Helldivers 2 - Stress TESTING the Quasar Cannon and Heavy Machine Gun!

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The new support weapons have just been unlocked, let's test them to see how weak or strong they are! Testing the Qusar Cannon and Heavy Machine Gun Stratagems! Let's go!

0:00 New Stratagem Weapon Stress Testing!
0:21 LAS-99 Quasar Cannon
5:03 MG-101 Heavy Machine Gun

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Bro was trying hard to extend the video to 10 minutes lol


The Quasar was free on Vandalon but now that we've moved to Troost it doesn't appear to have carried over.


I took a drink everytime he said the cannon needs to be fully charged and within 3 minutes I had alcohol poisoning.


The quasar is just such a AMAZING weapon, this will make our push against those wretched bots a breeze. Spill oil my fellow divers!


My dude devolving into saying the exact same three lines 20 times to just about crawl over that 10 min mark


Spat my coffee all over my hellpod when that HMG deleted the shield devi


tldr: quasar cannon is essentially an EAT with infinite ammo and no ballistic arc drop
(so unlike EAT, no need to aim higher to hit long range target, just point and shoot across the map if you like), in many ways it's better than EAT except in terms of burst damage.

Unlike EAT which gives 2 shot every minute roughly (not counting the time to take it out), quasar only takes about 10 seconds to recharge so in the time it takes for you to get 2 EAT stratagem to drop (4 EAT rockets basically), you can let loose about 5 quasar shot...

And that 4 EAT rockets are not counting the fact that you need to dial the stratagem to drop them in, and then GET to the hellpod, take one out, fire it, take another one out and fire it.

With quasar cannon you always have the weapon with you, no need to dial stratagem in after every 2 shot, no need to run and get the weapon... just point, charge, and BLAST the target.

Having an infinite ammo weapon capable of firing a killing shot against anything except against tanks and bile titan every 10 seconds is amazing.


bro is yappin to hit that 10 minute mark


Quasar Cannon 1-shot Charger in the head, 4 shots for bio titan, pretty solid too


You get 2 EATs a minute, that's WAY slower than this thing. 6/10? Man's insane. I can bring a shield pack on bug missions now and still delete 1 charger every 10 seconds. God tier weapon, you're insane.


this is just not stress testing this is explaining what the guns do


The quasar is basically a solo-friendly version of the recoilless rifle. As its cooldown takes about as much time as a solo reload on the RR, but you can actually run around and fire your primary while you wait for the quasar to cool down


With the Quasar cannon Ive found that it's essential to crouch or go prone when aiming. You do NOT want to miss


MG and supply pack is a match made in heaven for delivering Liber-tea.


I think for Quasar the Heatsink cooling and the gun being ready to fire are out of synch because we are all on a Cold planet rn for the Major Order, cools faster than normal. On another planet i think they would be much more in line with each other. Question is does that help the gun fire faster or is it just a fixed amount of time rn regardless of Hot/Reg/Cold planets


The quaser is soooo satisfying to use. The build up in power and the sound and how quick the shot is. I like it. You can charge and then peak when it's about to fire. Also you can keep the charge to the point where its about to fire and the finish it off when you need to fire. Like when you know a drop ship is going to show up. The fact that you can do this and charge while moving makes the charge not bad at all. I think the shield gen pack and the quaser is a really good combo. Lets you be in the open to get a good aim for a bit.


Quasar is the prototypcial support weapon. Taking out hard targets but is too slow to be used as a primary weapon. Would not run solo with it but only as a supporter for a partner or a team.

Heavy MG: Perfect match with someone running a Stalwart. The LMG keeps smaller enemies at bay while the HMG picks off harder targets. I can see a two-men team defending against hordes of enemies with that.


The quasar is the only tank busting weapon in game at present that a) is reusable and b) doesn’t require a backpack or assisted reload. I think that gives it a great niche. I bet this works really nicely in conjunction with the stationary shield generator.


The quasar not needing a backpack is huge. Having the free back slot while also having infinite ammo is huge


Higher difficulty tiers, I am not sure how useful quasar really is, you just do not have the time to stand around to charge and 'recharge' in typical battles. After a quick test, I feel the A/C support weapon is still better overall; aoe damage, much faster rate of fire, quicker reload, more mobile. The HMG really needed to be a weapon that came with a backpack that feeds the gun; queue the Predator scene where they mow down the forest with mini-gatling MG. Otherwise the HMG has way too much recoil for the low ammo and control issues it has.
