USA reverse culture shock 😅

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They do it in Italy as well, at least where I'm from. But at a certain point they can kinda tell you're over 18 so they will stop asking😂


As a recent cashier:

Some newer systems require you to scan an ID to allow the purchase or else you literally cannot get past it except with manager approval.
I worked in an office supply store where we sold a couple items which could possibly be used as drugs (like canned air for your computer) and people got so upset when I asked for an ID. It’s not my choice! It’s the law! Complain to the law makers! I literally cannot bypass it without calling my manager!


I'm 52 and bought some wine yesterday. The cashier had to scan my ID. The register literally will not complete the purchase until a valid ID is scanned. Doesn't matter that I look like someone's grandma. 😂


Getting ID’d for alcohol is FINE- getting ID’d for UHU glue for your college finals is NOT 😂


In the UK you need an ID if you appear to be under 25 (not just 18). However, if it’s bloody obvious you ARE over aged, it is completely unnecessary….


I thought she was late 30s, early 40s. She has accomplished so much for being young.


When I turned 18 I wasn't ID'd for alcohol but I was ID'd for scratch cards lmao


I was in Arizona and they said they had to ID everyone that was in line with me. My brother and sister in law just so happened to be at the store at the same time as me, we drove separate, we were checking out separate, but we spoke in line. I was before them in line and the lady asked for all our ID's. I had my ID and my brother had his, but my SIL didnt have hers, it was in the car, so they wouldnt sell to me. My SIL said she would go get her ID and they said no, they wouldnt sell to any of us for 24 hours since she didnt have it with her at that moment. It felt like the checkout lady was just being crazy because I asked what would happen if I was shopping with my kids, could I not buy alcohol because they are under 21 and don't have an ID? She said "get a babysitter". I appreciate being safe and preventing minors from getting their hands on alcohol, but that law was really ridiculous.


As another recent cashier, on some systems we could type in the birthday HOWEVER, we can also get fired if we don’t actually see a physical ID in front of us. I had so many people yell at me. Like dude I will not be losing my job because you want beer sorry😭


The cashier in Germany would have thought: "Yep, she's older than 16, she's allowed to buy wine" 😂


I live in Italy. This week I felt a bit under the weather but still wanted wine. I sent my 15 year old daughter into the grocery store to "fare la spesa" and had wine on the list. No problem! She bought all the groceries and 2 bottles of wine. God I love this country 😅


As a former cashier, we are supposed to scan the ID as well as check it and/or enter the birthday. We’re supposed to ID anyone that looks 30 or younger (sometimes I heard 35)

also random: the first time i ID’d someone, the lady turned out to be 50🙃 At least she enjoyed it


Italian here! When I was 14 I went on a date with a guy 2 years older. We got a spritz, he got IDed and I didn't, he got SO MAD😂 Also until 10 years ago, the drinking age was 16 and most people don't even remember it got changed to 18 cause it's barely enforced


I was never asked in Germany growing up either.


In Italy they also ask for the ID, but only if you seem minor or they think you are under 18. If it’s obvious that you are already over 18 they don’t bother asking the ID. Moreover they pay more attention with strong alcoholic (because they have to open, with a key, the shelf for you) then with beer/wine


My drunk grandad(he’s not usually drunk)asked me to pick up more pinot grigio at our holiday celebration. I’m 14. This didn’t occur to him then 😂


It has to be scanned in the register so the checker can sell it.


Can’t you just walk out to the parking lot and get your wallet? Most cashiers wouldn’t mind holding your item while you walk up to get it


You sound like my cousin who studied abroad, lol...OMG, culture shock coming home 😲!


welcome to the fentanyl nation. but you need a id card to buy pinot
