Is This the Orthodox ☦️ Moment? + My Initial Reaction When I 1st learned of Orthodoxy (20 yrs ago!)

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Not just the USA brothers and sisters
I’m in Adelaide South Australia
Our parish is the first English speaking parish in Australia under the Greek Archdiocese - we had 14 convert baptisms last year ( our second year of being) and I have two new God sons
A nearby Russian parish had at least 12 newly illumined last year
We are a small city but something great is afoot. We must prepare as you say for the harvest is ripe and we must rise to the occasion.
We converted 25 years ago this Pascha


I always thought Orthodox was Roman Catholic without the Pope.
Then I got into it and I was like "Woah! That's not it at all."


I am a Catechumen in the Antiochian Orthodox Church myself and have noticed the same thing. I knew about Orthodoxy my entire life but thought it didn’t matter what Church you attended as long as you were a Christian. One thing I’ve always felt Orthodoxy could improve on is evangelism. Jay Dyer got me interested in Orthodoxy years ago and I think most of the converts are first exposed to it online. My Church does outreach every month and baptized 30 people last year with another 20 Catechumens in the wait.


I’m 40, a cradle Orthodox in America. It’s always been a “what the heck is that” growing up. 😂


My wife and I converted 3 years ago. This growth of Orthodoxy here in America and elsewhere is truly the work of the Holy Spirit. To be honest I don't think America was ready for it until now, I know I wasn't. Glory to God for all things ☦️


I first heard about Orthodoxy listening to Pageau on JBP. Then a few years ago found Jay Dyer doing open debates with protestants and Roman Catholics and was convinced. I started reading a lot more and attended my first liturgy about a year ago. Me and my wife are about to become catechumens next month.


we're a small little mission parish in a small little chapel in the upstairs room of an episcopalian church. about 30 people. We have i think 9 Catechumans (including myself). Which is insane


So nice to hear from another Taylor student who converted to the Orthodoxy. I graduated in 2003 so probably never met you, but I went from Protestantism to Roman Catholicism and finally to Orthodoxy 2 years ago.☦ Best thing that happened to me and my family. God bless!❤


I grew up Protestant. Technically, my first time noticing anything about Eastern Orthodox was noticing when I was little (maybe 7? which would have been 1993) that it was noted on my paper calendar (since digital calendars weren't a big thing then) the dates for Easter Orthodox Christmas (old calendar), etc. but I didn't think about it much. It wasn't until many years later that I ran across a video from someone (no longer on YouTube, channel deleted) who gave tips on how to run Dungeons & Dragons games. He had a video about playing as a Christian. I was curious since while, clearly it didn't bother me, my mom would have gotten along well with the Satanic Panic crowd from back in the day. He mentioned being Orthodox Christian and learning to play from his dad (priest) and playing with the deacon at his parish. Somehow it caught my attention, and I went looking for information. I found the Theoria YouTube channel, and the explanations there clicked. That was 2018. November of that year, I went with my husband to a Vespers service, and we felt like we'd found home. We wrapped up a project at the Foursquare church we'd been going to (charismatic lite), and by March 2019, we started going to the closest parish we could find (45 min drive), and never looked back. Due to delays from the pandemic, it wasn't until March 2021 that we were received with our son (almost 2) into the Orthodox church. This last year we added our newborn daughter to the church as well. I've been seeing so many more catechumens coming in since.


It’s because your beard comes in fuller the more orthodoxy you are


Gosh, Kyle, this is just a great and inspiring podcast. Lots of great things for all of us to consider. GREAT JOB.... Thanks so much for your research and content. Well done !!!!


Wonderful topic of discussion. This may be a tipping point moment for America in terms of becoming an Orthodox Christian nation. Within this context, what do you think about the new American Orthodox film project?


I am a catechumen after attending my first orthodox church 12 years ago. At the church I go to, there were 42 people in the first catechumen


Coming from southern Appalachia, I never knew about Christian Orthodoxy until a couple years ago. I found out because I was disillusioned by Protestant churches around me. It never felt genuine or authentic. But I didn’t think being Catholic was it really because of the Pope/Vatican and all the problems they’ve had. So just reading about church history I naturally found EO. Then I felt cheated because I went over 40 yrs not even knowing about it. Very much changed my life and my husband’s. Everyone I have spoke with have no idea about EO unless they are RC which around here is few and far between. Anyway, I’m excited for this! ❤


I’m glad that it’s mostly husbands drawing their wives to Orthodoxy rather than the other way around, I’m in that position now personally as a wife and it’s very tricky to navigate.


happily a catechumen in Greek Orthodox


I think becoming Orthodox was the best decision I have ever made!


I know a number of Orthodox that go to more than one parish, perhaps because many parishes are dual language, but get out and find a church where you can encounter Jesus. Orthodoxy is for everyone. But not everyone is for Orthodoxy. It's up to each of us to accept it.


1. i heard about it from internet influencers like Andrew Wilson. 2. 7 kids! your a legend! 3. My family thought i was becoming Jewish too lol


I know what I'm doing wrong but I'm not changing nearly enough. God help me to change via Your Church. That's why I joined in the first place, the Orthodox-Catholic Church has millennia over my prior upbringing in terms of practical experience in forming saints.
