NO! Do Not Fall For PIP Trickery - Check Out This Example

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Today the vlog is an extract from the main PRACTICE for your assessment guide. Its just one example of how people can WRONGLY loose their points in a simple manner.

I hope this helps

Here is a link to put your name on the waiting list for group PRACTICE sessions with me:

If you are struggling with PIP (Personal Independence Payment) Claims and you would like to link with me, check out my sites:

But, before booking me PLEASE watch the guides as I am trying to provide all of the information for FREE!

On my website you will find
- PIP points and templates that you can download for FREE
- Our top Frequently Asked Questions
- Reviews


This is for future ‘live’ meetings with me where you can ask me questions directly.

My name is Charlie and I am disabled. I live with chronic illness, I have a severe form of Psoriatic Arthritis and its crap! I am in pain all the time and always battling fatigue. BUT, I will not let it win. I love to learn and to laugh (even though it hurts my arthritic rib cage LOL). You will often see Ollie (she) my black Labrador. She is currently my trainee assistance dog! We are together, literally ALL the time.

As there are a number of awful people who target us - the vulnerable - here is a link to my personal LinkedIn account. You can literally see the past 25+yrs of my career, people who have recommended me (as a Logistician as Disability Specialist is very new for me).

The most important bit: I would like to thank the support network I have around me and YOU for watching this channel.

Please know, I would love to reply to all of your comments but I cannot reply AND film new videos, write the weekly newsletter and work with clients. If I could, I really would reply to you all.

HELPFUL PRODUCTS FOR DISABLED PEOPLE (I only recommend what I know is good):
-Perch chair - I could not find the right one on Amazon, it MUST have:
- arms with grips
- tilted seat so easy to stand from
- comfy seat
- adjustable height
-Handle - I am testing this before I link it in case its crap

PS: If you order using these links I get a teeny tiny profit

If you would like to write to me here is my address:
Disabled NOT Dead
PO Box 4928

Thank you so much for reading all of this
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The way the system needs to change is the people that are on pip and have been for a few years with conditions that ain’t gonna get better shouldn’t need to be have to go through assessments


My son had a telephone PIP: I insisted beforehand that I wanted audio recording. They tried every which way to deter this, saying it would be problematic, cause delays, etc. Even on the day of the assessment, the assessor suggested that audio recording wasn't needed! This audio guarantees the answers CANNOT be twisted to reduce points. They have to send you a copy of the recording on a CD via a courier.


When they ask that question say NO, I’d rather go without the bread then go on my own, remember they are not your friends 🙄


Hi Charlie, I wanted to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude for the incredible support and guidance you've provided to individuals with disabilities and their families, especially as they navigate the complexities of the Personal Independence Payment (PIP). Following my brother's stroke, your support videos became a beacon of hope and information for us. Inspired by your insights, I was able to complete his PIP form accurately, leading to a successful outcome where he was granted the enhanced rate for both daily living and mobility components. This has provided him with the essential financial support he desperately needed.I am fully aware that without your invaluable advice and the compassionate effort you put into every piece of content, we would have found the process daunting, and the positive outcome might not have been possible. Your work truly makes a difference in people's lives, and for that, we are forever thankful.With love and best wishes, ❤


Great advice here. You need to swallow any pride you have and no matter how much they dance around the question, don't give in to the pressure. I dont go to the shops, I never leave the house unless I'm with someone. And if nobody can come with me then I would have to rearrange the appointment. Same with can you make food, keep clean by showering etc. It sounds horrible and you don't want to come across as lazy or think this person must think I'm dirty. But at the end of the day no matter how bad it makes you feel stick to your truth! They are looking for anything to take points off you


I wanted to thank you, I won my tribunal today, I got loads of tips from you, thank you 😊😊


This is so true. I had an assessment for arthritis. They started asking me if I had a dog. They try and trick you to see if you are more able than you actually are. I was waiting for him to then ask how do I walk it. Think he was disappointed that I told him I have a cat 😂, which I did. He then started asking me how far can I walk. He literally told me and gave me distances in metres. I do not know, I don’t measure the ground. He literally made me agree with him. Watch out for there indirect questions. They are horrible 😢.


I was with my adult son when he had his assessment by an ATOS 'nurse'.
We were not allowed to record anything.
The assessment went well, but when we read the results of what she had written, it was all lies, lies, lies.
Nearly two years later, a tribunal in our local court trashed her assessment and the decision by the DWP, made a full award with no end date, and ordered the DWP to backdate the whole award to the date of the original application. These assessors and the DWP are liars, cheats, have no empathy, pity or sympathy and like their Tory order givers, corrupt to the level of criminality.


I'm afraid I fell for some of these on the day. Pride came into it.


I had a couple of old friends, very frail, very I’ll, but they said they could manage when I know they couldn’t. I told them to be honest, not polite about it, but they were so embarrassed and had helped so many people they didn’t want to ask. I knew them over 40 years, so I knew their real situation. They did eventually get help.


I had my first heart attack when I had just tirned 41. My cardiologist told me this valuable lesson. When "someone" asks you a question about breathlessness, angina, worries, etc. Tell them how you are on your worst day, no need to make things up or say that sometimes I feel better and can do something that on a bad day you can't.


Hi, i would like to say a huge thank you! My pip has been passed the first time. The process was very easy for me plus I don't think I would've got it if I didn't follow your instructions. My assessment was initially face to face but they changed it to telephone in the last minute. My assessment officer was very nice and understanding. Xx


100% agree, One of the most debilitating aspects of being human is Fear of Embarrassment.

Be honest! And most importantly Be honest with yourself.

I have found living with my disabilities was a difficult personal admission and transition from being fairly active and capable to having vast changes in mobility and strength. Acceptance is key to day to day management.

Love and Peace


Massively. I have my video assessment in 2 weeks. I'm struggling. This is my 4th attempt. I had it. They took it away. My GP tells me I shdnt work and be in pip, my previous psychologist tells me the same, my OT tells me the same. I really believed them when they said I can do all these things. I thought it was me being lazy, depressed and just needed to get on with it. I go out, get a job, am off sick loads and within a year have another heart attack. I've never had the mental strength to appeal and like I said just believed it was me. I had another heart attack this Dec, I'm 46 now and have been having heart attacks since I was 33 with a cardiac arrest at 34 which I was dead for 9 mins. Left me with brain damage which no one told me for another 9 years. I suffer agoraphobia, social anxiety, memory issues, panic attacks, chronic pain, on top of brain injury. All noted. I miss appointments, don't attend. Have still to do my cardiac rehab as have not left my home since Dec. I'm a tad worried I may loose my temper or it may cause a panic attack as they are a trigger to me. even just typing this makes me shaky so going to stop and take 5 and ground myself. Sorry I'm babbling and can't seem to stop.


I explained to the assessor that when I tried to go somewhere alone I had help to get the train and onto my seat but I was confused and got off the train at the wrong stop. The staff saw I was upset and lost and came to help. The next train was 2 hours so they took me to the taxi rank and put me into a taxi. It was very stressful and why I can't travel alone. NIL POINTS because I went on my own and managed to get myself into a taxi.


Thing is you SHOULDNT lose points on it because it should go on the majority of days, you should be able to do safely, consistently reliably etc.


I had an actual heart attack on my PIP call (I'm 47 and have no heart disease). To be fair it was because my comorbid conditions all impact each other and I try not to think about it all in one go so I was distressed.
The assessor called an ambulance and stayed with me on the phone asking me questions and keeping me calm until the ambulance arrived.
I made sure they got recognition for understanding how seriously ill I was quickly.
I know this comment is probably going to be unpopular as I appreciate wht my assessor did.
However it does show how deeply distressing these calls are 😢


I got tricked it cost me a lot of money I went alone I got the wrong bus to the wrong hospital ! I had to flag a taxi who had to take me into Manchester to the rank to start the journey again ! I was late ! I didn’t hear my name called had to go to the desk if I missed my turn turn ! I was distraught Iam profoundly deaf the whole experience was awful ! A friend kept calling sending messages they were so concerned the friend met me in Manchester to help me get the train home and also stuck 30 pound in my pocket ! Disgusting !!! And no I felt demoralised hurt and vowed I’d never ever put myself through such a degrading experience !! Not long after May I add Deafness was recognised as worthy for PIP I may add it was my local Council who prompted me to apply ! Thank you for you’re invaluable content truly appreciated by so many 💗


Thank you for this useful video. My better half has to re-apply every 3 years. (He used to be on DLA for life, with no need to re-apply). I'm his Carer. We find that the simplest way is to get your advocate to fill the form out for you. In our case this is Rethink. I highly recommend them.


Hi Charlie. I want to give you a virtual hug and thanks for these lovely tips in your channel.
I just received a text from the DWP informing me my PIP is being awarded.
Happy Easter ❤❤❤
