Eastern Orthodox or Roman Catholic? ☦️

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Catholics DO NOT IN ANY WAY believe that Apostolic Succession only comes from St. Peter. We firmly believe that it comes from ALL the Apostles.


I respect the Orthodox Churches. But please know this priest is wrong on a few things:
1. He left out the Oriental Churches, whom I also respect and admire. They also have valid apostolic succession.
2. St. James was NOT a bishop before St. Peter. All 12 Apostles were made Bishops at the same time by Christ during the Last Supper.
3. The Angelicans don't have valid orders.
4. Catholics DO NOT believe apostilc succession only comes through St. Peter.


Catholic here. May the Lord bless all of my Orthodox brothers and sisters. I continue to hope for an end of the schism and that we may become one again.


1. Catholics don't claim Apostolic succession is only through Peter.
2. In 1896 Pope Leo XIII declared the Anglican priestly orders were null and void due to severe deviation from the Apostolic faith.
3. Peter was an Apostle. He was, therefore, a bishop.
4. It is the Catholic Church, not Roman Catholic Church.
Thanks and God bless


There is only one way to the Father in Heaven and that is through our Lord and Saviour Jesus of Nazareth ❤


I think it would be incredibly beautiful and world changing if Both Churches could unite


Look the main thing is that Jesus is lord and we should just encourage our brothers and sisters to love each other and strive for a relationship with our creator.


Someday everyone will realize that the church has nothing to do with men’s traditions or genealogy of apostolic tradition but of an obedience to Christ as those who gather to worship and follow him.


The Catholic Church doesn't deny the Orthodox Church is Apostolic. Just as Apostolic as the Catholic Church. We know it is without the shadow of a doubt because we know we once were one.
The Catholic Church considers Sacraments in the Orthodox Church valid and that the Christ is truly present in the Eucharist during the Orthodox liturgy.

As many pointed it out, Catholics don't claim the that Apostolic succession comes from Saint Peter exclusively but that Saint Peter was appointed the leader of the Apostles and this is where the Bishop of Rome's primacy originates in.

God bless


The Catholic and Orthodox Church have so much in common. Hopefully, the political differences that separate the churches will one day be sorted out. 🙏


I respectfully disagree. Not all Catholics are Roman Catholic. There are 23 Eastern Catholic Churches and one Western Catholic Church all within six liturgical rites. Eastern Catholics recognize the Pope even though they are not in the Latin Rite.

The apostles spread the Truth about Jesus in multiple directions. The Catholic Church is broad and encompasses more than the Roman Catholic Church which is one of six rites. Five of the rites being Eastern and one rite being Western.

Eastern Catholic Rites:
-Alexandrian Rite
-Armenian Rite
-Byzantine Rite
-East Syriac Rite
-West Syriac Rite

Western Catholic Rite
-Latin Rite (aka Roman Catholic Church)

As a practicing Catholic in the Latin Rite, I may worship in a Maronite Catholic Church (West Syriac Rite) and receive the Eucharist. We don’t believe apostolic succession came from St. Peter alone.


Church is the body of born again believers, not a building, or the title of a religion.


Simon Peter(Cephas) On this rock I will build my Church


Upon this "rock" I build my church, chosen by The Father


First time I have heard an Orthodox priest speak about this in a factual manner. We share the Apostolic tradition. The original sees of the church was in the Pentarchy which was the Apostolic sees of Rome, Alexandria, Constantinople, Antioch and Jerusalem. The Papacy was defined by Christ in Matthew 16 when he was given primacy or he made "First among equals." God Bless him!


Amen God Jesus Christ is The way truth & life. No one goes to the father but through Christ. I once was a protestant and now I am orthodox


The church is the body of believers not a religion claiming to be “first”. Jesus is the Savior not a particular church. His word guides us.


There is only ONE TRUE CHURCH, according to the WORD of God: the Ekklesia, the called-out, the Body of Christ, the Bride of Christ. One Body with many members, the congregation of true believers, NOT a Religion, but a Relationship, the family of Christ.


“And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.” Mathew 16:18

Jesus said “my church” will be built by Peter, not James. It’s seems evident to me, although I can be wrong, that James, like all the Apostles were a part of the one Church built through Peter as was evidenced by the next verse where Jesus gives Peter specifically “keys of the kingdom of heaven.”


Catholic Church teaches that Apostolic Succession comes from all the Apostles not just Peter! Peter is the head of the Church and this is even acknowledged in the first eight ecumenical Council a!
