Why When You Detach, They ATTACH!

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When you detach your energy and you don't care about the outcome or you're not attached to the outcome or what people think of you and you don't need anything from them, they will attach themselves to you.

And in this video, I'm gonna show you one of the most powerful magnetic secrets I've learned, how you can detach from outcome to then have things attach and opportunities come to you.

And that's exactly what you're gonna learn, how to do it and why it's an absolute game changer. Now, the first thing to know about this process is that attracting love, attracting new opportunities, that is all about becoming and feeling in a vibrational state to that which you want or that which you desire.

Now, here's the thing about this. Magnetic energy is energy that is non-needy. Non-neediness is the key to magnetic energy. Now, non-neediness, what that means is that the person that is becoming magnetic or that is being the most unapologetic version of themselves, they do not need someone else's validation.

They do not need someone else's approval. They do not need someone else to be a certain way for them to feel safe and for them to give themselves permission to be their most authentic selves. Now, you could also say that the degree to which someone is non-needy is the degree to which someone has magnetic energy.

On the other side of that, the degree to which someone has needy energy is the degree to which someone will repel love and repel people to them. I've seen this work like clockwork in my life.

Literally, the more needy I am, the more I want someone to like me, and also, the more I change my own center of gravity, that is something that also was not allowing the person I was either in a relationship or dating to feel safe.

I remember when I first started to become more of the unapologetic version of me, I started to express the real me. I started to express what my true desires were. And as I did that, it had way more attraction than me being like a people pleaser, nice guy version of myself.

I remember with an ex-girlfriend, for example, I'd be like, we would, she was vegan, and I was like eating fish.

And I remember, this is like three or four years ago, what happened was, I would always like be like, "Okay, we're always going to the good vegan restaurants no matter what," and I would always just cater to whatever she wanted.

And I became aware that when I started becoming my own masculine presence and I started to also become like centered in my own body, I started to ask myself, "Okay, sometimes we can go to these good vegan places, but sometimes I wanna go like where I wanna go."

And I would then be like excited to go somewhere where maybe they also had vegan food, but then what ended up happening is I could tell that when I started leading and I started saying, "I wanna go here.

I'm sure they have some great vegan food, but I wanna go here because this is what I want," there was such a different level of attraction there than before when I was like, "Oh, are you sure you want this? Or like how can I make you happy?

I just wanna do what you wanna do." It was such a different energy. But basically what I did is, I detached from needing to please this person, and I started to detach from that and all the sudden, the energy completely shifted.

Now, one of the reasons being is because, one of the most common forms of attachment that I see, especially in the spiritual community, people that are empathic, that can feel other people's energy, is a people pleasing mentality, of wanting to please someone else.

Now, understand this about pleasing. Pleasing is a manipulative energy. It's manipulation.
It's saying, "I'm going to please you so that I get from you validation. I get from you the approval. I get from you love."

It's an exchange. And the thing is, is a lotta times what happens is, the people pleasing is a echoed energy from childhood of parent pleasing. It's from having a sense of self-worth that says, "I'm not good enough the way that I am, so if I can please someone else, then maybe I'll be enough.

Maybe I'll get their validation, their love, or their support." So, detaching from needing to please is one of the most magnetic things you can do. And one of the most attractive,
it's so counterintuitive, because the more you let go is the more that you will find that that attractive energy is there.

Now, why is that? Because when you let go of caring what other people think, when you let go of trying to get your own needs met through someone else, that is energetically very energy giving.

When you don't need someone else's approval, validation, or them to meet your needs, it's coming from a full cup.
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“Stop trying to find the right person; be the right person. Instead of being with someone who makes you happy, first be someone who makes you happy.” – Jay Shetty 💛


To sum up...
1. Don't be attached to any kind of outcome!
2. Focus on yourself and your life instead of worrying much about what others think of you.

This definitely works... I have seen and experienced this in my life as well!


Been in a long distant relationship with a girl for a few months. At first, before we dated, I was less interested and didn't care much of the outcome, which was why she was so interested. I was doing me. Now I've noticed her become unattached and more busy and I realize my own insecurities and fears ( afraid of loss of love) has made me needy for attention and validation. Thanks Aaron for enlightening me and showing me a different perspective.


When your energy is pure and you end up leaving, they always comeback... by then interest is lost✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻


What ive learned from your videos, is that neediness, deep desire, obsession, etc etc. almost tarnishes your passion. For far too long ive been out of my center and being a cameo of other's movies instead of being a star of mine. Last week, i was at my breaking point. But after i discovered your channel, i started to change my way of thinking and started an overhaul of my consciousness. I'm not completely healed but im on the fast track to not only healing, but being better than i ever have in my entire life. My goal in this life is to do what you do but in my own way. You're absolutely a remarkable human being, Aaron. Thank you for what you do


To sum it up:
• People pleasing = Manipulation
• The energy you put out there is the energy you will get back.
• Detach from outcome because it is who you are.
• Energy follows value.
• Be present, the rest will come naturally.

Love and light to all of you ❤


This is fantastic. I also think there are different energies attached to pleasing others. Sometimes there is a sincere desire born from kindness and wanting to uplift another person, trying to make them happy, that has no sense of self mixed in. Just a desire to pull a loved one out of negative emotions. The desire to please can also be born out of love and not a need for approval. It's important to distinguish because we don't want to become islands. All energies have positive and negative. Empaths are usually very loving people. Like you, Aaron.


I used to be the side character in someone else's life and over the span of the last couple of years i have truly become the mainframe character of my own story ~ As it should be :)


“If the foot of the trees were not tied to earth, they would be pursuing me. For I have blossomed so much, I am the envy of the gardens.”



I confirm all☺️
I detached but i was acting..
But, day by day something changed in me..i' m feeling better ..🤗and whatever will be..will be..thank u🌈🚀😘


Hey, My ascendant is Sagittarius. The reason for the attachment tendency is the human survival instinct. To make this great teaching from this video work in your life is to develop presence, when you can be in pure presence you disassociate from the human survival instinct and you begin blending with Spirit… where there is no need, no want, because in that state of presence you know that what you “need” already exists and all you need to vibrationally match it is expand the frequencies of the heart, this brings you back in your frame, back in your power and ad you open up more to the master frequencies of gratitude and compassion through heart expansion you become super attractive and magnetic.. all “need” dissolves and love rules…


Wow!! Thank you Aaron; I REALLY needed to hear this right now as I go through difficult times with a guy I like. You have a great way of explaining things & not only made me look at the behaviour of the other person but to really look at myself!👌💞💯


Dear Aaron, over the years you have helped me so many times, that I just wouldn’t be able to ever express the level of gratitude I feel towards you and your work. Thank you so much. Bless you


Your videos always come at the right time. Blessings for your wisdom my friend. Wishing you much love and happiness 🙏🏾


Signs are coming to me each day that I’m getting closer to finding the way I need to be spending my time for optimal fulfillment. I have enough info to TEACH like this. This helps me get towards sharing helping and creating my livelihood through personal content. Life experience when shared this way is powerful and influential. This helps bring the dollhairs and joy in creating, inspiring, being inspired and sharing. I’m so close it’s fun to be in this space right before it comes! Flowing lf!


Omg !!!! This one really made me understand !! Energy is value! Brilliant Aaron!!


I love, love what you’re saying!!! Please teach us 0:15 more… thanks for this very interesting important message! I’m learning sooo, much! Thanks


One of your best to the point videos to date. Thank you Aaron.


Developing the habit of the mind is really a worthwhile skillset to obtain.

Your videos help the start of my day, reminding where I should put my heart constantly when I watch any of your videos.

Dis attachment from any form of outcome and just enjoy the present.

When you live inside the frame, just the first breath you take will feel different.


I would love to see a video about social anxiety/phobia. I feel myself becoming alarmed and hypervigilant around people. It feels like I'm literally scared of people. I am overly kind out of fear.
