12 Questions To Ask Before Hiring A Lawyer (2023)

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12 Questions To Ask Before Hiring A Lawyer (2023)

The reality is at some point you may need to hire a lawyer. In my case, of course, I had to hire a number of criminal defense attorneys due to my criminal investigation and ultimate conviction.

I had no idea how to hire a defense attorney. I also had no idea how to hold a lawyer accountable. I do not if I should pay an hourly or inclusive rate. I did not check references and I had no idea if their reviews were authentic.

I had no idea how often I should communicate with them, and at times when I spoke to them, I felt like I was bothering them.

Since 2008, White Collar Advice has guided thousands of defendants. We have also spoken with hundreds of civil and criminal defendants who regretted how they vetted and hired a civil or criminal defense attorney.

Some hired lawyers they could not afford. Others felt the lawyers lacked interest or innovation. Others had no idea what to think and were afraid to speak up.

Learn from them and me!

If you ever have to hire a lawyer, whether civil or criminal, this video will really help you. You will get a better understanding of the questions you have to ask. In sum, you will be able to move forward from an informed and principled position.

I needed this video when I was a criminal defendant.

I hope you find value in it.

Justin Paperny

Phone : - +1 818-424-2220
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1.More than a job for you? 2. Speak last few clients. 3. Charge hourly/ inclusion? 4. How persuasive are they? 5.what firm lawyer is on your case? 6. State bar standing 7. Ask for weekly status report. 8. Issues with past clients? 9.Take payment plans? 10. Retainer agreement 11. Are your performance reviews authentic? 12. Can the lawyer be reasoned with? Tap that 👍button.


This was amazing. I know that you work with a lot of rich clients, but a video like this where you give advice like this for free, is a form of giving back. And it was all fantastic advice. I learned a couple of things.

I know an attorney who told me that coming up with an all-inclusive fee is more difficult than it sounds. He said he tries to come up with a fee that's competitive, but if it later becomes clear that he needs to spend money to help with the defense (example: forensic accounting), then he's boxed in because he can't go back and ask for more money.

Your advice about how well an attorney writes is also spot on. I listened to a defense attorney recently do a pretty good job, but I was struck by the fact that I could have written their defense statement better even though I'm not an attorney. Obviously, the majority of attorneys are better than average writers, but it doesn't mean they are great writers.

And lastly, any attorney that says a personal narrative doesn't make a huge difference, is someone you should run away from!!! The personal narrative advice you give WORKS.


Justin Paperny here at 6:20am on 4-12-20: Yesterday, a lawyer called me after watching this video. He said he agreed with all points, except #11. In point #11, I suggest you ask a lawyer for authentic reviews (first name, last name of an actual client). I cannot tell you how many reviews on legal sites are fake with no name. The lawyer told me that "attorney-client privilege" could prevent sharing such information.

"If you have done the work and totally satisfied your client", I told him, "I suspect the client would love to offer you a glowing review. If you want the business and if you really want to convey to your prospect you are authentic than do the work and obtain attorney-client with your client and prospect. After you have confirmed your prospect has the funds to retain you, manage expectations that you will not line up more than three calls. But you cannot expect people to scratch a check for six figures (or at least my federal prison consulting won't be) unless there are former clients of yours who can confirm your statements match your marketing and projected outcomes. Thank you for calling."


15years+ago I was attending the sentencing hearing of someone I knew and by cheer luck I happened to be in the elevator with his lawyer and the sentencing judge. The lawyer was throwing his client under the bus to the judge. Then during the hearing the lawyer was unprepared. Dude got lucky and got house arrest but boy to this day I still get chills from how venurable we are to the justice system and your own lawyer will do you in.


Be careful of Facebook reviews. The company can actually delete reviews from Facebook if they are not in their favor.


Really great questions - the funeral example was powerful. I hired a lawyer a year ago and wish I had seen this video first. Keep these informative videos coming!


Thank you so much for your authentic tried and true advice! I’m finally just exhausted after what’s out there after a very corrupt, crazy thing! Money doesn’t breathe or care or keep you warm on a cold night but that shallow contingent motive speaks loud and clear where lies their respect and values.

When the lawyers we’ve encountered don’t want to hear a word out of you, but only want to see a muck rack so they can arrange strategy as leverage for money it’s time to walk!


I read your book lessons from prison and I can relate to a lot of the mistakes that landed you in Taft. I also fell into the grey area which led me to reflect and accept responsibility. It’s one if my favorite reads of the year and will be for a long time. Appreciate the videos, they have really helped.


Thank you for this. My brother is facing a federal charge it's a railroad case to get someone he's linked with. I feel bad for most of them on that case because I know they are not who they are alleged of being and really the prosecutors want one specific person. It's my only brother and the last of my siblings. We are gathering to get him an attorney. However, my sisters and I don't have any money to waste in fact we are putting up our savings because we realize that innocent people get really lengthy and unfair sentences everyday so the need is overwhelming. I just prayed 🙏🏽 that God would help us to get the right lawyer after I dreamed about the lawyer we were going to retain Monday the dream revealed she was not the right lawyer. I woke up and researched her and was both grateful and horrified. As I Found out she may be in the process of being disbarred for filling a high profile invalid case that was thrown out and unethical. She had been persistent about us getting the fee paid. God used this video tonight for us thank you so very much. I'm sending my brother your book.


Bless you for what you have been through. Both my husband and I have criminal records.


Great video Justin! Happy Father's Day to you as well!


I so appreciate your heartfelt sincerity. When you do not know the law and you are a lay person, in my case there was a federal investigation that acknowledged I was a victim of a crime, I assumed that a civil law attorney representing victims where the attorneys that cared about their clients. Oh boy that cost me a lot of money.


You are honest person . My case in divorce stay 5 years and my lawyers were laying and I found out that they did mess with my case . Language here is money . Thanks for being honest


Wow my God you're truly out of this world AMAZING! You've helped me so very much with going to find the RIGHT lawyer for me. The fact that you truly care about people and even made this video for people to watch for free of charge makes you all that more genuinely an AMAZINNN person ! Thankya, thankya, thankya! Wow God bless you <3 I hope you're getting paid what you deserve because you 10000% deserve it !


Thanks for the share. In '88 a cop lied about me and I had to go to jail. In '95 I started learning law etc. In Propia Persona. Since then, I've filed a federal criminal complaint against the Superior court judge, both a federal and state civil lawsuit against her filed a lawsuit for a motion to vacate and expunge that '88 case, the charging statute did not meet the essential elements, the case was dismissed in the superior court hearing from jail and they came back again same bs charge=doublr jeopardy, it goes on and on. Also, I executed all this while stuck with severe tbi. I took it all the way to us supreme court and lost. Though I feel powerful for accomplishing all I have. I'm changing my name to: Mason Perry, but I guess I'd better start winning?


Omg this is amazing. Especially going into worst points in your life. I am in the middle of getting crushed


Question 13: On a scale of 1 to 10, how organized would you say that you are?


I took all I had and some of my family members gave money to go with what I had to pay an attorney retainer fee then I was paying monthly payments. Everything I was told in front of the attorney did not go through. I just found out through email, when I emailed the attorney to ask them about court last month. Well I received an email from my son's attorney from her assistant that the attorney no longer represent him. Now I don't know what to do to get my son another attorney before court approaching so soon. I did look up reviews, I called around, etc but I got screwed. I'm sorry you had to go through all that you had up go through. Thanks for this video. God Bless you.


Great video. You should be an Attorney. need your help


These are great questions! Thank you so much ❤️
