How To Complete The PIP Claim Form - Step By Step Guide

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This guide will help you complete your PIP Claim Form in a number of ways:
- You will learn how PIP score you behind the scenes
- You will learn how to communicate the challenges you face in a way that PIP will understand
- You will learn what you do NOT need to include in the form
- You will not be overwhelmed, its step by step
- You will see a REAL example

⏱ Timestamps
00:00 Intro
02:43 How to use this guide
03:55 Benefit fraudsters, this bit is for you
04:26 Warning: PIP is AWFUL
05:09 Are you worried about filling out this form?
06:49 PIP's introduction to the form & what you need to do
07:20 Are you filling this in for someone else
09:26 Why most people LOSE PIP claims
13:53 What are your medical conditions?
17:52 What if you do not have any medication?
18:45 What to do if you make a mistake on the form
19:47 Do you have antibiotics at intervals?
20:18 What therapy are you having?
22:10 What is your GP's details?
22:49 How do you manage preparing food?
37:39 How do you manage eating and drinking?
40:10 How do you manage your medication and care?
44:26 How do you manage your washing & bathing?
49:09 How do you manage going to the toilet?
59:50 How do you manage dressing / undressing?
01:07:33 How do you manage communication?
01:09:46 How do you manage reading?
01:11:29 How do you manage mixing with people?
01:12:09 How do you manage budget decisions?
01:13:22 How do you plan & follow a journey?
01:14:27 How do you manage moving around / mobility?
01:18:22 Check the checklist before finishing it

If you are struggling with PIP Claims and you would like to link with me, check out my sites:

But, before booking me PLEASE watch the guides as I am trying to provide all of the information for FREE!

On my website you will find
- PIP points and templates that you can download for FREE
- Our top Frequently Asked Questions
- Reviews


This is for future ‘live’ meetings with me where you can ask me questions directly.

My name is Charlie and I am disabled. I live with chronic illness, I have a severe form of Psoriatic Arthritis and its crap! I am in pain all the time and always battling fatigue. BUT, I will not let it win. I love to learn and to laugh (even though it hurts my arthritic rib cage LOL). You will often see Ollie (she) my black Labrador. She is currently my trainee assistance dog! We are together, literally ALL the time.

Here is a link to my personal LinkedIn account. You can literally see the past 25+yrs of my career, people who have recommended me (as a Logistician as Disability Specialist is very new for me).

The most important bit: I would like to thank the support network I have around me and YOU for watching this channel.

HELPFUL PRODUCTS FOR DISABLED PEOPLE (I only recommend what I know is good):
-Perch chair - I could not find the right one on Amazon, it MUST have:
- arms with grips
- tilted seat so easy to stand from
- comfy seat
- adjustable height
-Handle - I am testing this before I link it in case its crap

PS: If you order using these links I get a teeny tiny profit

If you would like to write to me here is my address:
Disabled NOT Dead
PO Box 4928

Рекомендации по теме

Hi everyone, here is a link to my weekly newsletter, I am adding a PIP section due to the increase in questions/feedback, please feel free to check it out if you are interested:

Thanks EVERYONE for watching and commenting! We will WIN! I send this weekly so its quicker to get updates and I chat about my life that week. Hope this helps as well x


I watched your videos and then completed my form using the information you gave out. I then had an assessment and thought I had flunked it because the assessor said "yes, but what if etc etc" and I just kept saying it was irrelevant. If I had to answer i told them my husband supported me. Today I got awarded pip with no further information required. So glad of your help. Thank you Charlie.


Wow Charlie so impressed with you say “fxxk off” to those who claim and aren’t ill. 12 years I’ve struggled and I’ve been desperate but terrified of applying. I have done my application. It’s made my chronic health condition so much worst. I worked two days a week. Rest Monday work Tuesday test/recover Wednesday work Thursday rest recover Friday. During completing form my back fibro/discs went. 10 weeks later I’m Still off work and can no longer sit or stand for long few mins because of chronic pain. Most of my day is spent in bed now. I pray I get some mobility back. Dreading the pip call. Wish I’d heard of you before. ❤


I'm only 10 minutes into this but I just wanted to say thank you. I was feeling guilty about wanting to claim PIP because I work full time, I can get around relatively well on good days, and I can take care of my self for the most part. But that part about needing to order takeaways if you can't stand cooking, or getting a taxi if you don't feel up to getting public transport really opened my eyes. I have Vestibular Migraines which is a neurological condition and it can make things really difficult on bad days. Even on good days I'm almost always fatigued and off balance. But I am stubborn. I'm refusing to let this beat me. So thank you for this video and helping me feel like I'm not a fraud 💝


I tried applying about 2 years ago now & got so bogged down by it I just gave up, so stupid really. I've got everything at hand to call & apply again Monday morning. Started googling for some basic advice. I'm so happy I found you. I have psoriatic & osteo arthritis & depression & just the parts of video I've watched so far have made me feel so much better..(& worse too in way...there are things you've mentioned that I've realised when I think about it, are a problem). So thank you, I'll be watching all your videos, & take as much advice as I can!


Thank you so much for helping us, and being honest and candid, while suffering so much yourself. You are an earth angel. My heart goes out to you, and fellow sufferers. As we know, these forms have to be done, but are so cruel, can be very stressful, and humiliating. I have many of the symptoms you mention. Fatigue, brain fog etc.
I have no energy and have to sleep several times a day. Keep falling down, have just broken my ribs once again. Bang my head on the concrete and bled. I haven't the energy to get up myself. II have no one, and little support, making me feel, depressed lonely, and frustrated and depressed.
Disconnected from the world. I feel my feet are stuck in the mud, and I can't move forward. I awake from a dream, and the nightmare begins.
I know many others suffer, and are perhaps even worse than me. I feel for them. I was in hospital. and came out even worse, and traumatized. I so appreciate your help. I hope sometime, you'll feel better. Take care.


I’m filling out this form for my son and I’m mortified at the pages but I’m trying my best because he deserves the help and support.


I watched this video and it helped me to fill in the form in PIP language. I got PIP!!! It took 20 weeks and I got back payment. Thank you. I had applied 2 years ago and got knocked back. I have fibro so is really hard to get taken seriously. Wow thank you.


Not all hero’s wear capes !
Charlie I want to say a huge Thank You !!
I followed your guidelines closely when I filled my form out
It’s the first time I have applied and I have been awarded enhanced for both daily and mobility which is such a huge relief and will improve my quality of life massively
Thank you


You're giving the best information to help people.... i have been on PIP for 6 years and when i first claimed i just knew i was entitled to it, so i kept my answers simple but clearly stated where i had difficulties and i was awarded PIP.. After 2 reviews i am now on a 10 year award so no more reviews for a long time.


My friends have been nagging me for years to claim this but I have been too proud . I’ve decided to make a claim . I’ve worked all my life and have never claimed benefits except in between jobs which has been rare . Thank you for this Charlie. 🙏


Hi I rang pip this morning just to request my ATOS form and he was a very nice man and told me my results of the assessment review. I have been awarded enhanced daily living and standard mobility. I am happy with the results even though I feel I deserved enhanced mobility but after a year of waiting I’m quite content. I was only getting standard living. I don’t have the energy to take it to tribunal. He told me a back-payment has already been issued for the 1st of November. 😊😊😊


Thank you, thank you, thank you. My anxiety has stopped me from claiming, (fear of any individuals not believing me), but a friend has been through the process and promised to help me. You have helped me immensely xx


The comments you said about people saying " I wish I could stay in bed all day " My Siblings ( Brothers, sisters and other Family members have said that to me. It destroys you when you hear that ) I just wish I was still in business and teaching !!!! " Excellent Podcast Charlie, my friend whose also disabled like me I've forwarded your'e Youtube Page onto her as if you don't mind me saying it's outstanding I do hope you get recognition from the Disability Council of the UK etc


This has been amazing help for me so far char y do we always leave this till the last minute I personally have found this re-assessment very frustrating and get distracted I was hospital izd 3 weeks in may till June I discharged myself I hope that won't work against me I've suffered from depression for 15 years and had a heart attack in 2017 two stent's in my right arm still not finished my form yet and I've only got 24 pages I've had no help watching this has been massive help big up to you for trying your best to help legitimate ppl, all the best Mark.


thank you for this, its been so helpful. for ages i put off applying and then my father was really ill and then passed away last year. I was doing so much for him, that i put off all my stuff to one side! I am now filling in this form with more confidence, after watching your vlog. the way you explain it and make it clear, is very helpful. i was not willing to admit how i was struggling with a lot of this stuff mentally for years, wish i had applied a long time ago. I will now, thank you again.


I loved every second of this vid. It took me 3 years to get pip because i wasn't able to get help with my form, eventually, I GOT PIP... took 4 years in total.
My only gripe about this vid... is... there might be people out there who might see this vid, and theres nothing wrong them. No mental health issues, no nothing. And your revealing your skills to them.
It would be better (in my humble opinion to you) if you had put this an email to those that REALLY need the help.
However, thank you for tgis ibgo, its taught me where I went wrong.


I has been more than two weeks since I was told but the Citizen Advice Bureau to apply for PIP and I have been unable to due to extreme stress, overwhelm and anxiety .. you gave gave me so much reassurance so I will call tomorrow and ask for the form .. God bless you


Thank you so much Charlie for making and sharing this information. I am completing the PIP form on behalf of my partner and this has been so helpful to me so that I can flush out some of the answers to some of the questions. Personally, I have learnt a lot about her daily struggles by listening to you as I know that she is too proud to ask me to help her any more than I already do. She applied for this about a year ago and was turned down, but her condition (osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia) is getting worse, so she has decided to give it another go. She does work as it gives her a sense of purpose and she loves her job, but she is completely worn out and usually spends most of the next day in bed trying to recover.
Please don't feel the need to reply to this. I just wanted to thank you. I have subscribed to your channel and I sincerely hope that you are getting rewarded for all of your valiant work.
Kind regards Paul.


Thank you so much for uploading this video. MY SON'S ASSESSMENT IS TOMORROW. i WILL BE THERE. YOU HAVE EASED OUR STRESS
