generous, polite and kind, no other country acts like Mexico.Mexico helps without waiting for something in exchange.we just do it and it feels good. I’m proud to be Mexican !!!!


They are also going to build a train from Queretaro to Monterrey, and from Monterrey to Nuevo Laredo, and they are planning to connect that line all the way to San Antonio Tx. Also another train from Mexico city to Guadalajara, all in the next 5 years.


Me alegra mucho saber que alguien que haya visitado Mexico trae muy buenas experiencias y comentarios, Mexico es enorme por su gente costumbres y creencias, la cultura de Mexico.
Felicito a esta señora por sus comentarios.


Let's make America Mexico again !!


There's trains coming to connect our whole country, México. 🇲🇽


Thank you for your kindness towards Mexico!! The media doesn’t want to give us credit and people like trump are always trying to insult our people !! I am subscribed now and gave my thumbs up 👍


I am USA born and still have close ties to my family in Jalisco and Mexico city. You are so right about the produce. My family in our pueblito in Jalisco grows their own produce and fruit. We have a family orchard. The tomatoes are so good and everything else is so fresh and you can really taste the difference. They raise their farm animals. Chickens, goats, and some grow pigeons for consumption. They are fed mostly corn and their produce. I like pigeon in mole' sauce. No chemicals just water and care for produce. The immigration from Mexico is at a historical low. The folks at the border have to cross Mexico to get to USA. If there are opportunities and jobs, ppl don't leave their country. I love Mexico. Have you been to San Luis Potosí? It's a beautiful little city in Jalisco and less expensive than other places in Mexico. I love the Metro system in Mexico city. Thank you for your kind assessment of my Mother land. All the best to you. Your right about the generosity. The poorest most humble home will offer a bite even if it's just beans and tortilla.


I'm mexican, I just watched your video and it seems funny to me that people like you, being from the country king of neoliberalism are realising how the new political regime in Mexico is actually working in this new world (we call it "humanismo mexicano") we still need to fix many things in Mexico but I also think we're in the right path, Claudia is leading in the right way and it warms my heart that people is seeing that. You are so very welcome ❤❤ and I hope we can find peace with the US with your new administration, we both need to support each other, we are countries that historically can understand each other very well, more that other cultures.


yes, most Americans are unaware that the world in general is growing and changing or don't want to to recognize it. it feels like if Mexico was the second world economy they would still call it third world 😊


Number 5 is the most common shock when we back to USA. Sometimes I say Hello on the street to unknown people and it's a little bit embarrassing for me not get a word from the others. 😅


I'm glad you enjoyed your visit. Claudia Sheinbaum, our president, announced a plan for the construction of three new passenger train routes with a scheme similar to that of the Mayan Train, in which military engineers and private companies participate.

The routes that he plans to build during his mandate are: the AIFA Train (terminal of the Felipe Ángeles International Airport)-Pachuca, the Mexico-Querétaro-Guadalajara Train and the Mexico-San Luis Potosí-Monterrey-Nuevo Laredo Train. These trains will be electric and built in Mexico😊❤
