USA Reverse Culture Shocks 🇺🇸 #shorts

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Some common things in the United States that I see with a different perspective after living abroad

When I lived here in the US I never gave these much thought

But now I notice them all the time

1. Having to drive everywhere. The US is so spread out and in the large majority of the country it would be extremely difficult to get around without a car. Obviously I’m aware that in some cities you can get by on the public transportation.

2. Expensive tipping culture. In my opinion the cost of tipping has gotten out of control here. 20-25% for a meal and even just getting a coffee tips are often expected.

3. Huge portion sizes. The serving sizes at restaurants are so big compared to other countries.

4. Water is free at restaurants which is a bigger deal to me than it should be 😂. This is true in some other places too but often you have to pay for water and it won’t be free refills.

5. Getting ID’d to buy alcohol. I have never once been asked to show an ID for a beer in a foreign country but it still happens to me almost every time here.

6. Air conditioning in homes. Something I took for granted in the US. I miss having AC when it’s crazy hot in Europe over the summer and all I have is a fan.

7. American flags are everywhere 🇺🇸🇺🇸. You’ll know you made it to the USA when you see the flag flying soooooo many places. I feel like a lot of other countries only fly flags in special areas and on important buildings.

#usa #unitedstates #america #cultureshock #reversecultureshock #americanlifestyle
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Many people seem confused by “reverse culture shock.” This means that someone experiences culture shock in their home country when they come back from a long time away. I’m from the US but have lived abroad for a while so all of these are observations I noticed when I came back to the US for a visit


The excessive tipping is getting ridiculous!


Free water being a culture shock is wild


I only tip at restaurants where I am seated and food delivery. Do not tip at kiosks. The more you tip the less companies have to pay employees.


As a fellow U.S. citizen, we are also starting to get fed up with the excessive tipping culture.


Tipping options at self serve ice cream place always gets me. Like you just stood there while I put my own ice cream in a cup…..😭


Tipping should be by choice and not demand.


Portion sizes are getting way smaller, while prices are getting way higher.


I absolutely hate how tipping culture has become mandatory, and the restaurant owners, rather than paying their employees a decent wage, pay them little, making costumers pay for the wage by tipping. It has even gotten to the point where I went to a bakery (they didn't have any tables or anything, it is just to pick up and take home) and I got asked if I wanted to tip and I said no thanks (because if the food is to go I don't think it's necessary) and the cashier looked at me almost angry as if it was rude of me


If I have to stand up to place my order or drive-thru to pick up my order, there will NOT be a tip. Tipping is for SERVICE, not for just doing your job.

Edit: I am not angry or a smarty pants. But it's simple math. People can either spend money at all kinds of places and only tip where they feel appropriate, And they can keep the economy going and keep people employed by visiting those places. If they have to tip everywhere, then they have less money to spend, meaning they have less money to go out. Eventually, that means people get laid off because there's not enough business. And raising minimum wage ends up raising the cost of goods sold. It is an ugly, ugly cycle. Inflation is what needs to be controlled, nobody needs to be peer pressured into tipping when it doesn't feel appropriate.


"Water is free in restaurants" Oh boy, what a high bar to set...


There should be no need for tipping in the first place; companies SHOULD PAY their employees RIGHT.


American flags apper even more now cuz it's almost 4th of july


Don’t forget the internal monologue: “Is that fireworks or gunfire?…”


I hate driving everywhere I love that in Paris you can just hop on the train, I don't always like driving.


I’m an American who got into cycling. I try to walk or cycle as many places as I can. The amount of complete strangers genuinely concerned as to why I’m on a bike as if I don’t have a car (I do) is absurd. I had a neighbor stop me and ask if she could take me somewhere because I shouldn’t be walking. I was exercising. I’ve gotten so many weird comments about using other modes of transportation besides my car. If I’m close I’ll just walk or bike. It’s sad that everyone basically drives everywhere here even if the place they’re going is under a mile away.


We (here in the US) are just as shocked at the expensive tipping culture thing.. it’s getting super ridiculous and outta hand 😮


We have a big “leftovers” culture in America, so the “huge portion sizes” are not really expected to be finished in one meal.


Tipping for to go order has really been the kicker. I refuse!


This is how I felt when I returned to the US at 16. I lived in different countries since I was 6 and it took time to get used to things especially high school. I was used to students that respect their teachers.
