Degenerative changes of the spine | Ohio State Medical Center

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Francis Farhadi, MD, PhD, a neurosurgeon at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, explains potential degenerative changes in the spine, such as a herniated disc and lumbar spinal stenosis.

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My neck has been operated on three dying in pain ... MRI supposedly showed nothing.. what can i do


hello sir. I'm a scoliosis patient, having disc herniation and lumber straightening. i would like to consult with you. is there any option of online consultation .


Love the information! However, I wish you would have proceeded and explained the next grade level beyond the fusion... Of what to expect if not treated with a fusion? After you have the next few symptoms ex; leg pain, swelling behind the knee, arthritis in the hip, now next level has advanced to both legs, both knee swelling, arthritis on both sides of hips, knees buckling (backwards), private area swollen and irritated, one side longer and sticking out...
" This is what's happening" on top of the forward slippage, degenerated disc, degenerated facets, arthritis in spine, arthritis in the spinal cord, narrowing of the spine, bones slipping pushing my clitoral and right side out . because of that, it's now causing the butt hole & cheek to stick out as well, just opposite side than the front area. (Left side). My point is...
Will someone explain the "What if" and most severe levels... Progression... Even though it's uncommon and rarely seen, There's still that 3% of us that are here and want to know what to expect next. I've looked for years on so many websites.... And all I hear is "The progression can worsen and cause long term injury, But it's extremely rare."
Then end of tutorial... PLEASE will someone explain worse-case senerio ? Still great advise! I just need more😒

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Sir, l've been diagnosed with an early degenerative changes in lumbosacral spine. I'm a dancer. Can I dance again? Pls answer????
