How To Spot A Toxic Boss - Signs Of A Bad Manager

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Toxic Boss Signs - How To Recognize Bad Management? What are the Toxic Boss Signs - How To Recognize A Bad Manager? A bad boss is literally the top reason for employees to quit their jobs. Do you have a toxic boss? A few years ago I made a video on Toxic Boss signs and toxic work environment, speaking from my personal experience, when I was caught up at work dealing with an extremely toxic manager. In this video I’ll be sharing all the key signs on how to recognize a toxic boss behavior. Knowing the signs can help you when you’re dealing with toxic managers because staying in a toxic workplace, or working for a toxic manager for a long time, will only increase negative implications for your well being. So while surviving and while searching for another role, try to focus on doing your job rather, rather than on your boss.

This video gives a clear definition of a toxic boss, definition of a toxic manager and management. It also translates into Signs of a Bad Work Environment in general. Having gone through such experience will only make you grow even more and it's in your hands to turn it around, to find a work-life balance and to change your life for better. Adopting a positive mindset will definitely help.

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May I add... Beware of the boss that SEEMS nice and friendly but is not ultimately.


52 years of living has taught me most people don't handle power well. They turn into sadistic freaks who use their position to make your life miserable. Most of the time.


Micromanaging is the main reason for high employee


When your teammates are there for you it's easier to deal with a boss, the worst is when you are alone and there is no one to turn to just like what others said.


My best advice to anybody who has a manager like this is to leave as quick as possible. There will be somebody who appreciates you as an employee. I was tempted to write a letter of my experience working there to corporate but decided not to. How she treated me directly shows what kind of person she is.


May I add:

*They would compare you with another coworker (which, of course, you are always be the bad guy).

*They treat other coworkers nicely and kind, but treat you like crap, trash, or dirt.


I feel like my boss wants me to fail. I beg and beg for opportunities, when she finally agrees to give me the opportunity I’m given no training or support to do the role effectively. She then says I’m not good enough and takes the new roles off me even though I ask for support. I need to leave my job


A toxic boss will usually talk down to you telling you you did a "very poor job" while a boss with better leadership will give you constructive feedback and motivate you to do better with minimal oversight, unlike a toxic boss will micromanage you and shadow your work even out in front in public.


It’s amazing how people like this can actually become “leaders”….


A bad boss is literary the top reason for leaving exactly as you say.I had a boss who needed to read every email I was sending. So obsessed and crazy.


My boss yesterday literally said, “This is a simple task that anyone at any skill level can do.” And these comments were building up. Yesterday I quit.


Micromanager & bully that's who my manager was. Great video and perfect timing too


Watching this made me feel like you were with me at my previous job. I was badly onboarded with no training and given the impression that I was doing well when I had my one-on-ones with my at the time supervisor. When it came time to review with the MD & head of finance, she tore into me about how unhappy she's been with my performance and feels that I'm a poor fit for the job. The MD told me that they ''can live without'' me and my presentation skills and months later, reduced 3k off my salary.

The best part is when I submitted my notice, the MD suddenly decided I'm brilliant and wanted to keep me on the team with a better offer. I'm working in a healthier work-from-home job and slowly regaining my confidence. Things can get better and often do.


Very well put and explained. Why is it hard for some people to treat others with respect? Seriously, it isn't hard.


Thank you for opening my eyes. I decided to quit next week and never look back.


Yelling and embarrsing me in front of customers was the worst for me. 🙄 my last day was Saturday. Thank GOD I didn't quit my main income!


Your boss can also make your work life unbearable and be abusive and even swear at you but if you just tried to stand up to yourself if you just said one thing back to defend yourself they will say do their best to turn everyone against you and even try to fire you. You can’t talk back to toxic managers.


That's happens to me this year, at a big it organisation. A manager in her 40 s child free, no husband, no boyfriend, just a dog. She was horrible with me, subtle belittling. I had to take one week off due to mental breakdown. Once I get back ti work she told me " here we get rid of bad apples ". I was speechless. How you can you say that to another human that just went through a mental breakdown. But at the end I am leaving and the good news she got her karma, she just got diagnosed with a breast cancer


Your description was my last boss to a tee. It has been difficult for me. I was a top performer and the our company restructured everything. Now I am struggling and have been put on a PIP. I am interviewing with other companies, but this season has really taken a toll on me.


Hello, thank you for the video, I didn't see this video until after I quit my job, but I realised that my boss was toxic after about 18 months into a Job. After I watched this video I checked off the 7 items listed. I did exactly what you said, once I realised I managed to find another job. He displayed 1-7 on the money. Thank you for the video i'm now more reassured it wasn't me. 🙂 I'm now in a new job and my managers are much better. However I still have nightmares about my former boss.
