DWP Trick Questions in your PIP Assessment !

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Today we discuss in fine detail the questions DWP PIP Asessors will use to trick you up in favour of them failing you and taking away the cash your entitled too! learn how to beat the questions in this video today!

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Hi you wonderful pair, I just want to tell you . . . I was cut off today, after 2 minutes of the beginning of my assessment for ESA! The 'nurse' cut off the call after I told her I was going to record the assessment. She said 'you aren't allowed to record without first letting us know'. I said, 'I know my rights, and have followed procedure, and I am allowed to record '. She cut me off and ended the assessment. I had previously rang CHDA to tell them I was going to record and they told me I couldn't. They gave me the number of the assessment centre and told me to tell them. I rang the assessment centre, they told me I couldn't record. I said 'I'm allowed to buy law if I let you know in advance. She cut me off! I followed it up by ringing and ensuring that everything said was documented, she cut me off! . . . . This is the transparency and honesty of the institutions that are supposed to support us!


Thanks for doing what you’re doing you two ❤.
After my telephone pip assessment I had a couple of strange Mobil phone calls the DWP were the only new people I’d given my number to.
The first call was asking where I lived because the person was trying to deliver a Pizza that I’d supposedly ordered, I told PIP in my assessment I don’t like using the phone because I don’t like talking to people.

The second phone call a few days later said I’d hit their car with mine whilst parking in a supermarket car park, that was funny because I’ve not owned a car for thirty + years.

I think both of the calls were from PIP assessors trying to catch me out! Maybe I’m just paranoid but it seems strange that in all the years that I’ve owned a mobile phone I’ve never had bogus people phone me before. Keep doing what you’re doing we need people like you ❤


I'm glad YouTubers make videos like this. This will stop so many claimants being ripped off by those awful people at DWP.


You absolutely have the right to record. They however must inform you! I always record, I also never inform them.


Very good… I would go one step further and like state everything the PIP interviewers do is a trick question. The will phone early or late to put you off your guard. The softening up questions like your name address medication etc are to get the client to relax and even the very friendly easy going and ostensible helpful manner is to pull you in. It’s actually a technique developed by the SS division ( no pun intended) in Germany circa 1942.
I liken it to an abattoir worker coaxing in the animal they’re about put a bolt through the head of. These self appointed ‘help professionals’ are incredibly similar in attitude to the abattoir worker. Remember every question is a trick one with these killers. Always record the conversations.


Keep at it you bloody legends
I know there are fools out there that genuinely believe everyone should work or die, but I have worked in places where people have been forced into work despite mental conditions
IT DOES NO GOOD TO THE FIRM OR ANY STAFF, the firm loses money and reputation when workers have a public episode - that they were warned about before taking them on
the worker loses out when the bosses inevitably try and blame/punish them for the conditions they knew full well about
the other staff lose out when the bosses use any episodes as an excuse to bring in unfavorable changes for all such as altered or increased hours


i had a pip assessment just after my mum died i was her carer and the stress of watching her die, caused me to have a breakdown, i had the assessment over the phone and was turned down because the woman said i was just a little bit tearful and nothing else wrong with me, stupid cow, she had no experience in mental health issues


Good on you mate, thanks for standing up for people. It’s utterly disgusting the tactics they use they tried several with my mum and I ripped them to shreds after scoring 0 points on most things it was overturned at tribunal to full PIP then they cut it off because they sent her a letter she did not get about a change of address. Absolutely sickening. I will always fight them for me it’s a case of I will never back down from injustice and clearly you see it the same way as I do. It’s pittance too, for gods sake give our national average wage instead of a measly 2-8k a year, then have UC for top ups for people who need help with rent etc. it’s not that the country can’t afford it it’s that politicians DON’T CARE. Their family don’t have to suffer so they aren’t bothered if yours do. They’ll happily send all our money to other countries to fund w a r s though, as they make so much money themselves from it. Horrible horrible people. Normally it’s just the people at the top, but in this case it isn’t at all, there are lots of people complicit in making the lives of people who need help feel like the depths of hell, and causing suffering, deaths, hunger and so on. I detest the system and I will always always fight them until the very end.


I had no problems claiming for esa and pip. The guy at the job centre and the pip assessor were absolutely brilliant and helpful.
I must be the lucky one 🤷‍♂️


Love that bit when you said the DWP are peed off!😂👍


so keep up the good work you two because this IS work with a heavy cost physically and psychologically.


Brilliant to see someone young who isn't in it just for the money! well done to you sir.


Thankyou so much brother. My pips interview is tomorrow and this prep really helped me focus on it to hopefully get through it in one piece.


I start recordings from the moment I get within a few meters of the assessment centre and if we are made to wait then every few minutes I ask the person I'm with something to make sure my recording has switched off. I use a Dictaphone and have it set to stop recording after 15 minutes of silence, that's why I ask the person I'm with something every 5 minutes or so to keep the Dictaphone active.


the dishonesty goes back 30 years that i know of


Some questions I have been asked: did you go to a mainstream school- even though it was over 40 years ago.
When you left school what career or job did you do even though I have been long term disabled/ ill from work 15 years,
I was also asked to add up some sums like arithmetic plus given a list of words to remember and then asked what the words list was a few seconds later. It was testing my cognitive. They watch how you come in and if you show your passport to the reception which you have to do and then they say you can talk to strangers ok, also if you grip a walking stick they then say you have adequate grip on a walking stick so again mark you down. If you refuse a medical because of pain they don’t like that either. Oh and don’t take a bag, carry it yourself or bend forward to get anything out of your bag because they use that as your mobility even crossing your legs is used against you. They will do everything and anything to catch you out. Sorry to be negative but you have to be very mindful. I have been to so many assessments now I think I have seen most tricks and I’m now waiting for my next pip review. Anyway best wishes everyone xx


Wise head on young shoulders.Keep up the good work with your vital information.👍


I salute you for providing people with your very much needed knowledge! You are helping so many people! Thank you ❤


Thank you so much. I’m stressed as I have my pip review. I have a lot of mobility issues and things and find it soo hard to stay firm but you’ve convinced me. Really appreciate your time. Take care ❤


Pip assessment take two paracemontal and get back to work thank you for coming.
